There has already been some discussion of how we are to approach game number 4 in another thread, but I'm starting a new thread so we don't distract from the real business of winning number 3. 
Once we have enough suggestions for different ways of playing game number 4 then someone can put a poll together, but until then post your ideas and see them torn to shreds by people who disagree. Remember that it'd probably be best not to have a game too similar to those that have already been played in Demo games 1-3, but it'll be a democratic decision in the end so put forward your ideas!

Once we have enough suggestions for different ways of playing game number 4 then someone can put a poll together, but until then post your ideas and see them torn to shreds by people who disagree. Remember that it'd probably be best not to have a game too similar to those that have already been played in Demo games 1-3, but it'll be a democratic decision in the end so put forward your ideas!