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History of the World 2 - IV

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  • fixed above, but weill attach the big file a szip bleow
    Last edited by Rasputin; August 16, 2001, 21:16.
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • Presidential Residence; Timbuktu

      The room was fairly dark despite the brightness of the afternoon and Ari had to let his eyes adjust to the gloom before he could make out the form of his friend Hakeem, who was waiting for him. Besides shading the room from the brutal sun, the tapestries over the windows also muffled the sounds of distant gunfire which still popped sporadically from deeper in the city.
      "Ari! " Hakkem greeted him. "did you get your family safely away?"
      "I sincerely hope so! My brother-in-law got them to the train station anyway -- assuming nothing happens between here and the coast, I am hoping to catch up to them in Asongo."
      "Good. There should be a ship leaving from there for the American colonies in a couple of days. With any luck, we should be able to sneak out of the city after nightfall. I'm just glad I had the foresight to send my wives out to the coast last week. I was afraid something like this would happen once Tuwanda sliipped away."
      "A great shame, losing Tuwanda;" Ari replied "And the timing couldn't be worse. I'm afraid it may be end of our beloved homeland..."
      "Well, it's certainly the end of the Senate! I can't believe that crazy Chaka would actually resort to violence right there in the Senate chambers! We two were lucky to have escaped with our lives! Even now those fanatical she-devils Chaka surrounds herself with are out hunting down what few Senators escaped the carnage. They would set us back 500 years, and have us all live in mud huts again! Look at them! That shameless witch and her "honor guard' -- running around in feathers and barebreasted! You'd think civilization had never reached the jungles they came out of! I don't know how they got in the Senate to start with."
      "It's our own fault..if we hadn't sat around quibbling over how to tap-dance between the Israelis and the Zulus, she never would have had the opportunity to seize control like that! I told you, the military likes a clear objective! Friend, foe. Black, white. And that business about the Israelis expecting us all to convert! It angered alot of people, despite how Tuwanda glossed over it. You know the AfricanNational party were the ones who pushed through that peace accord with the Zulu, despite what it might do with our relations with the Israelis! Even if it didn't last -- it still hurt us with the Israelis. I don't think even Tuwanda could have pulled off any kind of miracle to keep that firebrand in line, once she got the bit in her teeth."
      Hakeem sighed. " Well, we'll never know now. You know, Tuwanda was quite the Iron Maiden in her day, Ari. I'll never forget how she used to get herself all worked up and go about spitting on the floor. She might have been able to hold Chaka in her place. The High Command worshipped her, you know; they never would have backed Chaka while Tuwanda was alive. Maybe that's why they fell in with Chaka -- she certainly knew to tell them what they wanted to hear"
      "What? all that talk about 'Africa for Africans'?" the other man snorted derisively. "They'll have us gone off the face of the map inside of 10 years! Uppity jungle bunnies! This is what comes of letting women learn to read and play about in the affairs of men instead of staying in the harem where they belong. Nothing can be accomplished from looking backwards! All that talk about 'traditional Mali' this and 'the ancient Mali way' that and forbidding any Jew OR Muslim from holding a government post! And what does our vaunted High Command plan to back up all this talk with? This whole region has done nothing but gear up for war while talking peace for the last 50 years! Don't they see the dust clouds from the Zulu tank corps in the desert? Don't they read the reports of Israel sweeping through the Mediterranean coast almost at will? What, do they think they can stand against the world with their few pieces of artillery and a bunch of screaming female warriors decked out like old schoolbook illustrations?"
      "No." Hakeem shook his head sadly. "Whatever happens now, Ari, we are powerless to affect the outcome. We have done what we can for our people and we have failed. All we can do now is take what we can and slink off to the Americas as homeless exiles. My whole adult life I have devoted in the service to my people, Ari. It grates to end up having to live the rest of my life depending upon the charity of others."
      His friend put his hand on his shoulder. "Don't look at it like that, Hakeem! I have a large plantation outside of New Gao; you know yourself I would never have risen to the station where I could maintain such a property without the patronage and encouragement you've given me over the years! All I have is yours, too, old friend. And there are plenty of opportunities in the colonies. You are not so old you cannot still carve something for yourself and your sons. This rebellion may not even last the year, the way Chaka carries on -- I'll lay you odds she'll come to the end of this coup falling to assassins. It's not like you don't still have a few contacts yourself, once the dust clears a little. You'll see. We may still be able to do what we can for our people from America. And then we'll still be around to pick up whatever pieces are left!"
      Hakeem allowed himself a small smile, his teeth shining whitely in the gloom. "Good point, Ari. After all, we are not among the dead yet, and while there is life there is hope. Once we get out of the city and reach the coast, I will make a few calls and let some people know I am not counted among the dead of the Senate. Give the b*tch enough rope and she may yet hang herself."
      "What else can she do, Hakeem, that will not end in failure? You know yourself we are between a rock and a hard place. The Zulus and the Israelis _will_l war and which way will Mali jump under Chaka? And what will happen to the Mali either way? If we stand with Israel, as is honorable, the Zulu will overrun half the South, and we'll be caught between Zulus to the south and the Adriatics just across the sea. If she succeeds in re-establishing friendly terms with the Zulus, the Israelis will backlash on her -- and staying on good terms with the Zulus you know means having to suffer those damn AL bastards; how long do you think that crazy witch will do that? Sooner or later it will blow up in her face!"
      The older man sighed heavily. " It just hurts to see all we have acomplished pulled down in such a short fashion. I just hope the Mali can survive Chaka and her crazy AfricanNationals, Ari. I just pray to Allah that when she's finished, there is still a Mali people left to pick up the pieces."
      The two men fell silent, waiting in the shadows for nightfall, and listening to the sounds of distant gunfire.


      • Victory in the Urals!

        Newspaper Headline : "Victory in the Urals"

        In a brilliant attack no less than 6 months ago the Mongolian Armed Forces captured the major Adriatic League settlements in the Ural Region. The Mongolian forces led by General Tabashi out gunned and out numbered the enemy forces and quickly displayed their obvious tactical and strategic superiority. The remaining enemy forces were forced into the Ural Mountains, and the broken enemy was unable to mount a counter attack before General Nobouki's forces secured the region. The combined forces are currently building the Ural Region preparing for their widely speculated spearhead into Russia. Where the forces of the former General Sun Tzu failed, Lord Dangime has succeeded in mere months. Now, as Adriatic League Forces crumble in the Urals, speculations are rising that not even the support of their Zulu allies can prevent their ultimate end. Zulu forces attempted a cross channel invasion in the Red Sea to Saudi Arbia, however they were unable to maintain a beachhead and the Israelis pushed the Zulus out, but the cost of many Israeli civilians lives. Lord Dangime upon hearing of the invasion reinforced Mongolia's position of support for Israel against the Zulu threat. This failed invasion has failed to put any stress on the Israeli defenses in Southern Europe, as a result it becomes more unlikely that the Adriatic League has any chance reclaiming their lost territories.


        • Its WAR!!!

          News Report from Israel Central....

          The Adriatics proved once again they are a carnal nation after they broke the cease fire and attacked Slovakia. Unfortunalty the province was outgunned as the reinformements arrives just hours too late as the angry Adriatics burned all Israeli flags. Fortuantly the province was retaken quickly but over 30% of the population had died during the fighting. Both Adriatic and Israeli citizens, peacefulyl going about their busines swere murdered as artilelry shells from both sides rained down. Fortuanlty Slovakia still stands.

          In Africa mad Zulu warriors were seen chopping up all Railroads leading south. This was then followed by the surprise invasion of the Saudi Peninsula and swarms of Zulu Tanks attacked the Yemen province. Again tens of thousands of Arabs fies in this fight. Pure Defencelss Peaceful Arabs. The Israeli army immediatly counterattacked, but as the last few Zulu Tanks were surrounded , they razed the province to the ground, and Yemen was totally detryoyed. Israelis chased those murderers and cut them down. Back in Africa Israeli artillery cleared away the Mad Zulu wariiors on Rail duty and immediatly began rebuilding the infrastructure.

          In the Americas. the Israelis marched south and opeend up the way for the Mali to free more colonies.

          The toll stands at over 100,000 dead 300,000 wounded. One province totaly destroyed, And Slovakia retaken.

          How long will these mindless animals from Zulu land and Europe maintain their attacks on innicent lives. How many more civilaians must die beofre the world steps in and forces the Zulu Adriatic Alliance to the negotiaiting table.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • War is a dirty dirty thing

            Diary of Lt. Kalim..........Yemen, 1521

            April 12

            Our armoured division landed on the beach south of Yemen today. It is even hotter here than it is in Somalia! We have quite a sad task ahead of us, occupying the Arab province. The locals have the un-fortunate task of being used as messengers to the stubborn leaders of the Israelis. Reason, logic, compassion and common decency just cannot be found among the Israeli leaders and they have forced us into this position. Sadly enough, people must die in order for the leaders to listen. Yemen must fall and the Israelis stubborn pride must be broken. A drawn out campaign is never what any of us wanted, but it seems as though we may be in for a long haul.

            April 17

            It was quite a sad sight to see today as our tanks rolled into Yemen Square. While some of the local military defended themselves with proper rifles, there was a large band of Israeli troops which were pathetically armed with Pikes. Their long spears splintered in the armoured sides of tanks. We felt almost guilty dispatching these soldiers as they were so poorly outmatched. This display showed us, with no doubt where the Israelis priorities lie. It's not in defending their country. Instead of spending money on military to defend their cities, they spend money on offensive units. Units of destruction. They don't truly care about their people for if they had, they never would have left Yemen so poorly defended. How dare they do this to their people! How can they point fingers at us, when they do nothing to defend their people in the first place?

            April 19

            The last of the defenders have been killed and Yemen is under control. My battallion has been damaged and we will now rest safely on the southern shore and wait for transport back to Somalia. The 6th armoured tank division will remain in Yemen and attempt to hold the ground there. The Israelis fought hard but were too outclassed to hold the town. We suspect a major retalliation will soon be on it's way to Yemen. We fear as though, rather than negotiating for the cities safe return, that the Israelis will come in, guns blaring. This will un-fortunately only result in more civilian casualties.

            April 22

            In the distance we heard the sounds of shooting, yelling and artillery last night. No one could sleep as the once tranquil night had been violently disturbed around 22:00. The sky lit up in the distance as Yemen became entirely consumed in flames. We knew the Israelis had returned with their dreaded artillery division and that more than likely, the 6th Division had fallen. A morning survey proved this assumption correct. As we rode into the city limits that next morning, we quickly realized that Yemen was no more. Not a single building had been left standing from last night's assault. Arab bodies lay strewn in the streets. Zulu tanks lay crippled , broken and smoldering. There were no survivors. The Israelis had made sure of that. Quite a disheartening scene if I can say so myself. Attempting to bury the dead would have been an impossible task, as there was atleast 100 bodies to every man in our division. All we could realistically do was start a large bonfire for the dead. Better this than letting the bodies rot in the streets as the Israelis seemed content to do. With sorrow, and tears in the eyes of some of the men, we departed. We now await retreival, south of what used to be the province of Yemen.
            I see the world through bloodshot eyes
            Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


            • Israel Palace

              "So my fellow councillors, I am sad to report the complete loss of all Arabs in Yemen. The Zulus massacred them at dawn. When we returned to the province in the morning, all we found was a heap of burning piles of bodies. The Jungle bunnies didnt even give them a proper burial. The other Arab Governors here with me are calling for a rapid retaliation agsaisnt the Zulus. We should not let Yemen die in silence." stated Governor Aheeb Malite or the Province of Jordan

              "We are all as concerned as you are Aheeb, and the rest of the Arab peninsula is righltry concerned, The Zulus have shown they are not after peace, we have asked for peace many times and they have shunned it. Now they massacre our citizens and show their true intent is a land grab into the Republic of Israel. We told the world they were after this and no one beleived us, We told the world they requested all the Adriatic Provinces for themselves even after we promised to return them when peace was signed. But no they rejected that offer and said unless we gave them all the Adriatic provicnes they would attack. Well now the world has its eveidence of who is the aggressor here. But do they come to our aid , no. Yet again Israel is left to fight the Jungle Bunnies all alone. Our ally to the West the Malis have made peace with the zulus and after the sudden p[assing of Tuwanda, who our Mossad in forms us was an assination by the Zulu Warriors, after heer passing we no longer know what they are going to do." said Governor Abraham Waheet of the Israel Province.

              "Yes you are all concerned, but where is our vengence " asked Governor Akman Manith of the Kuwait Province.

              "We set our goals as defence of Mali our ally , and the Zulus decided to make peace with the Mali and thereby wasted all our defences there. We still wish peace with the Zulus and have asked yet again for a cease fire but yet again they reject it, we anticapate a major offencive to begin sometime in the near future. And yes they will scorch many more provinces before this war is over. We ask that all Israeli citiznes, whether they be Jew , Arab, American, Asian or Europen, to fight to the last man. we shall never surrender."

              "The Arabs Provinces are determined to attack Zulu land , we want to see Zulu citys burning!!!"

              "That is not the Israeli way Aheeb. That may be the way of our enemies, but we are not after the destruction of all of Zululand. We simply want to liv ein peace wit hall our neighbours, but they refuse to allow this. They demand the return of all our provinces, the provinces we so hard fought for to lift our nation out of the mire, without them we are weak and useless. Our antion is based solely on desert lands with no growth or production potential, the world must share its resources more freely than it was before."

              "Abraham, what of th eZulu offer to break our allaince with the Mongols and attack the Chinese and Mongols instead of the AL and Zulu, are we going to pursue this?" asked Governor Wyatt Earp of the Wisconsin Province, "my people have good relations with our neighbours the Chinese and the tlak of this has disturbed me."

              "Never Wyatt, NEVER@@!!" responded Governor Abraham. "The Mongols are our close friends, though they are busy now with attacks in Urals and into Russia we know they will eventually free up their armies to help us push the Zulu back. The Chinese have never done us any wrong, but from what the Zulu leaders have sent us in writing, the Chinese better watch out, as it seems that the Mongols and Chinese are their next goals"

              "Shouldnt we warn our ally and the Chinese?"

              "We hav ealready sent word to the Mongol leaders and our embassy in Chinese America is seeking an audience with their leaders immeedaitly."

              "good at least the rest of the world wil lbe forewarned to this aggressive menace. What of the Australains?"

              "They are too busy at BBQs and drinking beer to concern themsleves with Israeli matters, but we are still hopeful of getting some help from them to bring this war to an end and to the negotiaiting table."

              "So what are our objectives my fellow Governors, what do we accept as peace terms?" asked Governor Jack Kenendy of the Texas Province.

              "We ask that Israel be allowed to keep a minimum of 31 provinces , a fair and reasonalb enumber of provinces , still well behind the Zulus 36 and the mongols and Australains and Chinese all have more. After all we were promised more land originally by the others but it never occured, and the Adriaitcs surrounded Dimblby so he couldnt expand. To ease the Zulus concerns of an aggressiveally we are willing to cede all of Africa Provinces to our allys the Mali. That should be good enough for them, we will send that offer of peace in the next diplomat bag to Zululand."
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • OOC - Some important stuff

                I know I've been MIA for the past two to three weeks, so I'm going to make a lot of posts and hopefully some of you guys will see the direction my country is going to go in.

                The first issue is finally getting our modpack revised. There are a few glaring errors that NEED to be corrected, these aren't any rules things or anything like that (for example Partisans are unable to attack). Which means that I'll have a refurbished modpack out and posted here on the forums before our Thursday session (Probably Monday or Teusday afternoon.)

                With that said I think its time that we tweek a little here and there to make the game more closer to modern times. Again, nothing rules related. If you want to change your flag, or even your nations name or leader titles please make it known to me. For my part the AL will now be known as the European Union (or EU). If any of you would like to similarly change your nation's name to accurately represent its geopolitical position or just because you think a better name would be uh... better, then please make it known as soon as is possible.

                Despite what I've said on these forums, the game is going very well now, and everyone is a factor now, nothing is being left to chance and nearly no nation can rest on its laurels (with the exception of Australia, which has just bolstered emmensely, that's what happens when you're in constant peace eh Deity?)

                Frank "Dangime" Johnson is a welcome addition to this game, again, despite what I may seem to think.

                I think we should also revamp the webpage, I know its a lot of work for Drake especially, but its a testiment to the effort that we, and others in the past, have put into this game. I think a few more things should be added to the site as well, so I'll personally talk to Drake about how we're going to revamp it. As always everyone should feel welcome to put their two cents in as far as the site is concerned.

                Finally, despite the fact that my ass was handed to me last session, I'd like to thank SunTzu and his efforts in our game since day one. He's really been a help, a bit irritating at times but I think we've all been in that same boat so its not a problem, and I think its cool that there is an "eigth story" going on, as far as the SunTzu lineage is concerned.

                BTW; I need a save file ASAP, I don't have one. Which may or may not have hurt the strategy I gave Sun.

                "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                One Love.


                • Vienna, where ST-1s are hard to come by...

                  "Private get your ass over here!!!" Barked Tony DeNucci.

                  "Yes sir!" replied private Sampedro.

                  "What are you doing son? Where's my box of ST-1s?" said DeNucci.

                  "ST-1s sir?"

                  "Yes boy, ST-1s, didn't you learn anything in boot?" he yelled, no more than two inches from the young man's face.

                  "Sir I must not have been paying attention sir." he said sternly.

                  "You're damn right, go down to supply and get me my f*ckin ST-1s, it'd be a cryin shame if we lost this war because your f*ckin ass decided to play with himself during training! NOW!!!" he yelled.

                  "Sir, yes sir!" said the private as he ran off.

                  "That was harsh Tony." said Adriana Alessi.

                  "Well they gotta learn sometime. What's the word anyway, I just got in from Paris and boy is my **** tired." he said with a smile.

                  "You were always quite the charmer huh Tony?" she asked as she rolled her eyes.

                  "Well c'mon babe, I'm not gettin any younger." he said.

                  "That's way out of line, you know I'm your superior officer." she said.

                  "Well you give great orders ma'am" he said as he ran her hand down her thigh.

                  "Get off of me!" she smiled as she backed away "That was a moment of weakness, we both thought we were going to die, hell Tony you were crying!" she said.

                  "It was all a ruse, but seriously, what's going on over in the Urals?"

                  "Its not good, the Mongolians are making amazing segway, it seems Heimler was not the man Metternich thought he was. Right now communications have been completely cut off, we're going to have to reassess the situation, but last I heared they broke our defenses in the Urals and are making their way into Russia." she said with a sigh.

                  "Well that isn't going to fly well, our attempts to retake Venice failed miserabely. I don't know how the hell the peace talks broke down, Metternich was prepared to suck some Israeli **** until Heimler f*cked everything up." he said as he pulled out a cigarette.

                  "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" she said.

                  "I think you know damn well what I do with my mouth, Corporal Alessi" he said as he lit his cigarette.

                  "God" she rolled her eyes "You know those things will kill you?"

                  "Yeah well, so will our foreign policy." he said.

                  "Sir, supply said they don't have any ST-1s, sir." said private Sampedro as he returned breathing heavily.

                  "Well God damn it boy! Get your ass over to the arsenal and see if they have them, I can't sit here and fight a f*ckin war with no ST-1s, go on!" he said as the private saluted and ran off.

                  "Tony, you're terrible." she said.

                  "That's not what you-"

                  "Shut up, just stop right there." she said.

                  "Well now what? Old man Metternich has nothing, Israel's not going to accept sh*t after that Kraut f*cker ruined everything. Now Mongolia's all high and mighty since they're beatin our asses in Russia, and our boys are doing horribly." he said.

                  "And you think this ST-1 stuff is going to help?" she said.

                  "Hey, they did it to me and I turned out alright." said Tony.

                  "Ah, my two favorite failures." said General Pagniacci as he walked up "How are things going in Vienna?"

                  "Jesus Christ Enzo, I was about to score and your fat ugly ass walks up." said Tony as he took another puff.

                  "Tony, have you always been this respectful, because I've never noticed." replied Enzo.

                  "What brings you to Vienna sir?" asked Adriana.

                  "Urgent meeting with Metterinch tomorrow, he wanted you to come as well Adriana. Things are not going well, as I'm sure you two are aware." just then private Sampedro walked up again.

                  "Sir, the arsenal said they were all out, but they gave me this box. I can't seem to find them sir." he said.

                  "Tony, Jesus." said Pagniacci "Private, what is it Sampedro?"

                  "Yes General Pagniacci, sir."

                  "Give me that box private." he said as Sampedro handed him the box.

                  "Are you looking for ST-1s son?" he asked.

                  "Sir yes sir, we seem to be out sir." replied the private.

                  "Private Sampedro, what does one with an ST in front of it spell?" asked Enzo as Tony rolled his eyes and took a deep drag.


                  "C'mon Sampedro, I know you've been taught better than that, what does one with an ST in front of it spell?"

                  "Stones sir." replied the private.

                  "Stones, Commander DeNucci has asked you to get him a box of stones, do you think that a box of stones will win this war?" he asked.

                  "Sir, no I do not sir." replied the private as he cracked a smile.

                  "I see nothing funny here private, he has proven that you are an imbicile that can not think for himself. If you had paid attention in boot you would know there are no such things as ST-1s. A soldier is worthless if he can not think for himself, now private Sampedro take this box and fill it with stones, you have one hour, if you are unable to do so your entire platoon will run laps and you will order them to do so. Is that clear?" said Pagniacci.

                  "Sir yes sir, I am sorry sir."

                  "You're damn right you are." he said as the private ran off "Ahh to be a soldier again. Well Corporal Alessi, our train is arriving shortly we must depart, a pleasure to see you again Tony as usual." said the General.
                  "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                  One Love.


                  • Paris, Adriatic League...

                    Klamens Metternich sat in his office looking at his letterhead, 'look how nice this is?' he thought to himself as he carefully folded the paper and placed it in an envelope. The golden Lion encrested on its corner gave the off-white letter a regal look. He slowly wrote 'Enzo Pagniacci' on it and placed it on the far left corner of his desk.

                    Slowly he pulled himself upon his cane and hobbled towards the rear window of his office, which was lit by a single candle on his desk. He looked out the window, through the water sheating down the glass, it was a rainy night. The Parisian skyline was nice against the dark purple rain-clouds. It was dusk.

                    He then turned towards a bottle of Chianti, which he had been drinking all day, and poured the last glass. He then slowly sat back in his chair and gently pressed his intercom button "Teresa, send in Corporal Alessi and General Pagniacci plese." he then took a sip and pressed it again "You've been great Teresa, I've always appreciated your work."

                    He sat there for a few seconds and opened his top right drawer, he then pulled out an old black and white photo of his class picture at Broken Hill. There were various Australian students, most of them his friends, a few Mongolian and Israeli students and the only two Adriatics; Klamens Metternich and Enzo Pagniacci. They were dressed in their uniforms, he smiled softly and placed the picture on top of the letter. He again dug into his drawer and pulled out a shiney revolver. On its butt was the Broken Hill crest; a Helmet surrounded by a laurel. He looked at it and smilled, softly saying 'Aussie Aussie Aussie.'

                    He took another sip of Chianti when there was a knock on the door "Mr. Metternich, they have arrived." said Teresa, her voice hushed by the large oak doors. Metternich said nothing.

                    He gulped down the last of the Chianti and carefully put the glass on his desk, he again picked up the gun as a tear rolled down his cheak. He then placed the barrel into his mouth, and pulled the trigger...
                    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                    One Love.


                    • The Letter Written by the late Klamens Metternich...

                      Dearest Enzo,

                      I write to you on the final hour of my life. Some men would look to the things I have accomplished, and the things I have experienced with great envy and jealousness.

                      Others would simply hate the things I have done, and the things I have attempted to do.

                      I am one of those others.

                      The Parliament of this great country, this great continent and this great people had selected me as their leader. I accepted this with open arms, I was happy and anxious as to what the future would hold for me and my country. You were there my friend, I was very optimistic.

                      It was like graduation in Broken Hill. Do you remember that? My parents weren't there, as everyone knows they were taken early by the cruel politics of this land. The future held unending possibilities, we were young and ready to go. I felt the same way when Parliament named me Consul Enzo, but the same thing occured; our optimism and youth, and in my case my leg, were all snatched away by war. By politics.

                      The Australians have a good school at Broken Hill, they've made great men out of us. They always taught us that a soldier is nothing if he is not an individual. Any band of men could be lead by a single man, but once that man perishes the entire nation falls with it. I've learned this was true of our people, they are not soldiers, they do not wish to fight, therefore they require a man of emmense strength and fortitude. Clearly by what I have done to myself, and to my friends, I was not that man.

                      There are so many things that I want to say, but time is of the essence, you and Corporal Alessi will arrive soon, and I must do this before that occurs. So I will make my final motion as Consul of this Parliament;

                      You, Enzo Pagniacci, my greatest friend, shall recieve the title of "Chief Executive Officer" of the Adriatic League. I am hereby vesting upon you all of my official powers, as well as the powers of the Commander-In-Chief. This is my decree, and by the laws per PR - 706 this shall be made law.

                      Enzo please, you must succeed where I have failed. You must return the European citizens, who are currently being slaughtered for power, who are being dominated by foreigners, who are crying for help, to peace. You must regain our continent and its people at any and all costs. Colonial posessions, money, technology, or by force, whatever it takes you must do this. Do not fail me, do not fail your people. Thank you for being strong enough to survive this. I am sorry for putting you in such an ordeal, no doubt my passing will cause rioting and possibly the downfall of our government, it may cost us the war, but I know in my heart that you are strong enough to save us from what we fear most.

                      Thank you good friend, I shall see you soon.

                      Klamens Metternich
                      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                      One Love.


                      • Paris, in front of Parliament...

                        The assembled masses were like a sea of humanity. Surprisingly there were little rioting, hardly an increase in crime and no coup-d'etats following the death of Consul Klamens Metternich. Despite the large group of people, there was merely a low rumble as the crowd watched the funeral procession. Tanks and infantry were brought away from both fronts just for this event, even though the war dragged on.

                        There was a large wooden podium built in front of Parliament for the event, Enzo Pagniacci would be sworn in as Consulate of the Adriatic League. Rumor had it that he would make his first edicts on this very day, the crowd was restless to find out what their future would hold.

                        In civilian clothing, as he had to retire his Generalship in order to be sworn in, Enzo Pagniacci walked to the Podium and faced the Supereme Justice Giancorlo DePalma. He placed his hand on the Holy Bible and DePalma said "Enzo Pagniacci, you must now swear your life to the Adriatic League and its people. You must, at all costs, act in the best interests of our people and our nation. You must swear that you will never break the laws of the land or abuse these laws for your own personal power and influence. You must swear that this, even after your term, will never change. That your private life is now less important this your position, Consul of the Adriatic League. Enzo Pagniacci do you swear upon this Holy Bible to do these things?"

                        "Yes I do." he said as he looked straight into the eyes of DePalma.

                        "It is with great pleasure that I name Enzo Pagniacci, Consul of the Adriatic League!" DePalma said with a smile.

                        The crowd burst into applause as Klamens Metternich's coffin was slowly placed at the bottom of the podium, the Adriatic flag draping over it. "Let us now all take a moment of silence in honor of our fallen brother, Klamens Metternich." said Enzo as he bowed his head. Minutes later he singed the holy trinity and spoke; "Thank you good people, Klamens felt he was weak but I know the sentiment amongst all of us is that he did what he could, and despite his moment of weakness we consider him one of our greatest men ever."

                        The crowd again applauded Pagniacci as he raised his hand into the air "However his work is not yet completed. Somehow the peace talks broke down, and our nation is blamed for breaking the cease-fire agreement we had with Israel. This comes at a time when Mongolia has finally broken our border and his pouring over the Ural mountains. This comes at a time when the Zulus are fighting viciously for our nation in the deserts of Arabia. This comes at a time when the world as a whole has decided to ignore our plight, possibly due to the actions of our forefathers. This is fine though, the nations of the world, including the ones that are attempting to grow stronger by launching an aggressive war, have no place in protecting our interests. We must do that ourselves. So with that said I am hereby signing into effect a draft, every able-bodied male in this country, who is seventeen years of age shall be signed into a draft. A vast, yes vast, amount of them will be chosen in a random draft to serve in a month long training session after which they will be sent to war. This will occur every month until the war has ended. I understand that is a scary thought, your son, brother, grandson or you yourself will be sent to fight in a war. But this is necessary for the protection of our state. Speaking of our nation, I have visited its vast reaches. Before they were conquered by Israel I was in our colonies, which are so new and full of life it brings a smile to your face, I have been to the British isles, to Ireland, to Spain, Germany, Finland, Scandinavia, Russia, Greece, the Balkans and yes here in France. I have traveled all over Europe and have realized that this is no longer a league of Adriatic States. This is a league of European states, it is a Union of Europeans who do as much as any Adriatic does. Which is why I must intervene here on behalf of over 50% of our population that does not call Italy home. With that said I am hereby abolishing Italian as our official language and reforming the government, we will no longer be known as the Adriatic League. We shall know be known as the European Union." the crowd burst into applause as Pagniacci again raised his hand "Please, please, I am not finished. Therefore, I shall resign as Consul and call upon a new election to occur in one month's time. In the meantime Parliament shall make all decisions. I am also announcing my candidacy for Prime Minister of the European Union. So good people of Europe, go to your homes and sleep well tonight, men you shall fight for this nation, and its varied people. This country is NOW COMPLETELY DEDICATED TO LIBERATING EUROPE FROM OUR ENEMIES, peace will not be achieved unless Europe is ruled by the Europeans. Thank you, and viva la Europa!"
                        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                        One Love.


                        • it's just me

                          I'd like to know what the last save was last Thursday as I was frozen out during my turn
                          just curious because looks like I will not be here this next Thursday. Much as I hate to miss at what still is a pretty fateful junction (as I've only gotten like a turn and a half in like forever it seems -- as luck would have it) for my part of the world, it's not worth listening to hubby whine about me giving up a hundred dollar ticket to go with him to see the Eagles/Titans game just to play a "stupid computer game". sigh. Men are funny about that somehow.

                          I want to get a sub and will ask around. Let me know what kind of action on my part that entails (especially if you're going to be updating stuff, capo). I hate to be another hold-up to the game, the way it's going right now.


                          • EU Diplomatic Transmission

                            The Office of Foreign Affairs
                            European Union
                            Paris, France

                            TO: The leaders of Mongolia and Israel
                            FROM: Prime Minister Enzo Pagniacci

                            Dear sirs, as should be public knoweldge our nation has experienced a changing of the guard. The last leader of the Adriatic League, Klamens Metternich, passed away just months ago in a most disturbing fashion. He left our country in a position of loss as well as confusion as to the next step.

                            The next step was taken, it was obvious that this nation had to morph into something different in order to answer the beck and call of our people. We are now known as the European Union.

                            I, Enzo Pagniacci, have been elected Prime Minister by our Parliament and have made it my first order of business to return all European holdings of the Adriatic League to its rightful place in the European Union. As I am sure is preferable to you and your people this would be best achieved through words rather than weapons. Therefore I ask both of your nations to please meet me in a summit in London for these purposes. I wholly understand that it is going to be tough for us to iron out a peace, there have been decades of hostilities no doubt leading towards hatred in the hearts of our people. But I feel that if we can prove that despite these odds peace is attainable then we can help the world realize that its problems aren't so far from solution.

                            The European Union is prepared to give away any province or territory that is not within the European Continent (with the exception of Bosporus, which is Holy City to many of our citizens) in exchange for the safe return of our citizens to their rightful government. We are also prepared to discuss other remedies if said territory is not enough for your nations.

                            In the meantime we suggest a full cease-fire with both of your nations in order to make sure the process goes off without a hitch. We await your response, thank you for your time.

                            ~E. Pagniacci, Prime Minister of the European Union
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • OOC Name change

                              Israel is jsut one small part of our nation now, in fact it is just one province. (The former ly named Jerusalem is now the Province of Israel). Seeing we are a diverse populace with Provinces containing Jews in Israel, arabs in Jordan,Oman etc. Muslims in Afghanistan , Khurds in Khudistan . Christians in America. We wish to remove all reference to the Jewish religion being the main religion of our nation. Therefore the Star of David Flag must go. We want a flag with an Eagle on it ..

                              Our new name is to be the Federation of Democratic Provinces the FDP. It represents the fact we are a spread out nation in many areas and many religions and many peoples.

                              Last edited by Rasputin; August 20, 2001, 02:52.
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • Israel Palace

                                "So the governors are all agreed then? We shall hence forth be known as the United Fedaeration of Provinces" Said Governor Abraham of Israel

                                "Aye" came the resounding response from all 30 governors.

                                "good , then our next decision is to who shall lead this Federation, presently we have Rabbi Rasputin in charge of all civilain matters and Field Marsholl Von Bismark in charge of the military. This has worked well so far, but I feel we need a leader to whom these two cna report and that we all governors wil lreport to."

                                "Yes at this crisis time we need a strong individual who can negotaite us peace and hopefully lead us into the next phase" said Governor Phillipe Marsden of Slovakia.

                                "Place your nominationsinto this box as it is passed around, if there is more than one contender we shall conduct a vote"

                                The box was slowly passed around the room and finally ended up back at the start.

                                Governor Abraham reached in and withdrew the 30 pieces of paper, he slowly sorted them into three piles of names.

                                "ok " he annoucned" we hav ethree contenders "Rabbi Rasputin, Field Marsholl Von Bismark and Governor Hermann Georing of the Georgia province."

                                "all those for Rabbi Rasputin?"

                                8 hands were counted.

                                "all those for Field Marsholl Von Bismark?"

                                6 hands were coutned

                                "al lthose for Governor Georing?"

                                13 hands were counted

                                "and that leaves three abstentions.?

                                The final three were raised.

                                "Well ladies and gentlemen we ahve a new leader. Governor Georing please come forward ."

                                The wisenooly arose and wanderd forward.

                                "I here by present Hermann Georing, Reich Marshal of the United Federation of Provinces"
                                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

