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You know you've played civ too long when...

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  • My father pulled a good one way. I think I was in junior high (maybe younger, I'm 21 now, not sure exactly what year the original Civ came out) when we first got Civ. A few months later, one night my dad was sleeping and my mom was reading a book in bed next to him, when suddenly he shot up straight and yelled out "I have to save my people!"

    Dad doesn't really play anymore, but I think my mom plays most every day. She has been playing Civ 2 since not too long after it came out, and she just recently decided she was ready for warlord finally (she crushes the computer at Chieftain, which is what she likes to do)



    • after 2+ years of multiplaying..... there is a rebirth..... called Simultaneous movement...... and all our wives/girlfriends/significant others *groan* simultaneously realizing that there will be no gap between civ-civ2-civ3
      Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


      • ok....When you THink there are 6000yrs in a day

        .... when you wonder why the Eqyptions were a Monarchy in stead of a democray afeter all they had the pryimids.

        ...when confonted by a geography study guide on ancient civ's in volveing the Hanging Gardens you put down "wonder of the world which gives you 1 extra happy citizen in city ect".(true story afriend of mine... )

        ...When some one insults Civ you take it personaly...
        then you take up arms agienst them...
        then you go home and build a two tierd earthen terrace around your house to increase it defence factor...
        then you get frustrated be cause you can't send you "Mighty Legions" to crush them.
        (first part of thats true)

        ...when you seriusly consider useing the number of cruise missle hits it takes to sink a battleship in civ 2 as an argument for BB reactivation on the battleship reactivaton mesage board, then you rember the time in civ one when you lost you battleship to a defending phalanx.

        ...when you forget your not actuly the Garyey of Lubuckstan.
        ...when you forget that there isn't actuly a Republic of Lubuckstan for you to be the Garyey of

        ...When you've reapedly Mailed letters to the goverment's of China, Russia, and Kazakkhstan about the daznger and Menace which lay right across ther borders in Mongolia

        [This message has been edited many times repetedly by RollinThunda (edited January 05, 2001).]

        [This message has been edited by RollinThunda (edited January 05, 2001).]
        Artillery is the god of war-Joseph Stallin
        It is True that liberty is Precious, so Prescious it must be Rationed-V.I.Lennin


        • quote:

          Originally posted by LightEning on 06-15-2000 10:56 AM
          ... you seriously think that you like the CivII music

          True story: I constantly hear the wife whistling or humming the CIV music... AND she doesn't even PLAY!


          • when your a guest on the jerry springer show titled
            "addicted to civilization", and you meet the other 8000+ posters from Apolyton

            when the only reason you upgrade your computer is so that you can play the upcoming civ3

            You believe running a civilization is work, thereby informing the gov't that you need to be paid a civil servants wage

            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


            • ..someone calls, and after a while they realize you aren't paying attention, when she says, "Are you playing that stupid Civ II." You hang up.

     are in a world history class and when you're talking about any military unit, you lean over and tell a fellow CIVer the attack/defense/movement.
              A genunine Matt Gaston post.


              • Oh well... past 150 posts.
                Time for a new one.

                Case Closed!

                CivII & Off-Topic Forum Moderator
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O

