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  • #31
    Finished 2 turns on chat.

    Going to play the rest tonight.

    We took Rammstein.
    Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
    "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


    • #32
      So, did we win?

      Civ2 Demo Game #1 City-Planner, President, Historian
      Civ2 Demo Game #2 Minister of War,President, Minister of Trade, Vice President, City-Planner
      Civ2 Demo Game #3 President, Minister of War, President
      Civ2 Demo Game #4 Despot, City-Planner, Consul


      • #33
        Not quite, but we did get quite a long way towards it. Due to a mishap we don;t have the full chatlog, only the last hour or so (of two or three hours!).

        Apart from Prez obiwan, present were Sparrowhawk and lcjvetko, as well as I (althouhg I was rather idel most of the time!). The Prez has the chatlog I saved, and I expect he will use it to post some idea of what he did during that time.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #34

          To make it easier, Ben's in Red, Sparrow's in Blue, Ljcvetko's in Green and MWIA's in purple

          Start of #civ2dg buffer: Sun Nov 23 14:19:41 2003
          * Now talking in #civ2dg
          3 dead soldiers? cavalry?
          who is the real dubya?
          I think MWIA

          It is me - my dial-up failed.
          The other one will time out eventually
          * Sparrowhawk does not miss dial up
          * The_Real_Dubya is now known as MrWhereItsAt
          so is the plan to build a railroad east of Halicarnassus to the road East on teh Grape/Hill and then go from there or road further from there?
          Three Greek brigades charging destroyed.
          Path cleared to Eritritea, E of Halicarnassus.
          Now all the Calvary we build can continue the push this turn.
          As far as the rails go.
          (t) built.

          rail to eritrea?
          there is rail between halicarnassus and eritrea?
          the greeks value good railways

          No, I built the railroad.
          That's why you hire engineers.
          And that's why I could ambush all the Greek units.
          No road whatsoever.

          coordinates of eritrea?
          thank you......another river city I see
          MWiA: do you want the save?
          Musket and Rifleman in city.
          Likely vet.

          2 units

          Um, sure?!
          * MrWIA has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
          Lots of improments.
          Okay, hang on.

          AM now in the ACDG chat...
          LOL, are you involved in a few Democracy Games MWIA??
          obviously all of them LOL
          Lessee.... SPDG (President), ACDG, ACDG team game, PtWDG, PtWDG2, Civ3 ISDG, Civ2 Dg and MZO C3C game
          Either PM me your email, and I will send the 1852 save.
          Same one the ministers have.
          Any objections?

          I think I have his email as well, I can send it if you want to focus on the game
          Please do.
          on my way.....brb
          CENSORED (His email)

          So, Prussian or Austrian.
          Roll this can or pry it open?

          I think prussian
          but we give them communism
          don't end turn before you speak with them
          you can have a cease fire if you don't wish peace
          use the cease fire to make all rails we need
          and in the next turn, either they declare war or we do
          if they switch, they suffer a mass bribe

          sent MWIA, I zipped it to speed the download for you
          Nope, Austrian.
          MWIA, you student?
          Here's why.
          5/4 normal rifleman.
          4*0.5 = 2 = 6 total for vet rifleman.
          I don't have the option of deploying cannon.

          I am - PhD student
          4 * 3 = 12 + 2 + 2 = 14 defense.
          Vet calvary has 12 attack.
          Actually, aren't the bonuses multiplicative?

          if you are tryong to advocate the advantages of bringing down walls, no need
          I support diplo sabotage

          and I support it even under a cease fire, I am not worried about rep
          yes, **** the rep
          if they catch us and declare war, too bad for them!
          look, I can write **** here
          if they switch to communism, even worse

          ...for them! better for us!
          They attacked us last turn.
          Broke their own ceasefire.

          We're at war until I feel we need to slow down.
          That's why I commented that their government did not fall.

          can you check foreign minister and make sure they are still in Democracy?
          Citywalls fall!
          Still demo.

          they may have overthrown their government
          sometimes they do

          Can't bribe.
          AI are dirty lousy cheaters when it comes to switching governments.
          They can switch in the same turn.

          city walls in Eretria fell right? beginning attack now?
          they always overthrow their governments if your reputation is spotless

          Eretria falls.
          Find Tegea 145,69
          That's a pleasent surprise.
          Connected conveniently to our railroad.

          hehehe, tegea is history
          after the fall of eritrea, is heraklea next?

          2 rifles.
          Killed our first cannon.

          tegea has walls?
          Tegea is one of the reasons I supported advancing our fanatics fortified south of dominion, to find any greek cities behind our lines
          And a frigging lucky rifleman.

          yes, if you have time and patience, advance those fanatics sentries
          Killed 3 cannons.
          we need more diplomats
          Naw. He's just lucky.
          The other cannon killed the 2nd rifleman on the 1st try.
          So go figure?
          Kicked his butt with a rifleman.

          our rifles put to use after all

          We're missing 4 Greek cities.
          have you explored the black south of tundra buffalo 137, 67?
          Gortyn, Naples, Knossos,
          Exploring the tundra now.

          set those sentries in motion
          Syracuse the 4th?
          Knossos is an early city.
          Rest likely to not be close to the cap.
          Pain in the butt looking for these cities.
          Launching attack on Ephesos.

          * Sparrowhawk is trying to assist, seeing if any of our units are near those cities as of
          Already activated that preworked engineer.
          I did not want to lose troops parking everybody near Ephesos.
          So what I did was place all the cannons on the fortress.
          And then started working the engineer.

          The fortress was not on the railroad, but the square next to Ephesos is.
          So what I hoped to do is this turn, to take the engineer building a railroad
          and activate him to finish building the railroad on the fortress in one turn.
          But looking for other units on the Greek front,

          that's not a big deal
          I cycled through the engineer.
          just bring another engineer
          Don't have one.
          Rushed diplomats to bring down the walls.

          Ephesos front disconnected.
          So what I did is I tried to rush the garrison.
          Took out everything but the city.
          I have active riflemen sitting outside of the city, with no moves, and the city is empty.

          no cavalry?
          build cavalry on disconnected fronts

          Used 'em to pound the units.
          That garrison's been building since Cavebear.
          Nowhere to go.
          I destroyed the city production, so they should not be able to build the unit next turn to protect the city.

          greeks will never attack a stack next to their cities if they don't have an offensive unit inside their city
          Yeah, should have just parked everybody close.
          AI is known for cheating when it comes to building a defender to protect empty cities
          Anyhoo. Time for Rammstein.
          Road built into Rammstein.

          poor rammstein
          Diplomats knock down walls.
          1 Alpine, 1 Rifleman on hills.

          one down (sort of) we had Engineers from Flood at (151,75) "near Gortyn"
          Non-vet Alpine, rifle selected as top defender.
          1st two calvary beaten.

          tough battle
          I said avoid rammstein, but nobody listened
          Gortyn is at 154, 76

          Gotta take it sometime.
          Rammstein falls.
          The music stops.

          Was Rammstein the last?!
          1:1 ratio of calvary to units.

          Ah, cool.
          not, rammstein is not the last
          I suspect we are going to have another session like this in the future

          Turin pinpointed.
          Engineer at 5,97 close to Turin.
          So that's it for the Germans.
          We know where all their cities are.
          Just a matter of delivering them.

          I think it is going to take many turns more

          and if finished going through all the cities, and no other units were close to the remaining missing Greek cities
          (with the exception of Gortyn as noted)

          well, we know coordinates of Gortyn now
          I would think there will be another city south and west of Phocaea & South of Sicyon (making use of the irrigation that is outside of Phocaea's boundaries)
          I'll need another turn to get the railroad out to Nuremburg.
          Next turn I will build a city on that mountain, and save many turns of
          Same for that forest.
          Greeks, I have access, just a matter of moving the engineers.
          I can build a railroad to Delphi by next turn.
          Then I can move all the cannons to take the city.

          * MrWhereItsAt is now known as WIA_AFK
          Sorry have been pretty inactive - have just finished two other DGS and now need breakfast (at 1:30). Hopefully back later, but if I miss you guys - good luck and hope next time I am not as busy!
          Railroad from where? Connecting which city to delphi?
          and if we can connect Delphi, can we continue on to Pharsalos? (for ljcvetko)
          Just a matter of moving those engineers.
          No Greek city in that blank area.
          All the searching units are closest to their home city or to other cities we own.
          Prolly they are left in the areas still hidden.

          when we capture pharsalos, sell all barracks save those near the frontline for units rest
          Heck, why wait for Delphi.
          Lets go Mycenae, Pharsalos.

          yes, leave delphi surrounded
          is the black area between Athens and Herakleia explored yet? (if not, that's my guess for Knossos) as it is high in the city list of the Greeks
          Knossos is definitely there
          also perhaps a city south of Pharsalos, as there is additional irrigation there (outside of any city radius that we can see)
          yes, Knossos is south of Pharsalos
          Correction: There is no city in the black north of Athens
          because of the way AI spaces cities
          the only city in that dark is 154, 76 Gortyn

          Just Syracuse and Naples to find then?
          I think you should play a couple of turns more Ben and stop and post results
          You can't finish in this session
          we can have another session before the end of the month

          perhaps finishing off the Germans before stopping?
          sure, and greek core
          take pharsalos
          It's been pleasure to take part in this turn chat, but I must catch some sleep now. See you

          talk to you later ljcvetko!
          Good Night

          Ben, post the results of the campaign on greeks and the destructions of germans
          good night
          let's finish this next weekend

          * ljcvetko has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
          Thanks for coming ljcvetko.
          I'll be able to take Mycenae, but Pharsalos will have to wait.
          I'll play 4 turns, this is about halfway through the second turn this
          Finish tonight, post results and tie this all in the log.

          ok, keep need to report back to me (as I seem to be the only one here still) I am watching the Hockey Game more then anything, so do what you have to do
          I had a good time.
          Thanks for coming.

          np, was interesting to read as it happened
          How do I print off the chat?
          LOL, I was trying to cut and paste it earlier, but no luck......will keep trying though, to either print or save it or something.
          I'll wait for MWiA before closing this off, send him a private message.
          I don't want to do all this and have no log!

          How do I print off the log?
          (or save it, or cut and paste it.....or??)
          right click on the part of the bar underneath the toolbar thay says #civ2dg
          Go to buffer and save as - everything in the window from when you joined is saved in a .txt file of your naming

          * Sparrowhawk has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
          How are you going there obiwan?
          * Guest has joined #civ2dg
          * Guest is now known as Sparrowhawk
          'K. I see the top part of #civ2DG
          I don't see anything I can click on.

          Just right-click on the #civ2dg tab itself
          Where is buffer?
          Should be second on the list that pops up
          Hang on - right at the top there is the line of options - "File", "Tools" etc. OK?

          Immediately under that is a set of icons that have various functions. See them?
          This is what I see.
          I see the Apolyton banners.

          Immediately under that is a set of tabs 'GRNet", and the chatrooms you are in.
          One of them should be #civ2dg
          Right click on that

          I see a bar with #civ2dg: 3 people Topic:
          Is that the title to the window we are chatting in or part of the mIRC window?
          * Retrieving #civ2dg info...
          I'm not in MIRC, I'm on the Java chat.
          * Sparrowhawk is not chatting through mIRC but through a Java chat
          Ah - you can't log in that
          Hang on a sec - I'll see what I have logged here...
          My connection crashed breifly, but I might have it in two bits...

          * Sparrowhawk crosses fingers
          Wish Apolyton told you that before.
          Bad luck
          Normally I auto-log everything, but the Net disconnect killed that.

          How much do we have?
          I only have from when I reconnected before...
          That is the first I have
          You may need to copy everything else - select and copy if you can...
          I don;t know much about the Java chat except you can't log everything

          I tried cutting and pasting earlier, by every method I know, and none of them worked (and when I disconnected and reconnected a few minutes ago, I lost all the chat anyhow, so Ben is the only one who has it now I think)
          * Logging #civ2dg to 'logs\#civ2dg.GRNet.log'
          I don't have all the chat.
          Bugger.. I would have had it too...
          There seems to be a Java limit.
          I only have the part from where I say:
          "That garrison's been building since Cavebear.
          You have more than I do, MWIA

          Yeah, I do...
          I can save and post what I have.

          Or PM it, and I'll trim some of the log.
          Unsure if I can attach things to a PM, but will find out
          Last edited by Ben Kenobi; November 23, 2003, 17:48.
          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."

