I'd post a poll, except that this isn't a democracy game 
OK... perhaps we should each state a governmental preference and reasons for it.
I think there are SG(2), BM, Hydey and STYOM for Republic so far...
I think SG[1] mentioned fundy or commie..
obiwan definitely is for fundy...
Where does everyone else stand and why? This isn't a simple show of hands... I favour Republic, but if someone can show me a way to get to something else quickly, or show me that the other choice will definitely pay off in the long term, I might change my mind.
I favour Republic because:
- we can get it sooner than anything else. We need out of Despotism.
- Republic trade bonuses will make trading more worthwhile, sooner. Remember, the goal is AC.
- WLTCD allows fast city growth - especially since luxuries will be turned up (it's luxuries or taxes only).
- we'll have lots of base taxes due to science being at 0, for rushbuilding caravans/freight.
- waste/corruption can be reduced with courthouses (again, we should have cash to buy them).

OK... perhaps we should each state a governmental preference and reasons for it.
I think there are SG(2), BM, Hydey and STYOM for Republic so far...
I think SG[1] mentioned fundy or commie..
obiwan definitely is for fundy...
Where does everyone else stand and why? This isn't a simple show of hands... I favour Republic, but if someone can show me a way to get to something else quickly, or show me that the other choice will definitely pay off in the long term, I might change my mind.
I favour Republic because:
- we can get it sooner than anything else. We need out of Despotism.
- Republic trade bonuses will make trading more worthwhile, sooner. Remember, the goal is AC.
- WLTCD allows fast city growth - especially since luxuries will be turned up (it's luxuries or taxes only).
- we'll have lots of base taxes due to science being at 0, for rushbuilding caravans/freight.
- waste/corruption can be reduced with courthouses (again, we should have cash to buy them).