The Emporer Rasputin addressed his closest advisors...
"So the Tartars have our intimate secrets, The serbs are angry because we leaning towards azande. The Indians are taking over our territory in Ameirca, The azande wont sign treaty."
"if tihs keeps up we will be surounded by enemies"
"I want a plan for our survival on my desk by nights end"
"Go al lof you , come back when you have the plan"
"So the Tartars have our intimate secrets, The serbs are angry because we leaning towards azande. The Indians are taking over our territory in Ameirca, The azande wont sign treaty."
"if tihs keeps up we will be surounded by enemies"
"I want a plan for our survival on my desk by nights end"
"Go al lof you , come back when you have the plan"