It seems the Scenario League is jumping the gun on us and wants to start a scenario demo game. although the way it is played is going to be quite different than our current structure from what i understand
I think this kills two birds with one stone, membership will increase a bunch with all those SLeaguers, and we have a new format, and scenario picked out, what do you think?
Originally posted by Field Marshal Klesh
Greetings Comrades!
I have been thinking and discussing a perhaps new idea, mixing diplomacy type games with a sort of PBEM style mixed into a favourite scenario.
I talked a bit with Henrik, and we think this might have a bit of potential here: I am talking about a game of RedFront 1.4 whereby we have several players involved in the game performing various tasks and roles. We model the command structure after Stavka or somesuch, and go about conducting war on the Ostfront.
Perhaps we include 'Front' commanders, whereby a player is in charge of the defense of an area and gets full reign of how to fight in that sector. He then reports to the higher commands such that an overall picture may be obtained of the situation at the frontlines.
Requests for munitions and units etc get passed to the higher ups, who perhaps pass the info onwards to a armaments minister who directs the flow of refugees and the entire Ural moutains factory complexes.
We have votes regarding majour decisions, such that a concensus might be reached, so we all feel that the outcome of the war might hinge on the performance of various Front Commanders. We have a science minister whos job it is to maximize the science output of the Union , or to maximize ruble collection... however he is directed by Stavka.
We elect a Marshal to coordinate the entirety, also to keep players playing and fix any realworld problems encoutered.
I have never played a Demo game, and I am sure there are a few things we are forgetting. I know this would require alot of posts from commanders to other commanders, maybe someone from the Demo circut could fill us in on certain particulars.
So, if you are interested post up. Lets try to iron out any kinks in this, and see if we might be able to beat back the huns. Also, this isnt't going to be a fast moving game, thats not the intention. So those who want turns to be played by the hour needn't apply.
Who's game?
Greetings Comrades!
I have been thinking and discussing a perhaps new idea, mixing diplomacy type games with a sort of PBEM style mixed into a favourite scenario.
I talked a bit with Henrik, and we think this might have a bit of potential here: I am talking about a game of RedFront 1.4 whereby we have several players involved in the game performing various tasks and roles. We model the command structure after Stavka or somesuch, and go about conducting war on the Ostfront.
Perhaps we include 'Front' commanders, whereby a player is in charge of the defense of an area and gets full reign of how to fight in that sector. He then reports to the higher commands such that an overall picture may be obtained of the situation at the frontlines.
Requests for munitions and units etc get passed to the higher ups, who perhaps pass the info onwards to a armaments minister who directs the flow of refugees and the entire Ural moutains factory complexes.
We have votes regarding majour decisions, such that a concensus might be reached, so we all feel that the outcome of the war might hinge on the performance of various Front Commanders. We have a science minister whos job it is to maximize the science output of the Union , or to maximize ruble collection... however he is directed by Stavka.
We elect a Marshal to coordinate the entirety, also to keep players playing and fix any realworld problems encoutered.
I have never played a Demo game, and I am sure there are a few things we are forgetting. I know this would require alot of posts from commanders to other commanders, maybe someone from the Demo circut could fill us in on certain particulars.
So, if you are interested post up. Lets try to iron out any kinks in this, and see if we might be able to beat back the huns. Also, this isnt't going to be a fast moving game, thats not the intention. So those who want turns to be played by the hour needn't apply.
Who's game?
I think this kills two birds with one stone, membership will increase a bunch with all those SLeaguers, and we have a new format, and scenario picked out, what do you think?