It's 1880.
A few people have made the comment that it would be nice to get to 2 turns/tech. Well, we're close...
We produce 1233 beakers/turn. The next tech requires 2698 beakers - to get 2 turns/tech we need 116 additional beakers per turn (for this tech, anyway - beaker cost increases with each new tech you acquire, thus my argument against stealing techs which are currently unnecessary).
We can get Rocketry in 2 turns most simply by delivering Freights for around 250 g next turn - that should push us far enough to get Rocketry in 1882.
The other obvious alternative is to build Universities in St. Pratski, Avila, Seville and Valencia - that approach, once complete, would produce 134 more beakers/turn, based on current numbers for those cities.
The Science Ministry prefers the Freight approach for a few reasons:
- we already have some commodity freights to deliver, while the Universities would require a change in the build queues.
- the Universities probably would not be ready for a few turns, while Freights can be delivered more or less immediately.
- Freights are more flexible. If we really wanted, we could accelerate to 1 tech/turn by delivering a LOT of Freight (incrementally rushbuying demanded goods). On the other hand, eventually the extra beakers from the Universities won't be enough to produce 1 tech/2 turns, as the beaker cost per tech increases.
- Finally, the Freight approach will also produce extra cash, allowing us to rushbuy other needed improvements/units. The ideal would be to use the cash to rushbuy more Freights, thus creating a self-sustaining process - and generating a LOT of science and cash.
Please discuss, and vote in the poll:
A few people have made the comment that it would be nice to get to 2 turns/tech. Well, we're close...

We produce 1233 beakers/turn. The next tech requires 2698 beakers - to get 2 turns/tech we need 116 additional beakers per turn (for this tech, anyway - beaker cost increases with each new tech you acquire, thus my argument against stealing techs which are currently unnecessary).
We can get Rocketry in 2 turns most simply by delivering Freights for around 250 g next turn - that should push us far enough to get Rocketry in 1882.
The other obvious alternative is to build Universities in St. Pratski, Avila, Seville and Valencia - that approach, once complete, would produce 134 more beakers/turn, based on current numbers for those cities.
The Science Ministry prefers the Freight approach for a few reasons:
- we already have some commodity freights to deliver, while the Universities would require a change in the build queues.
- the Universities probably would not be ready for a few turns, while Freights can be delivered more or less immediately.
- Freights are more flexible. If we really wanted, we could accelerate to 1 tech/turn by delivering a LOT of Freight (incrementally rushbuying demanded goods). On the other hand, eventually the extra beakers from the Universities won't be enough to produce 1 tech/2 turns, as the beaker cost per tech increases.
- Finally, the Freight approach will also produce extra cash, allowing us to rushbuy other needed improvements/units. The ideal would be to use the cash to rushbuy more Freights, thus creating a self-sustaining process - and generating a LOT of science and cash.
Please discuss, and vote in the poll:
