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History of the World 2 - IV

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  • proposed new flag..

    Attached Files
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • Radio Free Europe...

      People of Europe, you may now leave your homes safely. Israeli soldiers have withdrawn from the Balkan region and southern Europe has been liberated by formal peace with Israel. According to some sources the Isreali high council has changed their name to the Federated Democratic Provinces. The formal treaty signed by the Isrealite high council and EU Prime Minister Enzo Pagniacci has now ended all hostilities and has given Israel and indisclosed amount of territory in indemnities. The Zulu nation is also expected to follow suit as their demand that Israel return the lost European provinces has been answered. Radio Free Europe will remain in broadcast in the Russian theatre as European forces stationed near the Israeli theatre will no doubt be allocated. Please stay tuned for more information...

      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • Israeli Provincial Palace

        The Inaugral SPeeach of Reich Marshal Hermann Georing....

        "My fellow citizens. We stand now at the threshold of a new era. Our war with the former Adriatic League is a war we can win. But we must ask ourselves do we wish to pay the price of that win. With no aid forthcoming form our Ally the Mali we are faced with a two front war against the Zulu Communists and the Fascists in Europe. And why might I ask are we fighting fellow fascists. Meanwhile the communists and Capitalsits of this world laugh at us and grow fat at our expence.

        My fellow citizens, I am here to inform you that secretly before this election, I was able to get agreement from the Government in Europe to sign a peace treaty. "

        Loud Cheers

        "Settle down citizens, to achieve this Peace we have agreed t owithdraw from Europe and turn over control of those provinces to the newly formed European Union. These people have a similar philosophy to ourselves and this will prevent the total destrutcion of Venice, 50% of which already lies in ruins. Fro mthe agreement the FDP gain all of the old Adriatic LEagues Colonies in America. This will strenghten our position over there. We retain our provinces in Asia."

        Mor eloud cheers

        "My feelow citizens, this brings to an end the longest war in the history of the world. The hundreds of thousands of citizens killed in this war will be remebered. We will never forget those that caused this war. I dont need to name those responsible for causing this war to be so drawn out and costly. But our Federation is now looking forward to closer relationships with the EU and soon we beleive that EU influence will force the Zulus to suspend all miltiary action agaisnt us."

        Even louder cheers

        "Again my fellow citizens, we shall rebuild this fedeartion into the strong Natio nwe should be. We have come far my people. Now is the time to rejoice, For I fear that soon the world will fear a new partnership that is soon to form. Once tha tpartnership is formed , I think the wolrd may do all it can to destroy it. But we wil lstand strong ... Long live the FDP !!!

        "LONG LIVE THE FDP!!!!"
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • OOC

          Can I have a copy of save game too please... Please post it here for all !!!! Mine was corrupted somehow by the crash
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • Province of Wisconcin

            "So governor, we are free open all trade routes again?" asked Bill Gates, chairman of the FDPs North American Commerce Centre.

            "Yes Bill, with peace signed between us and the Adriatics, Reich Marshal Georing expects us to trade with all our regional neighbours. You are to approach the Chinese and the Australains to our south to guarnetee freedom of travel of all Commercial Vehicles." replied Governor Bill Clinton. "If we get word from Israel that the Zulus too are after peace we will open trade with them too."

            "ahh good, my companies have much to gain from trade. We have many natural resources here in America which will profit our neighbors too."

            "Yes, finally I get to finish building the new Governors Residence. We will have a great party, I wil linvite all the American Dignataries from China, Mali & Australia as well as all our regional Governors. It will be a big celebration"

            American PArty Time
            Attached Files
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • FDP Troops LEave Europe

              Latest pics prove the withdrawal.
              Attached Files
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • The Zulus will agree to a cease fire

                If, and only if Israel's desire for peace is proven to be genuine. Also, Israel's negative propoganda towards the Zulu Nation must stop. If the propoganda continues, attempting to slander our country in the eyes of the asians, the Zulus will call off the cease fire and continue to pound Israeli cities. Kamma will meet with the Israelis when a convenient time is agreed upon (IE: when I see Raz online).
                I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                Streets filled with blood from distant lies.




                  Well guys it happened. I moved to college, unfortuently things are not going as smoothly as I'd have liked. I'm in some sort of waiting list, up in a converted lounge....which.......only to taunt me has ethernet ports that do not work. This is not to mention that I had to wipe my computer to restore it from some sort of error I had when I got here, so my whole scenario is gone amongst other things. Anyway it would be weeks before I have easy access to the internet, and a place where I can play games. Sigh. I'm sorry to endanger the Mongols right now. I will try to update you on my situation before the session thursday.


                  • Oh so they stuck you with oe of those "we're full in normal rooms, so you get the old tv lounge" type deal. Bummer! Make sure to see if you can get a discount on your housing, cuz you're probably not getting the accomodations you should be.

                    If you can't get on to play thursday, just try to find an appropriate sub. We'll do all we can to help. Good luck with it!

                    I sware this game is cursed!!!!!!!
                    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                    • Israeli Provincial Palace

                      "So the Zulus are only offering a cease fire, not a full peace treaty ?" Asked Marge Simpson the Personal Assistant to the Foreign Affairs Department leader.

                      "Yes Marge, apparently they are not as peaceful as they make out to be. They openly stated that once Europe was in Adriaitic hands they would sign peace, well now the world knows they are not so friendly as they allude to be. We will take their Cease fire but we will not withdraw our troops from Africa till a full Peace Agreement is signed. Heaven forbid if an accident occurs. Any Zulu movement towards our Provinces would be interpreted as breach of Cease fire."

                      "Well I hope for my kids sake that this is the end."

                      "Me too Marge , me too. But you know the Zulus as well as me, and they are not to be trusted. The Mossad has much inside information as to their collusion with the Mali and other incidents of aggresion throughout the world. Till peace is signed we must be on our guard 24 hours a day."
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • Solomon Islands

                        "Heil Georing!!" saluted the guards.

                        "Heil Georing." replied the Reich Marshal.

                        He passed through the checkpoint with his entourage and sat at the head of the table.

                        "Rabbi Rasputin, good to see you again, I was afraid we had lost you again. After my rise to power you seemed to disappear!" he said

                        "Well I had many family matters to deal with here and in Australia Reich Marshal." responded the Rabbi. "I knew you wouldnt want me around to interfer with your succesion"

                        "Couldnt be further from the truth Rabbi. You are our best link to the Australians, you still have family there and I hear are still highly regarded by PResident Keating."

                        "My fmaily goes back along way, we owe much to Presidnet Paul"

                        "good, Good. Then you will happily except my assignement for you to return to Australia and ask them to forgive our nation of our past aggresions and to reopen the economic trade doors."

                        "I am sure anyoen could do that , you dont need me for that"

                        "Yes you are right, the capitalists in Australia woudl jump at further profits. I have an extra special request for you to take to President Paul." smiled the Reich Marshal.

                        "And what is this special?"

                        The Recih Marshall passed the Rabbi a large package wrapped in brown paper. It had the Black Eagle of the Recih Marshal's personal seal on it.
                        "Inside you will find all you need. I expect you to loyally follow the instructions and report direct to me back here upon completion."

                        "My loyalty is as always unquestioned Recih Marshal. I shall do as requested."

                        "Good. Good" He smiled.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • Tanzania

                          "They've accepted the terms of the cease fire Jula" said General Shakeem.

                          "Very well, very well. Those Israelis are lucky Shakeem. Lucky that the Eu stepped in and lucky that we are a tolerant nation. They preach and preach about how we cannot be trusted and how aggressive we are, but they forget that they brought this upon themselves! When they sacked an allies capitol, what did they expect us to do? Laugh it off? Oh Shakeem those Israelis are lucky lucky lucky!" Kamma was frustrated.

                          "Yes they certainly are Jula, but they are also smart; smart to reach for peace. They know that we outmatch them un-equivocally. They know they don't have the defenses to hold their cities. With this move to peace, they have saved a lot of lives, which is not insignificant. I applaude their desire for peace." Shakeem said confidently.

                          "Peace is what we're all after Shakeem, but I still feel as though the Israelis have not been adequately punished. We will stop our offensive against them for the time being, and we will grant them peace as soon as this century has ended in peaceful fashion. If the Israelis can keep their hands clean until 1600, we will sign an all out declaration of peace. No questions asked. Until that time, we are to keep our border guard on full alert and keep a close eye on Israeli movement. One slip and the cease fire is over. One slip and they will never again see peace. This is their last chance Shakeem. If their desire for peace is genuine, they will have it. If this is merely a time for them to recover and rebuild military forces, I assure you that Israel will burn." Kamma was shaken up.

                          "Very well Jula. That is fair. Well, I am off to En Nahud to oversee the new building project. Take care comrade." Shakeem saluted her and left.
                          Last edited by drake; August 21, 2001, 09:27.
                          I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                          Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                          • OOC Bizness

                            since I "have" to go watch football this Thursday I did find a sub to run the Mali -- Slowwhand has graciously been volunteered. This is Tuesday and I never got anykind of updated stuff from capo so I sent him the hotw2 folder I had and the last save. I believe his ICQ number is 51553293 if someone wants to say hi (or find him to give him the IP when it's time, heh heh) and y'all thank him for me for bailing me out on this one.
                            if there's something I need to do let me know.
                            y'all don't be mean to him. save it up for Chaka when I get back. lol

                            Frank I'm really sorry to hear your college career getting off to such a rocky start on the housing problem. I've never understood how these people get away with taking money from people for more housing space than they actually have. If you need anything or I can do anything to help you out let me know.

                            Oh, and for any of you who I don't have on ICQ my number is 69330957. say hi sometime


                            • OOC

                              I would apprecaite a chance to communicate with my "Ally" before the game, Slow can you please contact me ASAP to discuss where we are at and where we are heading... Hopefully Belinda ahs givne you some idea too, but I have things to discuss too, perhaps Belinda Sloww and I can get together before the session ....
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • Pakistan

                                "Heil Goering!!"

                                "Yes Heil Georing."

                                "Good to see you Field Marshall Von Bismark"

                                "and you too General Rahjid , Word has arrived in isreal of a possible coup to despose Dangime. This must not occur"

                                "Unfortuantly he has been incareted by the College Rebels, they have locked him up and are giving him no access to the government."

                                "This could be bad, who is to lead while he is in such a position?"

                                "Governor Aweetle Idioth is rumoured to be advancing on the capital with armed forces, but we are hoping to get the high council to appoint a member of the Sehub Unwar Benoon (SUB) party. "

                                "Ahh yes Isreal wqould prefer Dangime to be freed , but a SUB member is better than Governor AI."

                                "Mongolian citizens are concerned with Israels reaction if Governor Aweetle Idioth takes over, Israels past history suggests aggresion is their prefered path agaisnt the Idioths."

                                "I have a signed letter here from the Reich Marshal himself, we shall never attack an ally of ours, regardless of their leadership."

                                "That is good to here Field Marshal. Hopefully we can free Dangime soon, but these Rebels are stronger than we hoped for."
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

