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History of the World 4.0

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  • We call on hte chinese to aid the tartars in their rebuilding mode to return t oa peaceful nation... All avenues of peacful support should be offered...
    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


    • whilst serbia has declared her suport for tartars attacks we are willing to sign apeace with them immediatly if they maintain their troops in hteir own teritory.
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • in a vision a t night rasputin did see some strange things....

        He saw many people crying out for help

        He saw strange things in the air

        He heard loud noices

        He saw Azande citys buring

        He saw seas rising

        He saw the sun dissappear

        He knew not what this meant ....
        Attached Files
        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


        • He was confused by all this and wonderedwhat it meant, but felt the witchdocotrs must have done something bad !!!!!!
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • There was much to think about...

            Lizard kept hearing words of peace from the Egyptians and words of EMPIRE from the Tartars...

            Lizard kept hearing of Serb cowardice and how they wanted Egypt to launch war against Azande...

            Lizard kept hearing lies... and half-truths...
            "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
            *deity of THE DEITIANS*
            icq: 8388924


            • *At home in the Americas, smiling - Zylka reads of recent world news and numerous comical "peace" demands of the now routed Egyptian forces. He places the oilskin news parchment down beside drink, and kisses his wonderful mistress on the forehead.

              He laughs, harder and in more comforting fulfillment than could be imagined. "This is panic.." he softly notes "panic beyond knowing how to bluff, or when you're beat by the better. God bless, TarTardom."

              Holding one another; he and the young woman retire to the bed chamber*


              • Rasputin sat with his Field Marshalls and Generals and looked over their plans, he was happy with how it was going He wouldnt interfer with their day to day plans, but kpet an overall view of the progress.

                Casualty reports were in.

                1 Battalion of Stormtroopers and 1 Cavalry Dvision murdered in their sleep in the town of Eastern Mount. Another Division of Cavalry murdered making encampment on hills overlooking the Holy Lands.

                All the Razlamics in the city of Razlamic Asia killed in their sleep and new Tartar civilians moved in. Eastern Mount burned to the ground under cannon fire all citizens killed.

                Enemy losses were half a division of Cannons were taken out, by the brave solidiers of Eastern Mount.

                Not good numbers to start with, but the remaining 20 Divisions of Cavalry were poised to attack. Lunde would be freed of Tartar aggression within a month. The Enemy east of the mountain range would be pushed back decively.

                Still no sign of serb movement, but the egyptians were used to tht. Many time sthey had threatene dto leave their barracks and ride down but never were they seen in war. In fact despite all the Serbian angst against Azande over many centuries, not once had they attacked a single Azande Military unit , nor even attempted to enter Azande land, even though they hada large fleet of ships.

                Rasputin pondered on this as he realised all the Serbs had been pushing him to attack the Azande for years and not doing anything themselves was a ruse. Just as the "Planned Attack" opn India was, well he had seen through that in his travels and had under gone major rework to change things.

                Yes, things should work well for his vision of a free Razlamic state in Asia .

                The Egyptiians had shown that they supported the threatened nations by relaying critical information to the indians in their time of need. Now if Berzerker only had the balls to make astand , never agai nwould the weak be threatened.
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • Rasputin speaks to the Azande Council

                  Everyone wonders what is happening about the war. For several months past the Tartars have been uttering ferocious threats of what they are going to do to the Indians and the Egyptians -when once they set about them. But so far it is the small Asian Razlamic provinces that are bearing the brunt of Tartar malice and cruelty.

                  We, the aggrieved and belligerent Powers who are waging war against the Tartars, have no need to ask for respite. Every week our commerce grows; every month our organization is improved and reinforced. We must always be expecting some bad thing from the Tartars, but I will venture to say that it is with growing confidence that we await the further developments or variants of their attack.

                  Numbers do not daunt us. But judged even by the test of numbers we have no reason to doubt that once the latent, and now rapidly growing, power of the Egyptian Empire are brought, as they must be, and as they will be, fully into line with the magnificent efforts of the Azande, then, even in mass and in weight, we shall not be found wanting. When we look behind the brazen fronts of Tartardom-as we have various means of doing-we see many remarkable signs of psychological and physical disintegration. We see the shortages of raw materials which already begin to hamper both the quality and the volume of their war industry. We feel the hesitancy of divided counsels, and the pursuing doubts which assail and undermine those who count on force and force alone.

                  In the bitter and increasingly exacting conflict which lies before us we are resolved to keep nothing back, and not to be outstripped by any in service to the common cause. Let the great cities of Razlamuc Asia, of India, of the Middle East banish despair even in the midst of their agony. Their liberation is sure. The day will come when the joybells will ring again throughout Egypt, and when victorious nations, masters not only of their foes but of themselves, will plan and build in justice, in tradition, and in freedom a house of many mansions where there will be room for all.
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • Originally posted by Zylka
                    *At home in the Americas, smiling - Zylka reads of recent world news and numerous comical "peace" demands of the now routed Egyptian forces. He places the oilskin news parchment down beside drink, and kisses his wonderful mistress on the forehead.

                    He laughs, harder and in more comforting fulfillment than could be imagined. "This is panic.." he softly notes "panic beyond knowing how to bluff, or when you're beat by the better. God bless, TarTardom."

                    Holding one another; he and the young woman retire to the bed chamber*
                    Egpyt hereby withdraws all offers of peace to the Tartars. The Arrogance of the Tartars has shown the yneed to be taught a lesson. Razlamics world wide hold a prayer vigilance for the lost souls.....

                    We live in a terrible epoch of the human story, but we believe there is a broad and sure justice running through its theme. It is time that the enemy should be made to suffer in their own homelands something of the torment they have let loose upon their neighbours and upon the world. We believe it to be in our power to keep this process going, on a steadily rising tide, month after month, year after year, until they are either extirpated by us or, better still, torn to pieces by their own people
                    GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                    • cavalry charge in asia

                      With his dry, flaxen hair flowing about his ears, General Ishmael raised himself in his stirrups, held his saber outthrust, and cried to the men from The Holy Lands, 'Come on, you Wolverines!'
                      At a trot, at a gallop, the bombastic Ishmael, leading his Wolverines four length in front, reined his horse straight across the open land on a collision course as the ground gave off a muffled rumble where thousands of pounding hoofs were churning pasture lands into a mulch of dirt and crushed clover.
                      Finally, in a great tangle of men and horses, the Egyptians and Tartars smashed head-on. 'So sudden and violent was the collision,' according to an eyewitness, 'that many of the horses were turned end over end and crushed their riders beneath them.'
                      The impact of Ishmaels's troopers halted the front of the Tartar column, and in a swirl of milling and yelling, sabers twirled and hacked, turned red, and twirled again, pistols and carbines spurted at point-blank range and frantic horses, squealing with the wildest kind of terror, hit and kicked and threw their riders into a melee of grinding hoofs
                      With Ishmael and his Wolverines chopping at the front of the Tartar column, other Egyptian squadrons flailed in on the flank - in some instances the momentum of their attack carried horses and riders clear through massed Tartar troopers - and the fighting broke into a general free-for-all...,
                      After a frenzy of saber slashing.,..the contestants called it a day. The Tartars retired to the plains whence they had come, leaving the field of combat to the Egyptian horsemen
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • battle plains
                        Attached Files
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • resting after battle
                          Attached Files
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson delivers his report at a USB cabinet meeting.

                            What a world we have inherited. Of the seven great civilizations in the world, a mere two are not embroiled in this great and deadly war that has fallen upon the globe like a dark shroud. To some British the war feels remote and far away. But to we who know how small the world has become, this war spells trouble no matter how it is approached.

                            In the last week alone I have met with emissaries from all nations except the haughty and secretive Indians. Both the Tartars and Egyptians lobbied hard to have USB troops fight on their side of the conflict. I declined them both, but our situation is a complicated one. Our great and eternal allies the Serbs and Azande are now at war with each other. How can we possibly take sides between them, but yet by remaining neutral do we dishonor both our alliances?

                            The Egyptians asked for cash loans to fuel their war effort. While this is less intrusive than commiting troops, I still felt it was not our place and would only elicit the anger of our Serb allies. Upon declining the Egyptian diplomat became quite upset with us, distrusting our neutrality and questioning our motives. I will continue to pledge true neutrality in this conflict, but I am worried this war will engulf the whole world whether we want it or not.

                            Of all the world's powers, the only understanding friend we have are the Chinese. Our fellow democracy who is likewise torn and neutral. Trading partners with the Indians and close friends and allies with the Tartars they too attempt to sit out this conflict and understand our position. Like all nations however, they fear the accumulation of power. This war is influenced by and may further tip the balance of power, and even neutral nations must be concerned.

                            I have charged Deputy Secretary Metternich with the duty of untangling the web of deceit and manuevering that led up to this war. He has done some digging and come up with the following scenario:

                            Envious of the wealth and power amassed by the Azande and Indians, the smaller nations of Egypt, Serbia and Tartardom began plotting an invasion. It is believed a leadership change and practical political considerations contributed to the dramatic realignment shown by the alliance of Tartardom with their longtime enemies the Serbs and the Egyptians.

                            The Serbs provided technology, information and military assistance to their neighbors, however the duplicitus Egyptians had other intentions. They fed their allies' battle plans to the Indians and taught the Azande the new Serbian innovation in military Tactics. The superior Serbian intelligence discovered this betrayal and their leaders were enraged. This advancement was highly coveted and the betrayal dealt decades of military research into the hands of the highly militarized superpower, the Azande.

                            For this there could be no explination or apology and battle plans quickly changed from attacking the Indians and Azande to punishing the Egyptians for their betrayal. The Egyptians however made public the plans to attack the Azande and Indians, and called upon their new allies to defend them. This brought the war to its current state with Serbia & Tartardom vs. the Azande, Egyptians and Indians.

                            Metternich hears rumors of much backroom diplomacy on the part of the Azande and Chinese, however our sources are silent on this. Perhaps if the Tartars had not twice sabatoged Marco Polo's long ago missions to establish an embassy with the Chinese we would have better intelligence.

                            These are indeed troubled times. The only upside to this is the new world seems to have calmed as the great nations focus their destructive capability in the old world. The colonial wars between Tartars, Serbs, Chinese and British for dominance of the Americas seem to have subsided. Hopefully time will provide other positive elements to this situation, for the time being none are apparent.

                            This concludes my report, I will keep the cabinet advised of future developments on the world stage.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Re: Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson delivers his report at a USB cabinet meeting.

                              Originally posted by OzzyKP

                              Envious of the wealth and power amassed by the Azande and Indians, the smaller nations of Egypt, Serbia and Tartardom began plotting an invasion. It is believed a leadership change and practical political considerations contributed to the dramatic realignment shown by the alliance of Tartardom with their longtime enemies the Serbs and the Egyptians.
                              Well as the Egyptians ahd all the best of both worlds from gifts from al;l nations we were not envious of any nations weatlh and certianly not indian who was far technologically inferiour to ourselves. However the Goverment change in Tartar was central to lal this,

                              The Serbs provided technology, information and military assistance to their neighbors, however the duplicitus Egyptians had other intentions. They fed their allies' battle plans to the Indians and taught the Azande the new Serbian innovation in military Tactics. The superior Serbian intelligence discovered this betrayal and their leaders were enraged. This advancement was highly coveted and the betrayal dealt decades of military research into the hands of the highly militarized superpower, the Azande.
                              very close to the mark here, but waht yuo failed to post was the amount of misinformation fed by Englsih spys to Serbians, apparently the serbs were eld to beleive that Egypt was never to be trusted and so the first breakdown in communications caused this built up mistrust, put their by the englkish, to bubble forth into all out war. The other thing people are reaaly missing here is what would egypt gain by selling of an ally. well nothi9ng of course, buyt what would egypt gain by selling of a warmonger that was attempting to get the Egyptians to attack the azande. how could the egyptians attack azande. well maybe with a full serb invasion, but did that ever happen, did eve none serbian troop movemnt occur where they left theri warmm barracks with their cocoa and marshmellows, no, the whole history of serbian / egyptian arrangmenets was a lie, a lie to force war between azansde a nd egypt, distract azande from persuing their peaceful goals whilst serbs astayed out of it. We didnt fall for it not once. I laid out many plans for the serbs to follow that would show they were serious in thier claims of fullly aiding and abetting the egyptians, but not one of them was followed threw, it always had to be the serbian way.

                              OOC... I will post more after game is finished as to how this was achieved, very cleverly ......


                              For this there could be no explination or apology and battle plans quickly changed from attacking the Indians and Azande to punishing the Egyptians for their betrayal. The Egyptians however made public the plans to attack the Azande and Indians, and called upon their new allies to defend them. This brought the war to its current state with Serbia & Tartardom vs. the Azande, Egyptians and Indians.
                              there never were plans by serbs and tartar to invade india, they wanted my troops mvoed out of egypt to india and whilst there to attack me.... fortuantly i didnt follow this plan, i immedialty infiorned the indians top be prepared.... if i had ever had plans of attacking indioa i certianly had the forces avaialbvle to do it, but chose not to , becasue in diplo yiou need a reason, not just i want more land ... indiand and egyptians were able to agree on borders... whilst tthe indians did promise to build cavalry imeediatyly and they lied and didnt do that, but built more defenders instead , we understand their fear of theri neighbours now.... forutnalty the only nation to come to egypotian aid was also the storngest, if china or england had offered any aid, then azande would still be in dark ages with no military techs... but the instant tartar forces were taekn by zylka and posts were read of serbian alliance with them, it was known qwho was the real target.... As i said egypt had to have a partner and no one offered so to get one we did waht we had to ensure our survival......

                              These are indeed troubled times. The only upside to this is the new world seems to have calmed as the great nations focus their destructive capability in the old world. The colonial wars between Tartars, Serbs, Chinese and British for dominance of the Americas seem to have subsided. Hopefully time will provide other positive elements to this situation, for the time being none are apparent.
                              you obviously havent seen recent maps, the war is right on your door step in new world as serbs and tartars are all around you in new world and so is the Azande.... India or egypt will shorlty take back all taratar controlled citys in new world....
                              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                              • "Sir, we've learned there are Egyptian spies infiltrating the government at the highest level."
                                "Oh no, how high does it go?"
                                "All the way to the cabinet, sir. Our closed cabinet meetings are somehow being monitored by the Egyptians."
                                "This poses a terrible risk to national security. How on earth could the Egyptians penetrate our cabinet? We must begin an immediate and thourough investigation. There will be a price to pay for this slip in security."
                                "Yes sir, I'll get on it right away."
                                Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                                When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah

