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History of the World 4.0

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  • The Egyptian Emporer does write to the Indian leaders...

    You have broken our agreement on split up of new world you have appeared to stake claim for land that was set aside for Razlamic growth. We will give you 2 turns of our planet to rectify this or we will be forced to take action.....
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • Agreed map of South america posted many years ago.

      Attached Files
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • all christian artifacts brought to egyot by the evil consul zylka wwere packed and sent back to english territory. the razlamic high priesthood proclaimed new laws totaly prohibiting the dispaly or import of any or all aritifacts of the false reliogions from europe. The years spent under the leadeship of zylka were to be erased from the history of egypt for ever.

        His leaderahip was classsed as pathetic by most annals in history. All engineering works ahd been canceled. Razlamics had been forced into exile in the desert , forced under the whip to build citys that would never be functional. No access to water , no roads , no luxuries nothing. Zylkas name became known through out all of greater Egypt as a derogatory name for a fool, as in "Dont be such a zylka"

        corruption had been running at all time high with most of the productivity being used to feed zylkas exopanding waisteline.
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • Emporer Rasputin immediatley announced plans for full mobiliastion of the Razlamic military arm. With peace now apparently secure in Africa and Asia the problem in South america was now of fundamental importance. All ships in the navy wer ordered t oreturn home immdiatly to begin trnapsortation of the Egyptian armies to the colonies. Long thought the most peaceful areas of the world, the colonies were now in danger and all honourable Rzlamics were called to join the fight for truth, freedom and the Razlamic way.
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • Speech by Paula Fox - Rasputins right hand advisor

            My fellow Egyptian citizens!

            My goal is not to add a bitter taste to the holiday's festive glass of cheer. I believe that every level and class of the Egyptian people has reason to celebrate today with confidence. And there is no reason to be moderate. We Egyptians over the last 20 years have had too much pain, sorrow and disappointment to run the risk of overdoing our celebration. A bit of pain is behind all our joy, and the cheer with which we look back on the past year and forward to the coming one is filled with earnestness and proud manliness.

            But now we raise our hearts and see with satisfaction that a year of success is behind us, and that the blessing of the Great Raz has fallen on the Egyptian people. Our whole hearts rejoice. It is a kind of joy that looks back with pride in what has been accomplished, and that gives strength for new plans and decisions. The powerful movement that has seized the entire Egyptian people in the past year is a movement of life that is filled with a firm and faithful optimism that gives endurance and strength. We Egyptians have once more learned to love life in all its splendor. We affirm it and accept all its demands, be they hard and pitiless. Razlam affirms life, it does not deny it. We draw from it the joyful strength that so wonderfully fills us in the last hours of the passing year.

            No one is left out. It fills the festive streets of the great cities and the lonely alleys and paths of our Egyptian villages. It fills huts and palaces, the rich and the poor. It fills the heart of the lonely wanderer who greets the new year in the snow-capped and towering mountains, or those who are part of the crowds in The Forums Markets. It was a blessed year. The Egyptian people found themselves once more, and regained a hope that lets them look confidently into the coming year.

            What a difference to the New Year's Eve of a year ago. Then the Empire stood before the abyss. The people were torn by hatred and civil war. The church and the senate lacked the strength even to recognize the catastrophe, much less to deal with it. Collapse and desperation were rising wherever one looked, and the specter of Christianity was everywhere. But today? The Empire is once more strong and powerful, the people more united and firm than ever before, led by a strong hand who is dealing with the problems we face. Where once there was hopelessness and despair, today a whole nation is filled with faithful devotion.

            A year of unprecedented victories and triumphs is behind us. What twelve months ago seemed the product of an overactive imagination has become reality. The flags of national renewal fly over the Empire, and a revolution of vast extent has captured the Egyptian people and given them back their true nature.

            There were probably only a few last 30 January, when the great transformation began, who imagined that a new era of Egyptian history was beginning, and that within a year the revolution would be over. Remember 21 March, 1 May, the unforgettable days in Asia , 1 October and 12 November. A wonderful transformation unified the nation, one that future generations will scarcely be able to comprehend. They will judge this year. It will go down in history as the year the Egyptian nation finally broke free of its four thousand years of misery.

            What an astonishing collection of significant political, cultural and economic events mark this year of Egyptian awakening! It finally destroyed the Christian nonsense that had tortured the Egyptian people for six decades, condemning them to political impotence. Only a year ago it threatened the Empire, ready at any moment to seize power. Today we know of it only through stories. It was replaced by the idea of a true community of the people that was not the empty theory of a meeting hall, rather step by step and piece by piece became a total and happy reality. The socialism that we preached for years found its living expression in the active participation of all Egyptians, perhaps the most wonderful and exciting event of the past year.

            Twelve months ago the Senators carried on their nonsense in the Senate, government crisis followed crisis, and the fate of the Empire was determined by special interests that used the holy idea of Egypt only for their own benefit. This contemptible parliamentarianism, whose only End of year gift to the people was the collapse of a cabinet, is gone. The Egyptian people overwhelmingly have affirmed one man and one idea. A movement fully aware of its responsibility governs the Empire.

            The people themselves, however, could not support the new regime any more strongly than they do. People, state and nation have become one, and the strong will of the Emporer is over us all. The eternal quarreling particularism that threatened the Empire has been overthrown. Egypt once more stands before the world as an unshakable unity, and no one inside or outside of our borders is able to damage the interests of the Egyptian nation by using some kind of group within the Empire.

            This political foundation had to be established if the government had any intention of dealing with the big problems of the day, if it was to do everything possible to deal with the specter of unemployment. The government had not only the intention to do something, it acted. It attacked unemployment with impressive measures. With The Great Raz's help, it was able to do even more than it promised: over two hundred thousand people are at work again, and even the hard winter did not slow us down. The entire world admires this accomplishment of the Egyptian people, gained by our will and toughness. The world is just as astonished as it watches the Egyptisn people fight hunger and cold; the first half of the battle has already been won. It fills us with pride that in this first winter no one, however poor and needy, has been left alone, that none of us, no matter how heavy our burdens, has gone uncared for through winter's cold months, that we have done our duty and need not fear anyone's gaze.

            Is it any wonder that courage, confidence and optimism in growing measure fill the Egyptian people? Is not the flame of a new faith rising in the people from this sacrificial readiness? This people is noble, brave, generous, willing, and full of devotion under the care of a strong hand, and it may rightly believe that it is spotless and pure, and that it has the blessing of The Great Raz.

            Is there any reason to doubt that we will return this people to its just place among the nations of the world? We have had the courage to break with the unacceptable methods of international post-war diplomacy and claim the absolute right of the Egyptian nation to national honor and equality. We knew from the beginning that it would take a tough battle. Today we think we can say that we will win if we keep our nerve.

            The year ends under this happy sign. With nostalgia we look back once again. It was a proud and manly year. It was a year of beginning and renewal, the first since the end of the war of which we can say that it ended for Egypt better than it had begun.

            As always, we stand at the helm even more firmly after the battle. The new year is before us, with its new challenges and tasks. Nothing will be given to us; we will have to seize it. Hard and challenging problems await us. We will need all our strength and intelligence to hold the ground that we have won, to increase it, to build on it, for only from it can we make the leap to new territory.

            The comradeship of the people that has begun in so wonderful a way is not something that has found eternal root in Egyptian hearts. It is the foundation from which we will find the strength to bring a victorious end to coming battle against hunger and cold, and then to begin in the spring a second great campaign against the unemployment that we will eliminate in the coming year.

            A major political problem in the coming year will be to give a new and organic structure to the Empire. Based on the firm ground of tradition, a reform must be implemented that will give the same unity to the Emprire as to the people. The New movement will fill both people and state for all time. Then we will be able to view our foreign problems with calmness. The people and nation stand on firm ground. No power on earth can split them apart.

            The tasks before us are large and difficult, almost discouragingly so. Only our strong and fanatic faith will give us the strength to solve them. If the Egyptian people stay united and work together, they will master fate and build a new future. Peoples never lose because of inadequate weapons, only through a lack of self- confidence and will.

            Let us then stand together and enter the new year with courage. The whole people should be confident of the government's thanks. Each of us is proud that we serve the people in a high position. We are all members of the people, we express its spirit and its will. The lowliest of our people is dearer to us than the king of another nation. And we would rather be the lowliest citizen of our nation than the king of another.

            This nation has displayed remarkable heroism both during the war and thereafter. Covered with scars, it has recovered from the blows dealt us by fate. It lives once more and will live as long as we faithfully affirm its life.

            No one has the right to become weary. Everyone is needed, each in his place. We know full well how much need remains in Egypt, but we will never surrender to it. We do not stick our head in the sand, rather we raise it high and offer it to fate.

            No one should lose courage. Only he who thinks he is lost is lost.

            In these last hours of the year, we join in humble thanks to the Great Raz who gave us the gift of doing our work loyally and industriously. We ask his blessings for the coming year, and promise that we will not be unworthy of his blessings.

            The year of revolution is over. The year of construction is beginning.

            We give our respectful greeting to the General Field Marshall and Emporer, who in the past year was once more the loyal patriart of his people. May fate preserve him for us for many years to come. We give our loyalty and eternal allegiance to the Emprorer, who never wavering bore the flag through storms and dangers. May he stay strong and healthy, and complete his work.

            I wish a happy New Year, filled with struggle and victory, to all good Egyptians at home and to our brothers on the other side of the sea.

            We will not fail if we have the courage to be stronger than the need that once defeated Egypt.
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • Razlams prepare

              In preperation for the coming Jihad agaisnt the Indians, all Razlamic Clerics called on their flocks to pray

              Pilgrams flocked from the whole of the Egyptian Empire to attend mass prayer vigils to ensure The Great Raz would bless their endevours

              Every mosque throughout the Empire was full and the chanting of the people was beautiful to hear

              As the men folk headed off to attend their barracks for training or to embark on the ships heading west , it was left to the women folk to maintain the prayer vigil

              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • Razlamic Dragoons March to War

                General Grl Component led her battalion of Heavily equipped Dragoons towards the border. Up head she could see the mighty 25th Regiment. They had been from Africa to Asia and back again, and now were posted here in the Americas.

                She knew that as the first female general she would be expected to do twice as well as any of her male counterparts only to get half the glory.

                Well she was ready, she would achieve for the Great Raz what none of her male counterparts could.

                She was a true beleiver.

                Down in the valley below was the man who had trained her for this day, the legendary Field Marshall Mal Icous , yes for him and The Great Raz she would lead her Dragoons to glory
                Attached Files
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • A subsecretary rushes a report to a senior offical....

                  "Sir, our agents in the English government are reporting that the English have begun a colonization of south pacific islands. This is really out of no where. We had no idea untill now."

                  "I see. We've been too focused on the Serbian war and defending our single new world colony that we've ignored this threat in our backyard. I would have expected Razlamics, or even Azadines to attempt colonizations in the region, but the English..."

                  "Sir, there's no way the English can defend such an isolated colony!"

                  "Are you so certain? We managed to defend San Francisco quite easily. Even the well trained serbs refused to test our defenses, and at sea the battle was a draw."

                  "But certainly...!"

                  "No! We were too lazy in relying on our Indian allies to colonize these areas. This is our mistake. Operation Islandhopper is already under way, the rest of the islands will fall under our influance. We can't afford to wait any longer. We can put political pressure on the English in the long run about the colony."

                  "What do you mean sir?"

                  "Well if you look at the history of English involvement with our expansion you can see that they've opposed us at every turn while expanding without moderation or consideration of others elsewhere."

                  "Yes your right, but what does that have to do with this colony?"

                  "Well now we can deal with the English on much fairer terms. We are no longer the huge colony grabbing power that needs to make concessions to hapless little nations. In fact, almost every other nation has surpassed us in the number of the colonies they possess. Everyone else looks like the landgrabbers now, and not us."

                  "So its all world politics."

                  "That's right. England always subtlely supported Serbian efforts to destroy San Francisco. They ignored our propsals to expand our feild of influance in the new world to a size that merits our nation's strength. They also instigated the separest movement in the Artic circle along with Serbian spies. They also supplied weapons to the radicals there."

                  "So you think its time to draw the line in the sand?"

                  "No, its more like they owe us. If they want to maintain any type of the underdog image they've possessed they can't possible duel with us in our backyard. They'll negoiate. I don't know when, or what for, or what it will take to get them to see this, but things will go right, espically after the rest of the region falls under our control very shortly."


                  • Egyptian citizens Mahmoud and Nashwa gather to hear Paula Fox speak.

                    "Shoot we are late, we miss anything?"
                    "I don't think so, she couldn't have been going too long. Probably still early."
                    "Ok, good."
                    "Is Rasputin speaking too?"
                    "I dunno. I sure hope so."
                    "Yea, it'd be a shame if we came all this way to hear some woman talk and didn't even get to see Rasputin."
                    "Yea. What's she talking about anyways?"
                    "Eh, I dunno, 'joyful strength yadda yadda last hours yadda yadda' Oh, she is talking about the New Year."
                    "All that?"
                    "Yea. By the way I almost forgot, Kol Sana We Enta Tayeb!"
                    "Same to you!"

                    ...Empire stood before the abyss. The people were torn by hatred and civil war. The church and the senate lacked the strength even to recognize the catastrophe...

                    "Wait, what was that? She said the church and the Senate? What church is she talking about?"
                    "I dunno, maybe the ones out in the colonies."
                    "Hmm, that doesn't seem right. Now she is talking about the specter of Christianity. So the church didn't do anything about Christianity?"
                    "Ha, what a dumb broad, I think she meant Mosque and Senate. Or something. See this is why women shouldn't be allowed in politics. I don't know why Rasputin is tolerating these upity women."
                    "I hear they've even got a woman general now. What is this world coming to."
                    "I've always liked Rasputin, but a woman general? Thats going too far, even for me. Women shouldn't be on the battlefield. This doesn't make any sense."

                    ...The year ends under this happy sign. With nostalgia we look back once again. It was a proud and manly year....

                    "Ha, manly my sand filled a**. With women in charge things couldn't possibly be any less manly. Hell even the sissy Tartars don't allow women to be in charge, and no right minded nation on earth lets women in battle."
                    "Our time ruled by the Christian Zylka has shaken the people's faith in the Koran."
                    "I think the people's faith is alright, I'm starting to doubt our leaders."
                    "Surely not Rasputin!"
                    "Well either he is responsible for appointing women generals and women advisors or it was done without his knolwedge in which case he is incompetant."
                    "Good point. I've believed in that man for so long, could he be a false prophet?"
                    "Only time will tell."

           able to view our foreign problems with calmness. The people and nation stand on firm ground. No power on earth...

                    "Jeeze, she is still going. This has to be the longest, most boring speech I've ever heard."
                    "Hmphura...huh? Did you say something dear, I must have nodded off."

                    ..ask his blessings for the coming year, and promise that we will not be unworthy of his blessings...

                    "Ok, I can't take any more of this boring speech by this blasphemous woman. What kind of name is Paula Fox anyways? Is she even Egyptian? If we got here earlier we could see her better. It would just figure if our nation was turned over to some British female. I'm writing a letter to Rasputin. We're outta here."
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • Originally posted by Frank Johnson
                      This is a foreign relations update for 540 AD summarizing forecasted Chinese activities in the next session.
                      An increase in naval activity is expected in the next session with a 20% chance of ironclad bombardments. Colonization will continue in the south east, with the ordinary chance of afternoon partols in the American desert southwest. Caravans will continue to reach the mainland from Japan early in the session heading east to west into India at 5mph. Skies will be sunny and food production will increase with city highs reaching at least 12 by session's end. Now for your international forecast. Things will be heating up in the new world, as unpredictable conflicts are likely to emerge. All other continents seem to have about average levels of activity, with the Ural as and middle east as potental hot spots.

                      Nice one Frank.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Comment

                        • nice map frank....
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • EmporerRasputin Speech to the Egyptian Senate

                            My fellow brethren, it is with great honor that i do stand here today as your beloved Emporer. We have ccome through many trials and tribulations internally over recent years and many tensions from external forces.

                            Internally we have cleansed our nation and provinces of all the hated infidels who had infiltrated our commerce. They skimmed off the top of the hard earned wages of all Egyptians an unfair cut. The Christians, who for years have oprressed us and tryed to sell us of to the Foriegners have been dealt with. This final solution of mine has been fundamental in establishing once and for all Egyptian control of Egytpian history.

                            Externaly we have faced down the threats from the Serbs and have come to an understanding of each others territorys. No more should they threaten our middleeast provinces. We are continuing to negotiate with the English to prevent their expansion and ownership of lands in south america. We hope soon to announce full agreement there. The Azande have continued to trouble us by refusing to do fair and open trade, but we beleive this situation will be chagning soon, and the threat of war from the south may soon be a thing of the past.

                            The only blight on our foriegn affairs horizon is the Indians. They have continued their march into all areas of the world and refuse to answer our diplomatic requests for their peaceful withdrawal. We are fully mobilizing our entire military forces and will meet any outcome that may prevail.

                            Our friends the Tartars have signed peace with the Serbs too so we appear to have no need to maintain our armies in Northen Asia. These troops will now head south to prevent any further Indian expansion.

                            We have achieved much in the last 1000 yrs , but we have much more to attain. Whilst our productivity is up we can still imoprove. I am annoucning the continuance of the GReat Raz highway project and also the major Irrigation of the deserts plan. Our scientists are investigating ways of improving these arid areas and a breakthru is imminent.

                            Trade with all world nations will be undertaken and we expecct much income from our meagre products.

                            We are undergoing major upgrades of all our military forces with brand new barracks being constructed through the realms.

                            I thank you all for your patience and understanding.

                            May the Great Raz bless us all.
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                            • Inside the Palace

                              Chief Public Relaions officer and right hand person to Emproer Rasputin, Paula Fox entered the Emporers main office and threw some paper work on his desk.

                              "you seen the latest repsorts from Fort Raz?"

                              "No hunney, what sup there?" asked rasputin as he leafed through the paperwork.

                              "Well they seem to be running short of gunpowder, we need to import more salt peter to mee the current demands"

                              "I have some agreements in place with our allies to send as much as we need once the war starts, we will just have to limit the training in live weopons till it arrives"

                              "We also found some spies nosing around down there"

                              "Yes i see you have them detained , Mahmoud and Nashwa , theri real names are Xinwa and Jackie Chan, Chinese emmigrants."

                              "Yes Ras, appears they infiltrated many years ago and have been sitiing dormant awaiting their call up. We have them under interogation now. Appears they have been stirring up trouble and feeding information back to the Chinese government, fortuantly we seem to have caught them before too much trouble occured or too much information was released"

                              "So off to the exectuioner for them ! " laughed Rasputin. Always happy to see his enemies removed in this way.

                              "Well Ras baby, I was hoping to use them as double agents, get them to send back false and misleading information to their masters"

                              "Ahh my lovely always one step ahead, tha tis why you are my right hand woman"

                              "Now Ras , you know i am that cause i the best damn lay you ever had"

                              "Well that too, speaking of which, how bout it?"

                              "Too busy right now, i have another speeech to prepare , i'll see you tonight my love"
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • The Madness of King George

                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                I am slowly going crazy, 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch,
                                Crazy going slowly am I, 6-5-4-3-2-1 switch.
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

