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History of the World 2 - IV

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  • History of the World 2 - IV

    Visit the website of the greatest Diplogame ever played, the History of the World!

    Well, we have a new thread now and a new start. I'd like to make the announcement (although it was kindly made by Drake in the last thread) that Easthaven will be released of his duties as leader of Mongolia. This is a decision that is hard to make especially in our time of need as far as leaders go. But its one that must be made if a game like this is to continue.

    With that said we have a two leader deficit we are currently dealing with, and a botched session (wow we like never have those... sarcasm) to deal with.

    The current official roster is:

    Capo - AL
    Drake - Zulus
    Rasputin - Israelis
    N/A - Mali
    Prometheus - Chinese
    Deity - Australians
    N/A - Mongolia

    I hope and pray that someone not involved in this game will read this thread, become interested in joining this game and ask if we can make his/her wish come true... that would be very cool...

    Here's a quick run down of what's going on now: With the Great War under their belt and the demise of the rival Axis Alliance, the Pacific Pact (Australia, Mongolia and Israel) are riding high in the world and are poised to extend their dominance over international politics. However things are begining to change as the Chinese have announced plans to create a Soviet/Socialist Bloc and anti-Communist war rages in North America and Africa. Fascist regimes are popping up in Israel and the Adriatic League, and the Zulu nation has suffered yet another civil war. All of these events will come to a head in the next session of the greatest story ever told; the History of the World... (the year is 1390 a.d.)

    So that's the storyline as of right now, if anyone else wants to add to that feel free.



    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

  • #2
    Vienna, Adriatic League...

    "Did you see this Teresa?" asked Enzo Metternich, MP from Austria. "Concentration camps in Israel, unbelievable. That Hitler, he is quite insane."

    "Enzo, please. Come to bed, it is so late." replied his wife Teresa.

    "I know darling, but I must keep up on the world right now, times are very delicate." said the old man as he folded the news paper and tightened his robe, he then heared a loud knock on the door.

    "Enzo, pay them no mind, they're probably just beggers of some sort." said his wife.

    "Now now, Teresa, beggers here? This is the richest part of the city... I'll see who it is, its probably DeCaro, he always does this." said Metternich as he slowly approached the door. There was yet another loud knock...

    "Yes, who is it?" asked the old man through the thick wooden door.

    "Gestapo... open up!" said the muffled voice outside. The old man opened the door, there were two men in police uniforms and three in Gestapo uniforms standing outside.

    "Mr. Metternich, please get dressed and come with us at once." said the man in the middle, he has slightly grey hair and a very stern jaw.

    "What is this about?"

    "We haven't time to discuss, these are orders of President Mussolini, get dressed and come with us. No need to be elaborate, a shirt and some pants will do." said the man as he walked into the house, the other four remained outside.

    The man quickly ran upstairs "Honey who is it?" asked his wife.

    "Go to bed Teresa, politics... the President wishes to speak with me I guess. Please don't wait up." he said as he quickly pecked her on the forehead and opened his closet.

    "But darling, I thought he was in Bosporus. You know, for the meeting with the Israelites?" she asked.

    "Perhaps he took the rail, that was yesterday you know." he said as he fumbled through his clothes.

    "But, a single day?"

    "What do you think is going on?! Huh?" barked Metternich as he turned and yelled.

    "I'm sorry, I am just concerned."

    "About what? For the love of God, I am an MP, what can they do to me?"

    "I guess I'm just insane, fine, do whatever you want." she said as she turned her back on him and pulled the covers tightly to her chin.

    "I can't believe this, its eleven at night... coming in here..." he complained as he put his clothing on "How do I look?"

    She didn't turn, or say anything.

    "Teresa, ugh, we'll discuss this in the morning" he said as he stormed out and slammed the door...

    The carriage ride was silent and bumpy, the five men stood gazing out of the window as Metternich smiled akwardly... "So" he said "What's that name there, Napoli?" he asked as he looked at the Gestapo cheif's badge.

    "Yes, Napoli." he said.

    "Mmm, Italian huh?"

    The man nodded.

    "I'm, well I'm Italian and Germ- Austrian. Yup." he said as he smiled and nodded.

    "We're here." said the Gestapo chief.

    "Excuse me?"

    "We're here." he replied as he opened the door.

    "Th, this is a lake in the middle of the woods." said Metternich.

    "We're here" said the Gestapo chief as he exited the carriage, the four men followed, then Metternich. After they all exited one of the officers told the carriage to leave, which it did.

    "What exactly is going on here?" asked Metternich.

    "Men." said the Chief as two of the men grabbed his arms... "Mr. Metternich, it has come to our attention that you currently employ Muslims in your private industry."

    "What, what the hell are you-"

    "Answer the question Mr. Metternich! Do you currently employ Muslims in your private industry?" barked the chief as he grabbed Metternich around the throat.

    "Ugh, ye- yes I do. I belive so, I hire anyone who's qualified."

    "Are you familiar with Himam Al-Akmon? I believe he is your Vice President..." said the man releasing his grip.

    "Yes, I am what the hell is meaning of this?"

    "Well Mr. Metternich, are you aware that he is not only a member of the Mali Communist Party, but has also donated money to said party, as well as some of their affiliated charities?" asked the man as he took off his jacket and gave it to one of the officers.

    "Those aren't communist charities, they were charities to help the people who were hurt by our war against Mali. Its not a communist char-" he was then punched in the stomach.

    "Listen, listen you Communist swine!" said the Gestapo chief as he pulled Metternich's face up. "You give these pigs our money, then you sit in our Parliament like a disgusting pig, you sleep with these vermin, these Muslims, these Communists and reap the benefits of our great land?!" he said as he punched him again.

    "You can't get away with this!" yelled Metternich, but the chief punched him quickly again in the stomach.

    "C'mon, take him into the woods, I have something to show you pig..."

    They trecked through the woods for what seemed like a half hour, soon a disgusting stench caught Metternich's attention. "Do you smell that pig?" asked the chief.

    Metternich said nothing.

    "When I speak to you, you respond! Do you smell that pig?" asked the chief.

    "Yes yes! What is that?" said Metternich.

    "Look up there" said the chief smiling as he motioned high into the trees, then there appeared a black man, naked and gutted, hanging from one of the limbs.

    "Oh my god, Himam!" said Metternich as he threw up.

    "You rat bastard, this is what happens to vermin who try to destroy our nation. Who try and rape our people, who try and support those Communist pigs." said the chief as he quickly punched Metternich to the ground.

    He then pulled a gun out and shot him twice in the head, and then a third time in the stomach.

    "Dispose of the body" he said as he handed the gun to one of the other Gestapo officers "Oh wait, Pedro, Gino, get rid of the witnesses..."

    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #3
      On a dark night, 4 covered wagons head down the road to Iraq . At the city border patrol they are stopped and a smart looking aged man , wearing his uniform of a Major very proudly steps upto the window of the nearest wagon."May I see your papers please?" He asked.
      The young Seargeant in charge of the wagons smiled and handed his identy papers and Travel permission papers to the old major.
      "You from the Bunker too Seargeant?"
      "Yes Sir I am , been there two yers now"
      " I used to work for them back before our great leader took over, he graciously gave me control of all of the Iraqi teritories but I miss the Bunker life, being on the cutting edge getting all the latest news, how goes things in the Bunker?"
      "good thankyou major, all latest reports coming in from the front indicate that the hated Mali are falling back across all fronts"
      "good good, and are these" he pointed to the covered wagons" the last of the inhabitants of that disputed border town, the ones who tried to steal our buffalo a few centuries ago, i saw many wagons taking a number of them to our camps on the other side of Iraq"
      "Well major, you will be glad to hear that the last wagon load of Mali residents from there is now here with me, and as soon as you give me my papers back I will be heading down to Iran shortly"
      "But the camps are at Iraq, not Iran!Are the not taking the mali to my camps any more, i have great need for more labour"
      "No Major, The Bunker has come up with a better way, but i am not at liberty to speak to you of it"
      "you cant talk to me, but I am in charge of all this part of Israel!! I have a right to know"
      "major, you reaaly dont wont to know, let me just say that the last remnants of that mali village are now smouldering in the desert."
      "all of them?? Dead ??"
      "yes major , they have learnt to pay for there vile crimes of rape and torture of our people over the years, never again will those damn arabs haress our citizens"
      "but the women and children too?"
      "yes major, doeesnt this please you, if we let them go they would simply interbreed with our pure clean line of Jews and we would be corrupted by them again... We couldnt allow that to happen. Now my papers please and I will be going sir". The Major returned the papers to the Sergeant and walked away shaking his head
      "Women and children ?? My things have changed down at the bunker"
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #4
        "..but General I must report immediately to our great leader Adolf:

        "I am sorry son he is unavailable , you will hav eto give me the news"

        "He told me no one else but him, you know how he gets if you dont do his exact bidding"

        "Yes you are right, but he is unavailable, he caught the last train for the coast, to meet with President Musolini"

        "Damn I missed him, I have crucial news that he needed from the front before going there, I knew I should have travelled all night and not rested"

        "well lets hope the wrong decisions are not made , based on the lack of the information you should have given him.. Heads will roll ... Literally"

        "I know" said the Very frightened Messenger
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • #5
          somewhere in the solomon islands

          in a little hut not far from the beach......

          Three men and a lady gather together in complete sercet from all around them...

          "Greetings Harold , you made it past the patrols then?"

          "Yes Lori I did, how long have you two been waiting?"

          "About two hours now we thought you werent able to get here, the patrols are becoming more frequent we saw two more boatloads of Nazis arriving yesterday"

          "Yes they are slowly tightenong the noose around Israel. This is why we msut move fast."

          "Yes we must, I have brought Michale with me to give you the news from home, Michale?" Michale stepped forward and handed Harold the papers he had with him.

          "In there you will find the news that our "leader" Adolf Hitler has begun secret negotaiitons with Preisdent Musilini. Our sources reveal that he may be about to sign a pact with our former enemies. As well you will see that all provinces are in now in military productionn mode and trade is at standstill. Our allies are very concerned with the latest happenings and are wondering if they should remain allied to this mad man. Included in that lot is a letter from President Paul Keating requesting a return to a full democracy and open trade. He says his people are concenred with giving scientific information to a mad man who they say is alleged to have been involved in the genocide of a whole city of Mali citizens."

          "Yes" muttered Harold " Things are reaaly getting bad"

          "You must take these to David ben Judah, the last surviving descendant of the Great Raz dynasty. He can muster support from our allies and throw these Nazis out."

          "I am not sure he wants to do that, but that is why Lori will go with you, his great love for her may convince him to become the next Great RAZ!"

          "I will tell him of all these things, and I am sure he will be glad to get back with Lori again"

          "Long live Israel!!!:" they all cried together.....
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #6

            "The situation has been handled Duce..." said Benso Napoli, chief of the Gestapo in the Italian/Balkan region.

            "Excellent. Is there an update on the Libyan situation?" asked President Mussolini.

            "Yes sir. The Israelites have razed Benghazi to the ground, there were numerous refugees pouring into Libya-"

            "They were attended to."

            "Yes, with great precision." chuckled Napoli.


            "A great deal of the citizenry is concerned with our regime, luckily our Democratic facade allayed any uprisings, at least for the time being. The Israelites, as I was saying, have razed Benghazi to the ground and have begun transportation of the Muslim populous towards, I believe" he said as he pulled some papers from a leather folder "to Iraq."

            "Perfect perfect. Bellisimo!" Mussolini said as he mockingly kissed his fingertips.

            "Hah, sir how many more days until the rally?"

            "Only two, we are quite prepared, I have a meeting with General Pagniacci in around ten minutes, I'd rather have you stay if you can." asked the President.

            "I have nothing better to do." said Napoli as he took a seat....

            "President Mussolini, a pleasure." said General Pagniacci, head of the Joint Chiefs of the Adriatic League.

            "General, please have a seat. I have many issues to attend to at this time... oh where are my manners this is Benso Napoli, head of the Gestapo." said the President as Pagniacci rose and shook Napoli's hand.

            "A pleasure General" said Napoli as he nodded and smiled.

            "As I was saying. First and foremost, how are the boys in America holding up?" asked the President.

            "Quite well actually, losses were minimal. Successful strikes against Cairo and Koutiala have boosted nationalist sentiments in the area. As you know our naval strikes on Libya proved fruitful as well. If peace talks break down we are more than prepared for a strike on Iceland as well." reported the General.

            "Ah yes, Iceland. It would be nice to have her back in the European sphere, no?" asked the President, the two men nodded. "Well as you know I am preparing a speech in the city plaza in two days."

            "Yes, I've heard many things, is this to Christen the United Nations?" asked the General.

            "No no, that will be in Amsterdam. Before completion of that we need to acquire a charter signature from all member nations. Ambassador Rossi is currently working on that. Napoli, can you please make sure the hallway is cleared?" asked the President as Napoli nodded and arose. General Pagniacci looked concerned as the Gestapo chief looked out of the door, closed and locked it.

            "Mr. President, how pressing are these issues?" asked the General as Napoli took a seat.

            "Very. You see, although we were elected in the fashion of our past Presidents... Cavour, Mazzini... Bonaparte, I am a member, the founder no less, of the National Socialist party here in the Adriatic League" the General nodded intently "It is our perogative to change the way this government works, which allows foreign influence and graft. In two days time we will announce the new Fascist Government. In two days time we will seize Parliament, theres nothing anyone can do about it..." there was a long silence "General Pagniacci, we merely ask for the support of the Military, we don't want a long and costly war."

            "Well, Mr. President, this is quite the um, announcement." said Pagniacci, he was obviously uncomfortable.

            "Let me tell you something General, the people of this country show vast support for il Duce" said Napoli "Emmense power and influence is already enjoyed by the Gestapo. It would be very unwise of you to decline this offer."

            "Offer? no offer has been made!" said Pagniacci.

            "General, please. You must relax. We are offering you the chance to salvage your career." said President Mussolini in a very relaxed tone. "You see, once we acquire power, and we will, for the people want it to happen. We will appoint new people to new positions accross the board. I know, you are a man of honor and respect, pride is a very important thing for you. But it is for me, we are both Military men General. We know what it is to defend our people and that is what my aim is. Pride in our people, our culture, our way of life. This isn't about Democracy and maintaining a status quo, this isn't about your bank account General. There's an ideological war out there, Communists, Marxists, Muslims. Its us versus them. The only reason we didn't drag you out into the streets and burn your house, and family to the ground is simple; you are one of us" said Mussolini as he pulled out a cigar and chopped the tip off "We are merely asking for your help and support..."

            "Well, Mr. President. I unders-" he was interrupted.

            "Cigar?" asked the President.

            "No sir... I understand your position. I know what you are saying, and its probably true. But we have to maintain this constitution, this is the work of Napoleon Bonaparte Mr. President! He's a national icon, he-"

            "General tell me" said Mussolini as he lit his cigar "Have you ever spoken with Bonaparte?"

            "No Sir, I have not." replied the General.

            "I have, I have spoken with him. I fought under him in Scandinavia against the Nordics, do you remember that?" the General nodded "He told me, he said that he hates the politics. He wishes there was a way to bypass them, all we need are good people he said." he took a puff of his cigar and smiled "Good cigar."

            "I don't understand how this equates." asked the General.

            "Just listen. He told me that the politicians will be the death of this nation, that the reason he wrote the constitution was to protect the people from them. And if you think about it General, that's what it is. The constitution. It is a collection of rules against our politicians so that they don't f*ck over our people. Did you ever wonder why he had himself appointed President for life?" asked Mussolini.

            "Well, his emmense popularity" said Pagniacci.

            "That allowed him to do it, but did you ever think of why? Its quite simple, he realized that this nation needs a single strong leader, it needs a man who realizes what this nation needs. I know what this nation doesn't need, Napoleon Bonaparte himself told me, and that is the politicians. In his day we just lost the war with Australia and Mongolia, we needed them to appease the people and help rebuild our nation. Well that time has ended General. We've proved we are strong, we defeated the mighty Mali. The politicians have run their course." he said with a smile, and took another puff of his cigar.

            "I understand Mr. President, however I took an oath of loyalty to our constitution, I must uphold my oath."

            "What are oaths? Words? What are words? Breath. You breath Adriatic air, through your veins runs Adriatic blood. General, your people need you now more than ever. Besides, you look much better in that uniform than you would in a prison unform, don't you agree...."
            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

            One Love.


            • #7
              "Sir word has been received of a survivor to the Raz Dynasty"

              "What!! Didnt I give express orders that all of his hateful offspring were to die ?? Where is this Arab lover? " Spat Adolf

              General Rommel sweated a bit more before answering
              "Sir , we are not quite sure yet, but the best guess is one of the South Pacific Islands. Apparantly he has been given much support by some Australian radicals who are hoping to return The Great Raz lineage to rule over Israel."

              "Well you better find out General, I am appointing you in direct control of this operation, we must exterminate the damn pests, even if it means wiping out the whole South PAcific islands to get him"

              "Sir, we couldnt do that, the Australains control the south pacific , if we were to set foot outside of the island of our own territories they may get a little peeved with us"

              "General we will do what we have to do, I wont be dictated to by any one, that after all is my job, I am the dictator. Now set up a special squad and get that Raz offspring, I want his head !!!!!"

              "General , its good to see you, but surely you didnt need to travel all the way to the Solomon Islands to speak to me"

              "Major I had to come, things are getting very hot in the Bunker right now, and I thought I had better investigate this myself"

              "Well Sir, the latest information points to a village here, just 25 kilometres from our city center, It appears that the locals have been harbouring this David Ben Judah for nearly twenty years now."

              "well the time is ripe to finally get him then. Lets go "

              "David you must leave the islands now"said Lori very saddly." Word has arrived that General Rommells best men are heading out this way now"

              "Yes you are right Lori my love, will you come with me?"

              "No I cant David, I have to remain here to do my duties" She replied sadly.

              "Yes you are right, well I think we better make th emost of our last night togher then" and he pulled her close to him and kissed her.............

              "Thats the hut uphead General" Said the young troop leader. " Ben Judah is inside al lright we have had our spies following him all day"

              "Good good corporal, if this goes well you shall make Sargent very quickly."

              The young corporal smiled, he would do anything to get promoted , he loved the Fatherland.

              "OK on my command then corporal, get your men to open fire "

              "Yes sir"

              "REady, aim Fire !!!!!"

              The thirty troops suroounding the hut opened fire with a volley of shots that echoed through the surrounding hillside. After a few minutes the firing stopped and they waited for the smoke to clear. The hut was complwtly riddled with holes.

              "Corporal , go inside and check it out please"

              "Yes sir" He took two of his troops and led them to the hut and slowly opened the door. inside he could see the naked body of David Ben Judah spread eagled over the bed. Under neath him was a very attractive lady, also naked. He rolled David off the bed and shot him agian just to be sure. Then had his two trroops behead him and put the Head in a box. As he turned to go, he heard the lady groan, he thought of shooting her too, but changed his mind and thought he would show some compassion today, thinking to himself that would be a good quality in a future officer. He strode back to his general nad handed him the box.

              "Just as Adolf requested," said the general " Any survivors Corporal?"

              " None sir all dead" he lied.

              "Good, then lets go, thats the end of the Raz Dynystay finally forever."
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #8
                Broken Hill, Australia...

                Seargant O'Grady slowly sipped his vodka as he stared blankly at the letterhead, 'Adriatic League' he thought. For years they had been the antoganist of the Australians. Respected enemies on the field of battle, lately their animosity had turned into some sort of mutual respect amongst enemies. He had actually gained fame during the final campaigns against the Adriatics, and picking up protectorate detail of the Pacific Pact territories in central Asia, finally he had acquired a job as a teacher in the SunTzu Academy at Broken Hill. History didn't factor much today though, the letter contained some very sad news. He quickly gulped down the rest of his drink and carefully slid the letter back into its envelope and stood up tucking it into his coat pocket...

                "Molly" he said "Could you please summon private Metternich, I have some important news for him..."

                Two drinks and ten minutes later the young cadet Klamens Metternich, the son of an Adriatic MP, strode galliantly into the office. He was a handsome young man with very pronounced features, his eyes were dark as was his hair; he was definitely of Adriatic stock. "Yes, Seargent O'Grady, sir." said the boy.

                "Please son, have a seat." said the Seargant as he cleared his throat "As you know it is a custom here at Broken Hill to moniter all incoming mail transfers, especially those of foreign students such as yourself."

                "Yes sir, such treatment of former enemies is expected, sir." said the private very sternly, the seargant cleared his throat.

                "At ease son, please, this is no time for pleasantries." said the Seargant, he then turned his chair around and poured two glasses of vodka, handing one to Metternich "Take this."

                "Sir, alcohol is the crutch of the weak."

                "DO YOU REPEAT ALL OF THE DRIVEL YOU HEAR IN CLASS!?!?!" barked the Seargant, who realized he was out of line and fixed his coat, calmly placing his hands on his desk "Now son, you must understand, the pleasantries of the honor system are not always necessary, especially in times of crises." he slowly pulled the envelope out of his jacket and placed it on the table "This arrived early this morning, it is from the Adriatic Government" he slid it towards the private.

                "Seargant O'Grady sir, what is it?" asked the boy as he picked it up and eyed it; the Adriatic Seal gave him a strange feeling of pride.

                "I'd advise a drink before reading it son, please." said O'Grady.

                The boy akwardly took a sip of vodka and took it down toughly as he pulled the letter from the envelope, his eyes searching its contents until his breath seemed to stop... "Oh my G-God..." he said as he stood up and backed towards the wall staring blankly at its contents.

                "Son, I understand its tough to lose your family, especially in something as unpredictable as this, a fire, I know its very-"

                "Shut up! My father, he told me about..." the boy said as he fell to his knees clutching his face "F*CK!"

                Seargant O'Grady poured another glass of vodka and looked down at his desk, he looked at the smiling picture of Benito Mussolini on his newspaper. He picked it up and read the headlines 'Benito Mussolini Dissolves Adriatic Parliament.' O'Grady then turned to the young boy, on his knees crying... the Australian Seargant shook his head and slowly sipped his vodka...
                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • #9
                  I'll be able to be temporary sub for mongolia, maybe permanent if i can decide wether or not i wanna give up my thursday nights. I don't have a problem with being permanent once school starts because wll nothing happens on thursday nights, but during the summer is different. But i can sub temporary next week if you want?


                  • #10

                    Another nation for sun TZU to run, how many is that now 3 ? Israeli, Mali and now Mongol, did i miss any
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • #11
                      somewhere on hte front lines in Northern Africa

                      Sounds of the traditional Israeli Folk songs rose through the night air as the battle wearied soldiers sat around the campfire. For the past few months they had been advancing slowly but surely towards their objective, the cleansing of the Nile Valley from the Muslim presence of the Mali people. For years the Muslims had been using the upper reaches of the nile and polluting it for the downstream users. But now at last, the province of egypt would finally get clean water flowing through it again.

                      Each of these soldiers was due to end their 2 year stint in the Army soon and be replaced by fresh young recruits. Some would come back, having been promoted for their heroic deeds done in the name of the Fatherland.

                      One such individual who had come back again and again was the newly promoted General Saddam Hussein. He had led the final charge on Benghazi , personally setting light to the houses and schools of the Muslims. Word was spreading that Saddam was heir apparent to Adolf , who was aging after 70 years of leadership over Israel. The troops loved Saddam , as he generously rewarded those who did his bidding and fought that extra bit harder. The Israeli army had always had to fight this way due to lack of resources and being surrounded by aggresive nations.

                      But for now, it was quiet on the Front as they celebrated Hitlers birthday. A national holiday throughout Israel. The singing and merriment would last well into the night. And then early the next morning they would rise to face the enemy again .
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #12
                        Jula Kamma was in a bit of a bind. Her nation was growing stronger with each passing year and the democracy was once again solid but things in the world weren't right. The security that had once existed in the form of the axis alliance was gone. There were communists and fascists running rampant to the north. Meanwhile, the Mongolians and Australians were distancing themselves farther and farther away from the pack in technologies. Jews were beginning to seep into Africa, infecting the motherland with their stench. A very tense time to say the least.

                        Board meeting, War room, Zimbabwe

                        General Shakeem (Descendant) stood:

                        "President Kamma, the time to act and make a play is now. The Zulus are considered soft and weak, virtual pushovers. And for good reason! Our armies have only fought inept barbarians and criminals. We have no real combat experience, and if we are to survive in the unfolding world order, we must have respect. Though our trading and science achievements are quite respectable, they do not equate power. We need to make a statement, and we need to make it soon. We have had talks with a potential investor to help us back such an important statement. With this funding, I believe we will be able to go forward with the project."

                        President Kamma stood and spoke:

                        "General Shakeem, these investors you speak of. They share similar interests as us, but can they be trusted? Are we talking of some sort of official alliance?"


                        "Yes Ms. Kamma, I believe that will be the natural evolution of this venture. Both countries can benefit each other in a cooperative manner. They have what we need and we have what they need. Like the Ying and Yang, we compliment each other perfectly. We both wish to see the world move in a similar direction. Also, throughout history, though we have never been great friends, we have always been good to each other. Our cooperation in the colonial days got both of us what we needed. We kept this deal quiet for fear of damaging our reputation. But the time for worrying about our reputation is coming to an end. We must act soon, or we'll be buried under the new world order. Moving forward into an alliance with our investors is the way I feel we should be heading. I have spoken with the senate and your entire team of advisors. This is the overwhelming consensus."


                        "Though, I am, and will remain pessimistic about this venture, I am not going to argue with the will of the people. Shakeem, send word to ********restricted********* and arrange a meeting in ***********. Make haste, for as you've pointed out, the time is short.
                        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                        • #13
                          a coffee shop in the heart of Egypt

                          "so Eli, we meet again"

                          "Yes Natan, it has been such a long time too"

                          "Well this war has reaaly interfered with our studies, how are we expected to conduct our research into scientific matters when all our greatest minds have been rounded up and sent to some secret location"

                          "yes I reaaly miss Professor Taurus, although some of his ideas were very crazy"

                          "Yes i remember when he used to tell those stories in our junior science class about his visions of flying machines"

                          "Yes quite rediculous"

                          "he used to spend hours drawing all sorts of stuff on hte blackboard, 'Planes' I think he called them.."

                          " we kept telling him that if man was meant to fly he would have wings"

                          "i guess its similar to his ideas of vehicles with engines not horses for power??"

                          "hmmm yes that was a good idea, maybe thats why the SS rounded him up , maybe he is actually being resourced to get these flying things ?"

                          "nahhh , it will never happen, next you will be telling me that his ideas of flying bombs will occur too... "

                          They both rolled on the floor & laughed so much their a$$ fell off
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #14
                            Private message sent from President Kamma, to President Keating:

                            Dearest Keating,

                            It has come to our attention that Israel is now being run by a man who uses hate and racism in his politics. They have already absorbed part of northern Africa, and our citizens in central Africa, such as in the Sudan, are beginning to feel threatened. It is rumored that Hitler hates all people of color and will soon be targeting Zulu cities.

                            The Pacific Pact used to be an alliance worthy of respect. However, that is not the case today. Israel has once again shown their true colors as the black sheep of the world and yet you continue to associate with these criminals and provide them with technologies. Why?

                            We strongly urge that you sever ties with this (once again) rogue nation and bring respect back to the Pacific Pact. Continuing to deal with the jews will certainly lead to trouble for everyone. You are a most honored man Keating, but allowing Israel to remain in YOUR alliance is doing yourself a major disservice and is dragging your good name through the mud.

                            Besides that, you know, I know, everyone knows that Israel doesn't do a damn thing for you. They don't have money, they don't have technology and they sure as hell don't have a military. They do nothing for you. They are a leech, nothing else. Their scientists aren't capable of an original thought. They are completely dependent on your charity. Perhaps panhandler is a better term than a leech.

                            The choice is yours Paul, but think about it. Israel is nothing but a burden to this world. It's high time that everyone stops aiding them and lets them rot in their own dispicable stench.

                            President Kamma
                            Zulu Nation
                            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                            • #15
                              inside the bunker

                              "what!!!!!" adolf swore loudly at his interns as he stared at the paper in his hands...
                              "who do these australians think they are? They cant be serious?"

                              "Well sir it appears that whilst President keating is still on our side personally, the australain public have begun rioting in the streets to have all ties with us cut"

                              "well it msut be time for President Keating to send the troops in and bring his people to task"

                              "sir they dont do that sort of thing in democracys"

                              "damn democracies, the best thing Israel ever did was convert to Fascism. much easier to lead a country without interfernece from the polulace."

                              "yes sir but president keating doesnt beleive in that, he believes in freedom. we must be careful not to upset him"

                              "We dont need them damn aussies, if they cut us off as the rabble demand we will be forced to join with the Adriatic league to our north, fellow brothers in Fascism, would that please the austrlalian yobbbos"

                              "sir our experts in australian culture would think not, they hate the AL far more than they are concenred with our actions"

                              "good then we can continue our action agaisnt the evil Mali unimpeded"

                              "well not entirely sir , have you seen the latest reports from South Africa?"

                              "no not yet, what is the latest from there "

                              "Well sir, it appears their people are also demanding their government take action agaisnt us"

                              "Why , what has the world to fear from us, all we have ever done is fight for what is rightfully ours, that is North Africa. We had citys there centuries before the mali did, yet they conspired agaisnt us to prevent our people having access to the prime land of the nile, under many of their leaders they threatedned us , and finally as a last straw under communism they declared war. and moved their divisions of cannons upto Egypt. Al lwe are doing now is removing that threat, permanently"

                              "no need to tell me about history sir, all israelis learn this well in school. but the Zulu and mali teach their people difernely , they are taught that Africa is solely for the mali and zulus."

                              "well i dont think we have too mcuh to fear from zulus, i have a written guarantee from Zulu leader that provided we dont approach zulu land they wont interfer with our peacekeeping mission in north africa"

                              "sir that was their previous leader, the new female leader is under immense pressure to stop our expansion"

                              "damn women!! she should honour our agreements"

                              "sir i have a plan to get world opinion back on our side, we need our allies at this stage to complete our plans"

                              "well tell me then Saddam , what is your plan"

                              "i think this should be done in private"

                              "yes your right" Adolf motioned for the interns and guards to leave.

                              "so tell me Saddam , how do we continue?"

                              "well to begin with , it involves me leading Israel and not you, your time has passed Adolf old mate" and with that he shot Adolf.

                              Four guards came running in ....

                              "He jsut shot himself"Stammered General Hussein "he started ranting about those damned black muslims and then pulled the gun and shot himself, he was completely mad"

                              The guards jsut looked at each other and nodded, they had seen Adolfs tantrums before, but they also knew the truth.

                              "yes sir, El Presidento Saddam Hussein"

                              The guards also were from the front line and were totally loyal to Sadam.

                              "Call my staff in here now, i need a letter to be drafted to be sent to our allies and also to the African Nations. Things will be changing round here"
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

