I wouldn't be so radical about blaming communism. This is just one of government types. DO NOT MESS communist idea and USSR.
Communism is very differnet . Like there are Parliament Dem.Rep. , President Dem Rep , etc , there is barrack communism (like in USSR) , communism with capitalist face (China) and Social-Democracy(as half of Europe is).
You blame Soviet Union...I understand why - because it was your enemy for about 50 years. But are you objective ? Do you think that it was so evil as your propagandists say ? You say "Politbureau" controls everything - I think it is a bit exaggerated . Yes , there was a censore (but don't you have it ? How is it with "Fahrenheit 9\11" ?), but it was a slave of Communist Party and other Soviets - who were elected DIRECTLY by simple people.
Of course censorship and lack of good goods is a bad part of Communim , but those facts , that ALL citizens had everything to survive (FREE medicine and education , e.g.), there is no problem with population growth and family happiness (unlike modern democratic states) - those facts that REALLY existed in the Soviet Union , those facts you can't deny.
Of course you blame USSR for military crimes , but haven't the States made them ? It was Cold War and both sides made crimes.
As the end of my topic , I want to quotate one vise man : "People get this government , that they deserve ".And how can you BLAME something without knowing the reasons WHY did this government , this idea, was born ?
Communism is very differnet . Like there are Parliament Dem.Rep. , President Dem Rep , etc , there is barrack communism (like in USSR) , communism with capitalist face (China) and Social-Democracy(as half of Europe is).
You blame Soviet Union...I understand why - because it was your enemy for about 50 years. But are you objective ? Do you think that it was so evil as your propagandists say ? You say "Politbureau" controls everything - I think it is a bit exaggerated . Yes , there was a censore (but don't you have it ? How is it with "Fahrenheit 9\11" ?), but it was a slave of Communist Party and other Soviets - who were elected DIRECTLY by simple people.
Of course censorship and lack of good goods is a bad part of Communim , but those facts , that ALL citizens had everything to survive (FREE medicine and education , e.g.), there is no problem with population growth and family happiness (unlike modern democratic states) - those facts that REALLY existed in the Soviet Union , those facts you can't deny.
Of course you blame USSR for military crimes , but haven't the States made them ? It was Cold War and both sides made crimes.
As the end of my topic , I want to quotate one vise man : "People get this government , that they deserve ".And how can you BLAME something without knowing the reasons WHY did this government , this idea, was born ?