Make your voice heard 
There are 5 questions to the poll.
Turning the science rate to 60% would give us 3 turns/tech instead of the current 4 turns, so it's a pollworthy issue, and question 1.
Question 5 may be jumping the gun a bit insofar as we don't know what will be offered once we have Advanced Flight, but it may be an issue quickly if we trade more.
Discussion welcomed here and in the Science Ministry's other current thread.

There are 5 questions to the poll.
Turning the science rate to 60% would give us 3 turns/tech instead of the current 4 turns, so it's a pollworthy issue, and question 1.
Question 5 may be jumping the gun a bit insofar as we don't know what will be offered once we have Advanced Flight, but it may be an issue quickly if we trade more.
Discussion welcomed here and in the Science Ministry's other current thread.