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No Science Succession: Revenge of the Space Luddites

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  • Postage...

    Well, as it turns out, slinking down into the the basement for the weekend is not exactly consistent with being the boss. Expecially when there are plenty of scheduled activities on the calendar. Still, I got nearly 8 turns done, and here they are.

    Turnlog later today (which is meeting-intensive).

    Attached Files
    Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
    RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


    • Same zipfile, but not renamed to PC-friendly title.
      Attached Files
      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


      • Sorry, _Jrabbit, both types refuse to open. Missing bits.

        Can you remember the solution you used for Minnie??

        If your family lets you "slink away" to play a computer game on a busy weekend, then, I think you are a Lucky rabbit, indeed.

        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • I actually have one more turn to play, but was feeling guilty for not getting it all in this weekend. (Over 50 cities, lots of micromanagement -- very time-consuming.) I believe we need 5 more techs, then build and launch.

          So, should I press on to my 8th turn tonight, or let the rest of the group finish?

          I'll let the group weigh in on that while in Meeting Hell today.

          BTW -- Things went quite well (except for the attacks that broke the shipchain in - iirc - 1786).
          Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
          RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


          • By all means, play on.

            so long and thanks for all the fish


            • OK, I finish tonight.
              Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
              RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


              • Play list updated...

                1. obiwan18
                2. SG(2)
                3. Jrabbit (switched with Hydey)
                4. Hydey (switched with Jrabbit)
                5. SCG
                6. STYOM
                7. SG[1]
                8. Bloody Monk
                9. La Fayette

                Play 8 turns, pls.
                "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                • Yes, play all of your turns little bunny.
                  The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

                  Hydey the no-limits man.


                  • I think that I fixed your earlier Zip JRabbit.

                    File name should be ne_1788.sav

                    Attached Files
                    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
                    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


                    • Sorry, obi, no joy.

                      This opens with, "This is not a save file."


                      Send it from your work pc, please. That worked with mi_a1740, recently. I continue to believe something has gone wrong with your compression program, since it used to be workable.

                      so long and thanks for all the fish


                      • Actually, I believe you may be right and I'm contacting the maker.

                        Planning to send from the work PC this after sleeping. But in the meantime, here's the zipped save, again attempting U/L from the Mac...
                        Attached Files
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • Rabbitlog

                          1774 and Consul -Jrabbit Ludd takes the helm. Our might Republic boasts 51 cities and 31 MM ppl, with several still celbrating under a 70-0-30 regimen. 12 total techs needed to reach our goals of Space Flight, Superconductor, and Laser. Well-equipped shipchain leaves no choice but a goal of one tech per turn through trade bonuses.

                          Make some minor adjustments, rushbuy a bunch of white goods and freights, and press ENTER...

                          1776 -- Population 34,370,000
                          Barbs galore. Germans now a monarchy.
                          Computers --> Atomic Theory.
                          Bribe German musket. Bribe Leipzig for about 1200, 123 GP returned.
                          Senate supports "peacekeeping" efforts vs. Germans.
                          Freight deliveries: Caernarfon Hides, 198. Cardiff Gold 150, Hides 513. Carmarthen Spice 204. Kells silver 210, hides 624, oil 384, Armagh silver 245.

                          1778 -- Population 35,660,000
                          Much tickling. TOO MANY CITIES! This will take awhile...
                          Germans bribe Leipzig back, take Consription.
                          Atomic Theory is ours, no choice but to take Flight next.
                          Battleship kills ironclad, makes Vet.
                          Our spy visits Leipzig, talks lovingly of our glorious Republic, donates 651 GP to local political action group. Leipzigians revolt (3rd time in 2 turns ), return 69gp on our investment.
                          deliveries: Spice to Carmarthen, 1152 , wine 318 and gems 160 to Kells, coal170 to antioch, Oil 70 to Tarsus, beads 423 to Cardiff.
                          Zulus chat -- they are now allied with Celts, at peace with us.

                          1780 -- Population 37,250,000
                          Celts go to Republic, start naval activity that threatens the Holy Shipchain.
                          Flight is ours, Radio is next.
                          Bribe German oil caravan near Hamburg.
                          Deliveries -- Hides to Kells x2 (114, 171), Cardiff 390. Oil to Kells 131. coal to Caernarfon 130. Wine to Caernarfon 48. Cloth to Cardiff 110. Oh, and some good ones -- Gems to Caernarfon972, Wool to Cardiff 596.
                          Subvert Slim Buttes, maintaining our Spotless rep at a cost of 2330, less 207 plunder.

                          1782 -- Poulation 39,550,000
                          Random blackclicks reveal cities at 67,17 and 38,30.
                          Celebration list continues to grow.
                          Many engineers at work on rail nets, double irrigation, and some minor exploration.
                          Radio discovered. Advanced Flight next.
                          Kill 2 Celtic Frigates with total of 3 on board.
                          Bribe another German camel -- since the German trade area is so remote, these will be used to help finance hardware for the propose carpet-bombing of Berlin.
                          Troops take Persian city of Susa and 347 plunder.
                          Verona founde on 2 whale spot. (But why????)
                          Another Persian city, Tarsus, revolts for 744, returns 279 for our investment.
                          Deliveries -- Cardiff salt 170, silver 830, hides 390. Caernarfon coal 177, Kells dye 628, hides 152. Intombe silk 100.
                          Subvert friendly Zulu village of Intombe. Cost over 2K but Rourkes Drift now has a companion city...
                          Go on a white goods spending spree, bringing us down to 72 GP in treasury. But we're getting supermarkets, banks, aqueducts, sewer systems, and courthouses throughout the realm.

                          1784 -- Population 42,610,000
                          Many celebrations ending.
                          Advanced Flight ours. Choices are amphibious warfare, mobile warfare, and recycling. Opt for Armored Mobile Tanks, baby!!
                          Salamis founded. We are probably too close to the stars to waste time with new cities, but old habits dies hard...
                          Hut nets 100gp.
                          first pollution appears near Arkwright.
                          Deliveries -- Caernarfon gems 156, Cardiff hides 128, Armagh silver 680. Insatiable Kells accepts Dye 360, oil 155, copper 764, hides 402.

                          1786 -- Population 44,050,000
                          Zulus learn Atomic Theory.
                          We start building bombers to control the German Menace.
                          WLTCD returns in force, adjusting only workers, not our sliders, which remain parked at 30-0-70.
                          Mobile Warfare is ours. Back on track with Rocketry next.
                          shipchain broken, requiring repairs. But my predessessor provided enough materials to do this without missing a delivery!!
                          Deliveries -- Reveers shipchain begins, carrying goods from sioux lands and Rourke's Drift back to the homeland. Salt to Bessemer 66, to Hargreaves 114. Gold to Tyre 176. dye to Carmarthen 208, Kells x2 620, 88. Silver to Cardiff 264. Hides to Kells 402. Beads to Cardiff 294.

                          1788 -- Population 45,770,000
                          Apollo Food Storage Facility in Newcomen now has 7 freights a-waiting.
                          Rocketry is in the fold, with Nuclear Fission to come.
                          Rumors of spanish presence confirmed by discovery of Barcelona (8).
                          Sioux city of Cedar Creek revolts, 1417 - 225 cost, netting Copernicus.
                          Bribe Sioux city of Killen 112 - 15 and resulting in PEACE!
                          Hut contains Advanced Tribe of Lisbon (2).
                          Blitzkrieg of Berlin begins -- 2 dead riflemen, 2 vet bombers.
                          Deliveries -- Carmerthen hides 156/147/382, gems 139, Salt 179, dye 796. Oil to Arkwright 231. Wool to Cardiff 568. Sent something to Berenice, too, got 52.

                          1790 -- Population 48,470,000
                          Celts, Zulus now have Atomic Theory.
                          whereas we have Nuclear Fission!! Space flight not offered so now it's Nuclear Power.
                          white goods focus shifts to shield production. Several factories now in production to this end.
                          Find/bribe Valencia (5) @ 400 - 150gp.
                          Find Saragossa (6).
                          City of Rabbit's Folly is founded.
                          Clever spy bribes isolated city of Barcelona (8) for 470 - 197.
                          Battleship emties Sardis, spy bribes local cannon to enter city, netting 132 plunder.
                          Persians sue for peace and we reluctantly accept.
                          Deliveries -- all to Kells. Perhaps we should rename as "Old Reliable" or "Insatiable." Copper 764, dye x4 = 278, 278, 328, 358. Beads 147, gems 342, hides 180, and silver 354.

                          Closing notes --
                          1. There are 3 westbound freights on transport outside of Bee for home continent delivery next turn.
                          2. All we need to reach the stars = Space Flight (should be offered next, Laser/Plastics --> Superconductor, and Nuclear Power.
                          3. Planning the Apollo build in Newcomen. You'll find a bunch of food freights waiting there (a few more needed, I believe).
                          4. The Germans really annoyed me, so I built a fleet of 3 bombers to empty Berlin. Troops are poised to march in.
                          5. Don't know why I founded any new cities when there are so many nice ones ripe for the taking. Planning to take a refresher course at The Institute.
                          6. Xinned only enough to keep the tech rate at 1x (book rate generally about 8 turns, sometimes 9x or 10x).
                          7. Micromanagement is time-consuming but actually kinda fun in a sick way.
                          8. I think we've learned that a HUGE Republic is not only possible but actually a strong force by the endgame. Zero science, and we're so far ahead of the AI civs it's ridiculous.

                          This will be the earliest landing, and the biggest civ, I've ever been associated with.
                          Kudos to my predecessors!
                          Attached Files
                          Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                          RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                          • Experiment -- Please HELP

                            OK, so I'm trying to determine if my zipfile problem is based on
                            (a) faulty upload facility (either on my home iMac or perhaps related to the interaction of the Mac with Poly,
                            (b) corrupted ZipIt utility (a Mac shareware pgm that has previously worked just fine).

                            --The file I posted last night was my standard ZipIt, which in the past was easily opened by WinZip or any other "normal" PC decompressor.

                            --The file immediately north of this (in the turnlog post) is that same file, emailed to work and delivered to Poly via my PC there.

                            --The file attached to this post is the original Mac save, emailed to the work PC, compressed via WinZip and delivered herein.

                            If anyone has a bit of free time, I'd appreciate a report on results obtained in trying to open all 3 of these files. Any relevant info (software, OS used, "little tricks" needed to wheedle an attachment into opening appreciated.

                            Meanwhile, I've emailed my shareware maker and awit his response.

                            Attached Files
                            Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                            RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                            • Re: Experiment -- Please HELP


                              I believe your ZipIt util is broken.

                              --The first one sent from home, does not open. "not a valid zip file"
                              --The second and third both open, but not as .sav files. They are fine if the ".sav" extension is added.

                              Opening with WinZip on XPHome.

                              Suggest this means the Poly angle is not the problem. Hopefully, the shareware guys will give you a new (ie, uncorrupted) file to work with. I seem to remember that your uploads have always needed the addition of the ".sav" extention, but that, you used to be able to successfully send from home. I know this is rattling your "cage" and I hope it all gets cleared up soon.

                              Hope this helps....

                              so long and thanks for all the fish


                              • Thanks, Monk. Hoping your take on this is correct, cuz if it's not ZipIt, then it's the iMac.
                                Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                                RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

