I came, I saw the Save and I was shocked
Some info that will give a beter perspective.
We have 50 cities
and we are currently building 24 fanatics ,8 cannons and 6 diplomats
Only 4 settlers, 4 markets, 2 banks and 1 aquaduct are beeing build.(and 1 barracks)
1 thing we all know very wel is that our science rate really sucks. 1tech every 24turns!!!
What could be the cause of this?
We only have 12 libraries and 1 university. How could we ever gain speed in our science department if we have no places of learning?
We make only 237G every turn(and have 64G costs)
Why do we only make 4,74G/city on average?
We only have 12 markets and NO banks.
There is only 1 way to change all this and that is by turning the warmachine a nodge or 2 down.
at the moment we have:
190 military units (of wich 59 fanatics,18 cannons,22Crucs+Knight+Dragoons)
and 24 settlers.
my suggestion would be to finish the units currently under construction(+24fanatics +8cannons)
and then start build libraries,markets,universities and banks.
My plan would be(for the cities wich aren't located in dangerour areas(*see below)) that our cities wich are size 4 and higher use the following one of these buildqueues:
A) 1.Market 2.Library 3.Bank 4.University
B) 1.Library 2.Market 3.University 4.Bank
(except if there are special reasons why not to)
Size6 and higher should build an aquaduct if it isn't there already.
For the smaller cities I would suggest to build millitary units(don't count settlers and diplo's) up to the number of 3(in support), then start the above buildqueues
The goal would be to get the number of libraries and markets up to 35(ie +23markets+23libaries) and the number of banks and univerities at least to 7.
These numbers should give us a serious improvement in tax and science.
previous session we build up an almost unstopable army now I believe we should make our infrastructure the best of our world.(it is also the only way to keep our army up to date)
Therefore I would also suggest to use as much gold as needed to get to our goal.(35markets,35libraries,7banks and 7 universities)
At the same time we should also keep our settler and city production up to speed.
*list of cities in dangerous areas
note: please keep in mind that this plan does not mean we will just stop producing military units, it means we will produce not as many of them.
cast your vote in favor of our imperium.
You have 4 days.

Some info that will give a beter perspective.
We have 50 cities
and we are currently building 24 fanatics ,8 cannons and 6 diplomats
Only 4 settlers, 4 markets, 2 banks and 1 aquaduct are beeing build.(and 1 barracks)
1 thing we all know very wel is that our science rate really sucks. 1tech every 24turns!!!
What could be the cause of this?
We only have 12 libraries and 1 university. How could we ever gain speed in our science department if we have no places of learning?
We make only 237G every turn(and have 64G costs)
Why do we only make 4,74G/city on average?
We only have 12 markets and NO banks.
There is only 1 way to change all this and that is by turning the warmachine a nodge or 2 down.
at the moment we have:
190 military units (of wich 59 fanatics,18 cannons,22Crucs+Knight+Dragoons)
and 24 settlers.
my suggestion would be to finish the units currently under construction(+24fanatics +8cannons)
and then start build libraries,markets,universities and banks.
My plan would be(for the cities wich aren't located in dangerour areas(*see below)) that our cities wich are size 4 and higher use the following one of these buildqueues:
A) 1.Market 2.Library 3.Bank 4.University
B) 1.Library 2.Market 3.University 4.Bank
(except if there are special reasons why not to)
Size6 and higher should build an aquaduct if it isn't there already.
For the smaller cities I would suggest to build millitary units(don't count settlers and diplo's) up to the number of 3(in support), then start the above buildqueues
The goal would be to get the number of libraries and markets up to 35(ie +23markets+23libaries) and the number of banks and univerities at least to 7.
These numbers should give us a serious improvement in tax and science.
previous session we build up an almost unstopable army now I believe we should make our infrastructure the best of our world.(it is also the only way to keep our army up to date)
Therefore I would also suggest to use as much gold as needed to get to our goal.(35markets,35libraries,7banks and 7 universities)
At the same time we should also keep our settler and city production up to speed.
*list of cities in dangerous areas
- Sheol
- Styx
- Chicago
- Outpost
- Argos
- Rammstein
note: please keep in mind that this plan does not mean we will just stop producing military units, it means we will produce not as many of them.
cast your vote in favor of our imperium.
You have 4 days.