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World War One PBEM Playtest

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  • Nilat
    The russians votes "YES" for Italy attacking the untrustworthy Germans!

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  • Historical Atze
    Denied of course!
    Boy, what is your problem? I allow you to stay within Italian borders, that is more than most people would accept. The troops from 159,79 move to 160,78 and the troops from 162,80 to ... whereever you want them unless they are next to Ravenna or Milano!

    Man you are risking war again! Is that what you want?

    Moreover the Austrians have kaiserjäger at the border to italy.... why should you protect them against someone who is no enemy... what you say makes no sense.

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  • Palaiologos
    Okay deal goes:

    The units from 162,80 will immediately be withdrawn.
    The units in 159,79 stay. Its not like they are occuping industries or something

    How about it?

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  • Historical Atze
    And I will do the same with you: My neutrality is true. Believe it or not. Yet, in order to protect Austria you do not have to have troops directly next to my cities. Withdraw them and everything is fine!

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  • Palaiologos
    Originally posted by Historical Atze
    As I am a trusting man, I will trust you once again. Just do not betray Italy. It is a peaceful nation, but as I said before, we can fight if necessary. You need your troops elsewhere I suppose.

    As i said they are simply engineers. They will withdraw on the next turn.

    Moreover, why should german units protect Austrian territory, and from whom?? I am no threat, unless I am forced to be... Remember my words, du not betray Italy!

    The Austrians are curently busy fighting the Ruskies and can spare no men for the Italian front and thus the defence of the Alps fell to the Reichswehr.
    The Italians have betrayed the Central powers before in the past.

    I'll be frank with you man. I will not attack you, but there is no way i am letting down my guard. For all i know your "neutrality" could be a ruse to buy time and prepare an army to invade Croatia or something.
    The troops near Innsbruck will stay put.

    Had we intended to attack Italy we wouldn't have ceased the bombardment of Italian cities. It must be remembered that it was the treacherous attack of the Italian navy that forced German aggression upon the Kingdom of Italy.

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  • Historical Atze
    @Mr Atze
    The German infantry in northern Italy are protecting Austrian territory.They are all within Austrian borders.

    If you are reffering to the units north of Ravenna, they are simply engineers building RRs protected by an infantry unit. Will remove them on my turn.
    As I am a trusting man, I will trust you once again. Just do not betray Italy. It is a peaceful nation, but as I said before, we can fight if necessary. You need your troops elsewhere I suppose.

    Moreover, why should german units protect Austrian territory, and from whom?? I am no threat, unless I am forced to be... Remember my words, du not betray Italy!

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  • Palaiologos
    Cool down fellows. I suspect there is something wrong with Jim's updated file. Perhaps he "updated" an older rules file.

    @Mr Atze
    The German infantry in northern Italy are protecting Austrian territory.They are all within Austrian borders.

    If you are reffering to the units north of Ravenna, they are simply engineers building RRs protected by an infantry unit. Will remove them on my turn.

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  • academia
    Are you serious????

    Damn! did i miss something???
    What version are we using????

    and please... INCLUDE TRADE UNITS

    I really hope i missunderstood this situation...

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  • Historical Atze
    1. Can't we include trade units ... pleeeeeaaaaaase ??

    2. What the ***** **** **** hell are more and more german infantry units doing in northern Italy????? You said to withdraw them immediately. Give a good reason or say farewell to these units and the peace with Italy!!!

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  • Palaiologos
    Originally posted by Stalin II
    Russia will not tolerate this!! Even though the finnish people have been rebelious, they do not deserve that!

    We will liberate Finland back and they will respect Russia more, than after what Germany did to them!

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  • Palaiologos
    Nothing wrong with your civ2 game there, Atze.

    You just used an older rules.txt.

    Use this one.(It doesn't have the Colonial troops fix though).
    Attached Files

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  • Historical Atze
    Somethings strange here ... last turn I was able to build a trade-unit ... that is, as long as I am not insane ... :? but this turn, I cannot build it and it is renamed red army ... am I dumb, is my Civ2 crapped ... or what happens here ??? I WANT MY TRADE UNIT BACK !!!!

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  • academia
    Italian Curia sends an offer of free trade pact to the USA which allows Italian and American goods to be traded freely via the atlantic.
    Ok. We accept that offer.
    Feel free to trade with USA
    Attached Files

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  • FiGu
    *British King Hears What happened* HOLY *** ****. WE WILL MAKE YOU PAY WITH 100 Million Germans!

    *Kings Pushes 'Launch Nuclear Missile Button* Muahaha... uhm... Doh! There ain't no nukes!

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  • Nilat
    Russia will not tolerate this!! Even though the finnish people have been rebelious, they do not deserve that!

    We will liberate Finland back and they will respect Russia more, than after what Germany did to them!

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