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History of the World 2 - IV

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  • OOC

    I would like to point out to Frank that this issue WAS discussed on the chat during the last session -- while I feel maybe it wasn't the smartest of moves to suggest to Sun that he be allowed Capo's civ while he was subbing for you, Frank, I take issue with any insinuation that it was some sort of conspiracy to screw you over. First of all, it was mentioned _in passing_ as I recall, something along the lines of, "well, if the AL is gonna be up for grabs, Sun could take it". Also, I know for a fact that more than one player in the game cautioned Sun Tsu that he was NOT to be looking forward to any kind of AL-play, but was to concentrate on playing the Mongols FOR YOU. This point was made more than once.
    Did SunTsu do wrong by you, Frank? that bast**d! (to quote a popular cartoon) He should be reprimanded, flogged, or whatever punishment befits such a sloughing of sub-responsibilties. and I'm really sorry, too, if he didn't do right by you. But it was NOT a conscious "oh, let's stiff Frank cause he's not here" ok? because as far as I can tell, sitting over here, everyone has the utmost respect for you and we wouldn't want to purposely do wrong by you (well, ok, ME anyway). So if you feel we all need to be punished, well, bring it on! but it wasn't like that.


    • Slovakia (formerly Venice)

      "So have we heard from Rabbi Rasputin yet?" asked General Martin Borman.

      "No notihng yet, thought he would have been back by now." repsonded General Rudolf Hess.

      "Yes me too, that meeting in Amsterdam is dragging on. You dont think they have done something to the Rabbi do you?"

      "They wouldnt dare, if anything occurs to him they know we have all our Artillery one the rail cars now.Only takes 10 minutes to head north instead of south!"

      "Yes, but where is he?"

      "Dont know, hopefully the peace talks are going well. But the latest word I got from the Mossad agents in Paris are that they wont back down on the request for all of Europe returned."

      "Surely they must realise they dont have a position to negotiate from. Field Marsholl Von Bismark has won this war and its time for peace, on our terms. Do the Adriatics want a war with us whilst still fighting the Mongol hordes."

      "Yes I nearly forgot that President Dangime has sworn to free all of the Urals from Adriatic flags by this time next yeat."

      "After a Blitzkreig hey, bit likeour march into Venice."

      "Slovakia , it is no longer to be called Venice."

      "Will take some time to learn its new name, I grew up in awe of the culture here in Ven... Slovakia and now look at it. Ruined."

      "Yes but only because the Adriatics fought on. With peace there is a chance for further improvments. Otherwise perhaps Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam will be turned into a smouildering rubble like this!"

      "Lets hope not. Though I have spent my life in the military, I too am ready for peace."

      "And me too. Lets hope the Adriatics can put there pride away and go for peace."

      "LEts hope Rabbi Rasputin returns soon. I think Field Marsholl Von Bismark is getting itchy to launch out on another offensive"
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • OOC - Capo in SunTzu's defense...

        Frank you're totally wrong about SunTzu. I'm going to be a bit verbally grating with you right now, but its only because I hate people that jump to conclusions without knowing what happened. SunTzu had no clue he was going to take over the AL until the falling out we had during the game, not a damn clue at all. You may say "Well I already said that stupid!" Ahh, yes you did, however SunTzu made peace with the AL (me) during the first few turns of the game. You wanna know why? Because YOUR poor excuse for a "Mongolian Horde" was dominated by the "weak" Adriatic League. That's why. Its not becuase he was planning on taking over, because at the time he didn't know, its simply because your boys couldn't get the job done Frank.

        What did you want him to do? Keep fighting? Lose central Asia and Tibet? Which would have made you angrier; the fact that he made peace or the fact that you got your ass handed to you on a plate?

        Yeah, roll that up and smoke it. The Capo is not to be f*cked with.

        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • Heh

          Fine Capo, since you are the one who busted out and left how the heck would you know what he was promised once you left? I can credit your initial game play to stalling him but once the AI was back in control of you he should have taken a page from the Israelies and ME and given it to you hard, its exactly what he was told to do and he ignored it. Only god knows how many turns passed, how many howitzers weren't made to kill you while the AI messed with your little empire.

          If your mighty armor division can take over my empire feel free. Your core empire is crushed, your production is pathetic, and above all your supply all to my empire and the urals is all but cut off by the israelies. Why do you think I went to war with such a small force in the first place? Simple, a large one isn't required. I'm going to take you out of the game the real way, that is if you don't leave and we split up your empire anyway.

          Nice bluff, but now its over. I'm not someone you can scare like Sun Tzu apparently, the fool........
          Last edited by Frank Johnson; August 14, 2001, 14:32.


          • OOC

            lets keep the attacks to within the game fellows. I am sure Sun Tzu did what he did in hte best interests of mongolia in the initial stages. but as Frank says, the rest of the session he did notihng but build engineers and city improvements , which was totally agaiant what frank wanted. however that maybe or whether or not sun did it to preserve the AL for later, it is water under the bridge. Frank with your abilitys shouldnt take long to recover, and capo perhpas if your quick you can take advantag eof Franks delay !!! Could be interesting session to see who attacks first and gets the advantage !!!!!!
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Somewhere in the deserts of Africa..........

              Sweat poured from General Shakeem's brow. The last few years of training and preparation had worn both him and his army out. But he was satisfied with his men's progress. They were all well educated and came from strong stock. It was not a difficult task to turn these young men into capable fighting machines. Though the Zulus had never been involved in a war since the dawn of mankind, the time had finally come and the soldiers brimmed with confidence.

              The General scanned the landscape to the north and sighed. "I sure hope intelligence is accurate. If they are off, the backlash could be enormous Colonel. But as the say, nothing ventured nothing gained. The time for petty talk is over and done with."

              Colonel Zilmaad nodded.

              "The men are anxious to test their mettle Colonel." said Shakeem.

              "And so they shall General. And so they shall...." said Zilmaad sternly.

              Though Shakeem was a confident man, the lingering voice in the back of his head kept saying "I sure hope Jula knows what she's doing..........."
              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • Amsterdam...

                "Alright, I think everything is in order." said Klamens Metternich as he looked at his briefcase.

                "Sir, yes, everything has been accounted for. I hope you have a good showing." replied Enzo Pagniacci as he smiled.

                "As do I Enzo, the future of the world rests on this meeting, too bad the world didn't grasp peace. Its such a terrible thing, blatant war and hatred. Alright well, Israel asked that it be quite hush hush, so I am going to go in alone, well save the security measures already taken. Was there any issues with the Israeli dignitaries?"

                "You mean at the hotels, no sir there were no problems. I hope this goes off without a hitch." said Enzo.

                "Well I hope what we give will be sufficient, I am fully prepared to give them all of our colonial posessions, we must free our citizens, our true citizens from Israel grasp. Ugh, the people will hate me if our Holy City remains in Israeli control." said Metternich as he stopped short of the large oak doors.

                "I believe you will do fine sir, I will be here for the duration of the meeting, I'm sure it will be quite lengthly, if you require my services I'll be in the lobby."

                "Thanks Enzo, you've been great." he said as he shook his hand.

                "Yes, remember the days at Broken Hill? Those Aussies? Times were good then." he smiled.

                "We were young, we had dreams, and now look at us. Times have changed, so have we." he said as he sighed.

                "Godspeed sir." he said as he saluted the Consul.

                "Yes, Godspeed." said Metternich as he pushed the large doors open...


                "Men, today you embark on an epic journey. Its tough to describe the horrors you will be subjected to, the utter shock may send some of you to an asylum. Your sacrifices will always be remembered." said Adriana Alessi as she slowly paced in front of a map of the Urals. "Many men have gone before you, and it may seem to most that their lives, their sacrifices were lost to history, that what they did those many years ago were all for naught. The same may one day be siad of your efforts, but I tell you this; that is not the case. Today you will defend our nation, a nation that is torn and in peril, against an amazing onslaught. The politicians on both sides have made this war inevitable, peace is not an option and from the way it seems may never be one. Mongolia contests that we are finished, Mongolia says that with Israel they will split our nation, which they call an empire, amongst themselves. That they will draw boundries, new borders, in our great Union. Mongolia is launching a war of aggression, they have no reason to fight us, they have no reason to gain revenge or to raze these cities, which have stood from the dawn of time, to the ground. The world has decided to turn a blind eye, the world has decided to ignore what is occuring in Central Asia. This is fine, this is not something we should hate, this is not something we should use as feul in the fire we will unleash upon Dangime and his horde. You are not fighting a war of conquest, you are not attempting to seize Mongolia or conquer their cities, or burn their homes, or rape their wives, or steal their money, or take their place. That is what they wish to do to us. No men, you are here to preserve this nation, and its history. Many years ago, Carlo the fifth of the Habsburgs was assassinated here by a Nuova Europa rebel, thus began the revolution that created our Democracy. I ask you men to carry on that event, I ask you men before me to let the movement live on, I ask you to preserve what has been done. So men, while many of you will die, while many will be tortured and treated as animals by the horrible Mongols, I ask you to be brave and stand strong. Now Commander Igor Grozny has a few words and you shall be loosed to your bunkers." she slowly stepped down from the stage as Igor Grozny passed and shook her hand.

                "My fellow Europeans." said the old Russian "I have served under many commanders, Idoni, Mussolini, and now Metternich. I have seen the many changes of our youth, and of our government. I am proud, I am proud of the good and the bad. I am proud of our history. Let me tell you a story. During the great war, when we fought Australia and Mongolia, and I guess later Israel depending on who you ask, there was a small colony in Central America called Salvador. At the time the Europa movement was gaining so much power that the King Ferdinand was forced to allow Commanders Bonaparte and Garibaldi to serve in order to gain the support of the Europa Rebels. Garibaldi was sent to America, Bonaparte was sent here to Central Asia. Anyway, on one particular assault the Australians and Adriatics fought bitterly in the jungles of Salvador, for years and years they struggled when finally the Australians got an upperhand and were able to attack our stronghold. Garibaldi was the commander, and while he was outnumbered in every battle the Adriatics were able to maintain their hold of the area, until one day William Manning, an Australian commander, entered the area. Manning decided that garrison upon garrison of Cavalry would suffice for the assault, and as everyone knows Manning was one of the first teachers at the SunTzu War Academy in Broken Hill, he was a genius. Manning finally broke the walls down and entered the stronghold to find only sixty Adriatics still alive. One of which was Giuseppe Garibaldi, his great grandson is a young Colonel here" he said as he nodded towards Colonel Giuseppe Garibaldi III "Manning asked for Garibaldi's terms of surrender, the Aussies had us outnumbered at least ten to one, at least. Garibaldi then told Manning that he must first ask his men. For the time period this was quite a liberal move, so Garibaldi asked his men whether or not they wished to fight on, do you know what they said? They told their Commander, they told Garibaldi that they would not stop fighting for the Adriatic League, even if it meant the loss of Salvador. Garibaldi turned around and lifted his sword into the air and screamed charge!!!!" the room sat silent as Grozny gazed upon the assembled troops "That day the Australians defeated Garibaldi, who died there, ever since that day the Australians have stated publicly that they respect our nation. Since that day they've never toyed with us, or looked down on us, or underestimated us. Men, I want you to do that to Mongolia, do not hate them. Show them that you will never give in, we can't give up, the world is letting us die, they have turned their backs on the entire situation. When they turn back around they must see that our flag flies higher and mightier than ever, that our nation is here to stay. Viva la Europa!!!!"
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • Frank you suck ass! You told me his civ sucked and you were so powerful. And when i tried to attack i was wiped out, then some 4 Armor just came marching down your 'superior' army. What was i suppose to do with the **** ass army you had that session?
                  Here's a spoon so you can eat my ass. There's my response.


                  • Fine I'll just prove you all wrong. Don't listen to reason, don't fight the AI. I'll do it myself thankyou for nothing.


                    • OOC Message

                      Well even though I have been more psyched to play HOTW now than ever before, I unfortunantly have something to do Thursday night and really can not make the session. Its okay though, because I've acquired a substitute that I feel will do a good job; SunTzu.

                      I know it sounds odd that The Capo is choosing SunTzu to sub for the AL, but I had a talk with him last night and he seems to grasp the situation better than anyone else could, he has an understanding of what the country is capable of, and he also understands what goals I want accomplished within the next session.

                      As far as Diplomacy goes he has his orders, I still need to iron out a peace with Israel as it is my top priority to get the return of my European provinces, which are as follows: Venice, Bucharest, Athens, Bosporus and Novokazalinsk (as well as anything else in the "Old World"). I am pretty sure I won't be able to speak with Raz until tomorrow evening, but I'm going to tell him here that I am offering all of my remaining colonies in the New World for these cities. Raz, we also have other things to discuss, and I think you may like a few of my propositions.

                      So while I won't be there, SunTzu has his orders and I am quite sure he can carry them out perfectly. Otherwise I wouldn't have let him play. Anyway, have fun guys, I'll be bored out of my mind on Thursday.

                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                      • I accept, now just email those files to me


                        • Slovakia

                          "Field Marsholl Von Bismark so good to hav eyou join us personally" said the Slovakian Governor.

                          "Yes I felt my personal presence was needed. Rabbi Rasputin has been in Amsterdam too long. I fear the worst. Call your troops to order. I have brought with me the Ralfitzers fresh from their retuning in Iran."

                          "But Field Marsholl, surely you are not going to attaxk, we msut await the Rabbis return."

                          "I will do what i must Governor, now you do as you are told"

                          "Yes sir, Hail Bismark"

                          "Hail Bismark"

                          Just then a knock cam at the door

                          "Enter" called the governor

                          A guard entered and presented the governor with a slip of paper and then waited.

                          "This is great news, Field Marsholl.the Rabbi is back, he awaits outside"

                          "Then bring him in"

                          Rabbi Rasputin slowly walked in, hs old age and arthritus making him seem much smaller than his usual 6 foot.

                          "Ahh Field Marsholl so goot o see you here. Governor"

                          They greeted esch other

                          "Well Raz, what is there offer, are they ready for peace?"

                          Rabbi Rasputin filled them in on the Adriatic Leagues offer.

                          "And your resp0onse to them ?"

                          "I said I would need to think long on this offer"

                          "But surely we are not to give them back our hard fought gains so easily. Their provinces in America are pitiful. They cannot be compared to the European ones. Dont they realsie they hav elittle to bargain with"

                          "They are offering us the peace we wish to have. Even the Von Bismark family must want peace too."

                          "Yes peace, but at what cost. We give them back Europe and they will quickly rebuild ther army and then they are only a short distnace from israel central. This cannot be ."

                          "Yes again we agree Otto. We paid a high price to gain those citys. WE wil not return them so easily. If the war continues soon the Mali will have all of the remaining American AL colonies, so the opnly cost to us of continuiesd war is the loss of life of Israelisa tryiong to hold on to the Southern European gains. With the Mongols making big noises about an attack through the Urals, you would think the AL would be desparte for peace with us."

                          "Cant trust them Raz , remember their history!!"

                          "Yes Otto, I remember. That is why we wil lrefuse their offer and make one of our own. "

                          "Ahh the plan we agreed to Raz?"

                          "Yes Otto. They hand over all of America to us. We will of course share that with the Mali. Then they agree to no miliray build up in Europe. We will put in place Monitors to check this, and if they abide by this than we shall cede back to them one province at a time in Europe till all Provonces are retuned except for Turkey (formerly Bosporus) and the Kazikstan province. Any increase in unit numbers will void the agreement and we wil lreturn our military presence into Europe. If the agree to making Europe a demilitarized zone, we shal lwithdraw our military too. Any attack on the Europena Citys by any other Nation will be met by the full force of the Israeli army."

                          "Yes very good Raz. Do you think they will agree"

                          "I am not hopefull Otto, they are a very proud people. Also I hear the son of Suntzu XXXXIV has been located and is apparently making a run ofr the next AL presidency"

                          "Is that good or bad for us ?"

                          "Who know whith the Sun Tzus. who knows ?"

                          "Well you return ot Amsterdam Raz and take them our offer. I too think they wil lbe too proud to accpet it "
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • Paris, Adriatic League...

                            "Have a seat gentlemen" said Klamens Metternich to Enzo Pagniacci and Francisco Franco II, he sat down in his chair and sighed heavily as he opened a large leather folder.

                            "Sir, what is the news from Amsterdam?" asked Pagniacci.

                            "Well, Corporal things are not going very well. The Israelis, well they feel as if though those territories were hardfought and thus should not be returned wholly. They agree to exchange everything with the exception of Bosporus and-"

                            "Damn those f*cking Jews!!!" said Pagniacci as he slammed his hand on the desk, Franco turned somewhat flush. "I am sorry Franky, I didn't mean it like that, I have no problem with Jewish people, but the Israelis, they, they are f*cking rats. Bosporus is our Holy City! It is the seat of our Church, our Pope is under their control right now, we can't let that occur."

                            "Enzo, its not that. You must understand their situation" said Franco "Rasputin and his like are a very nervous lot, they only go after things, such as territory or technology or whatever they wish if they sense weakness in those around them. When Mali underwent the entire leave from the Axis and the whole Communist civil war that is when Israel struck. When there was a coup d'etat within the Falange party, when Idoni wrested power from Mussolini that is when they struck." he said as he pulled a cigar and lit it "They want to get away with something here, something big, they want greatness, they don't consider themselves equal so they will continue this insanity until they do, they count land area above production and strength, their sense of reality is skewed." he finished as he took a large puff.

                            "That is quite a way to look at it Francisco" said Metternich "But the fact remains, they have declined our offer for peace. I don't know what to do" he said as he pushed his intercom "Teresa, please send in Commander Heimler"

                            "Henrik Heimler?" Asked Pagniacci "Sir with all due respect the man is not to be trusted, you know he's part of the SunTzu lineage? He has Mongolian blood in him, he'll be partial."

                            "Enzo, please. I trust Heimler, he'll do fine. I've spoken with him and I believe he'll do a stand up job. What we need to discuss here and now is our next move. Clearly we can't accept this, our Khazak territories are ethnic Adriatic, they are far too important a strategic spot and while we remain at war with Mongolia it is necessary to have them. Bosporus, these are Adriatic people, not Jews, we can't allow them to control these cities, not to mention the fact that Bosporus is the seat of the Pope and the location of the Oracle. So I don't know what I can possibly do here." said Metternich.

                            "Sir, with all due respect" said Franco "I say we fight on, Israel considers this whole thing a surrender, they want a surrender. But we are not surrenering, are we?" he asked.

                            "No, I don't consider it a surrender." said Metternich.

                            "Therefore, we have a confused sense of the situation, sir we must strike hard upon them, we must show them that we are far from defeated and far from surrender, that this was merely a peace talk, nothing more or less, they declined therefore they made their bed and they must now sleep in it." said Franco.

                            "I agree sir, I can't understand why Israel feels they earned this land, they stole it from under our nosese during the reins of terror and anarchy. They are rats sir, nothing more than pathetic rats." said Pagniacci.

                            "No, no. That's not how it is, Israel is afraid. That's why they do this, they are afraid." said Metternich.

                            "They don't seem very afraid sir, they say a lot of things about us, they are very arrogant and proud." said Pagniacci.

                            "No no no, they aren't necessarily afraid of us." said Metternich as he rose and looked out of his window "They are afraid of defeat, of failure, they feel small and weak. They feel pathetic in comparison so they must do this, they must make desperate grabs at power to keep up with everyone else. This is why they want Bosporus and our Khazak cities, they want to become stronger. They feel weak." just then Heimler walked in.

                            "Consulate Metternich, Enzo Franky, how are you guys?" he smiled.

                            "Please Henrik, have a seat, we have many things to discuss..." said Metternich...
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • Slovakia

                              "So you return quickly this time Raz?"

                              "ye Otto, things went as per we thought they would. They are not ready to surrender yet. They are still talking war."

                              "Then they must be taught a harder lesson. It is just as I Thought"

                              "Yes, we msut meet with the Mongols to discuss the partitioning of Adriatic League into European and Asian Regions"

                              "I foresaw this and have invited their top generals to be here in Slavakia with us. We have been conducting secret co-op training and have learnt much from each other."

                              "good, well i will return to Israel and inform the committee of the outcome here, I received a letter from them that they want me to take charge of the rebuilding of the infrastructure of Israel into a profit making nation. This includes the rebuilding of our new European and Americna provinces. It appears you will be given full reign to make all military decisions and I will run all civilian matters. I hope this dual leadership will provide us with the strengh we need Otto"

                              "Well I am glad to hear I wont have to worry about the fiddly civilian matters, too many of our past leaders have been wasting their time split between military conquest and development at home, now with two of us we should go well."

                              "To Greater israel" they both saluted then gave each other the traditional Israeli bear hug.
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • For the Statistically minded

                                Casualtie listing upto 1515AD

                                Totals uptop Firs ttotal is nmbe of units the larger number in second column in total represnet sthe shiled value of the lost units.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Rasputin; August 16, 2001, 20:32.
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

