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Our world 960AD

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  • #16
    Re: Our world 960AD

    Wow, Wow and Wow! Sounds like an eventful session...I have a number of questions however...

    Originally posted by shade
    Rome went down...but there are still Roman cities left(eg Ravenna wich our SMC begged me to spaire even after they killed 2 of our units)
    Who exactly begged you to spare them? I assume you don't mean Cavebear, but if it was the SMC from within the game, you speak of something I haven't heard of before. Unless you mean to leave them with one city, which is something the populace should vote on, not by some covert agreement between the SMC and the President (maybe not so told us about it )

    Originally posted by shade
    Kill greek katapult next to Dominion(Dominion is a target the Greek are shooting at...this is the reason I’ll try to make it a real stronghold before following Cityplannersorders)
    And as I pointed out in another thread, I think Dominion should be part of whatever "Province" the SMC divided the Greeks region cities into rather then as one of the "core" cities (which we are trying to Xin).

    Originally posted by shade
    800ADiscover Bombay(American city totally on the south of the map!!!)
    If memory serves, the Americans wiped out the Indian Civilization quite early in the game, it seems that Bombay, and other former Indian cities were conquered rather then built by the Americans.

    Originally posted by shade
    Settler added to Majestica--> started Xinning.
    I thought that there was a previous poll on this, where the people voted NOT to add settlers to cities to increase population? (I will happily go back and find the poll if you don't remember ) As one of those who voted against the use of settlers for this purpose, I cannot support the presidents disregard for this poll.

    Originally posted by shade
    Attack on Rome: I check with Diplo: 1 legion and 1 archer. Cruc attacks--> kills legion, second Cruc gets killed but Archer is serevrly wounded. First knight takes out archer and takes city: Rome(59G Size3...lost city walls )
    I note from the screen shot that this city is in servere unhappiness, but I assume the screen shot was posted before adjusting worker production?? I would hate to see the monarchy fall over this newly conquered city.

    All in all looks like a great session, with much progress. I look forward to seeing what the American Embassy enables our Foreign Ministry to do. Perhaps we will begin to develop Foreign Policy

    /me Citizen of the Apolytonian Imperium
    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


    • #17
      Re: Our world 960AD

      We have Bought Buffalo(only 292G) got a lot of golf
      The rabbit ought to like that... lots of golf...
      "the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife"
      "Every now and again, declare peace. it confuses the hell out of your enemies."


      • #18
        Re: Re: Our world 960AD

        Originally posted by Sparrowhawk
        Who exactly begged you to spare them? I assume you don't mean Cavebear, but if it was the SMC from within the game, you speak of something I haven't heard of before. Unless you mean to leave them with one city, which is something the populace should vote on, not by some covert agreement between the SMC and the President (maybe not so told us about it )

        [Fragment of secret millitary document]
        ...We should leave Ravenna standing for now, in case that would be the Roman's last city, so we can keep them alive but weak.
        [/Fragment of secret millitary document]

        And as I pointed out in another thread, I think Dominion should be part of whatever "Province" the SMC divided the Greeks region cities into rather then as one of the "core" cities (which we are trying to Xin).
        ...about the Xinning cities: maybe something to think about: we have cities with temples+3 units of size 3 wich are going to go into disorder asa they reach size4.

        If memory serves, the Americans wiped out the Indian Civilization quite early in the game, it seems that Bombay, and other former Indian cities were conquered rather then built by the Americans.
        I know, I thought it would be usefull info for 1 defenceperpose and bribing goals.They were not build by the Americans but the americans now own them=> American cities.

        I thought that there was a previous poll on this, where the people voted NOT to add settlers to cities to increase population? (I will happily go back and find the poll if you don't remember ) As one of those who voted against the use of settlers for this purpose, I cannot support the presidents disregard for this poll.
        I thought is was just the opposite--> some small cities like Pax keep building settlers to add them to other cities to get them to XinSize(the previous session had a lot of those orders!!) Pax has a very low shieldrate, and the settler was 2 turns of beeing finished(and pax 1 turn from growing into problems: Size4-> unhappyness, only way to solve: use entertainer--> not enough food= starvation). Our CP suggested switching to a Cruc, I didn't do so(sorry to the CP) because it might have solved the happinessprob at that time but the demand to send out the Cruc would have come very soon with all problems I described before. Now I used the settler to get Majestica back to Size 5(was the original goal I started building the settler 1 session ago) so it could again start Xinning instead of having to wait an other 20-some turns. Now I sped up science and escaped a serious unhappinessprob.

        I note from the screen shot that this city is in servere unhappiness, but I assume the screen shot was posted before adjusting worker production?? I would hate to see the monarchy fall over this newly conquered city.
        that screen was the moment of victory,don't worry no more unhappines there anymore.
        Btw do monarchies fall into anarchy??(demo and Rep yes...)

        @Atomant(&rabbit) cleared the typo and while on it got rid of an accidental smiley.

        ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
        "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
        shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


        • #19
          Btw do monarchies fall into anarchy??
          By divine right, Kings do not fall. Mere mortal Presidents are another matter.
          Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
          "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


          • #20
            Obi has it correct as usual.
            The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits

            Hydey the no-limits man.


            • #21
              Re: Re: Re: Our world 960AD

              Originally posted by shade

              I thought is was just the opposite--> some small cities like Pax keep building settlers to add them to other cities to get them to XinSize(the previous session had a lot of those orders!!)
              Well, the thread I was thinking of relating to this isn't as direct an answer to the question as I had hoped, perhaps I read to much into the original poll, but what I take this poll to mean is that we are to be using settlers for new cities, rather then increasing existing cities.

              Here is the thread/poll

              I voted in favour of new cities, regardless of the happiness problems, I think new cities (without ICSing ) are the key to our victory, as they are in any game.

              /me Citizen of Apolyton
              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


              • #22
                Originally posted by shade
                sorry it slipped my mind there wasn't an English sounding equivalent....It's to hot to think...
                I should have been talking about lottery. thx Atawa.

                Don't worry in English English, tombola is a perfectly acceptable word. (Rare but acceptable.)

                RJM at Sleepers
                Fill me with the old familiar juice


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rjmatsleepers

                  Don't worry in English English, tombola is a perfectly acceptable word. (Rare but acceptable.)

                  RJM at Sleepers

                  Sometimes I really don't where my Dutch vocabulary ends and my English begins...and then you get situations like these. Thanks for the info.

                  @Sparrowhawk: I looked at the thread. Don't worry I will never use the settlers to reach size 8 cities

                  ex-president of Apolytonia former King of the Apolytonian Imperium
                  "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." --Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931)
                  shameless plug to my site:home of Civ:Imperia(WIP)


                  • #24
                    I note that our esteemed President Shade has not seen fit to rename our conquered cities during his term . My understanding is that one of the "perks" of being president is that the President gets to name cities . While he has done so in the case of new cites, I would think that in the case of conquered cities (e.g. Rome, Antium, Veii, Cumae & Buffalo) that this would also be the case. Now if the President chooses not to rename them, perhaps that is also his perogative, but if he is just looking for the support of the people, I for one would like to see all of the above named cities renamed along the trend he has been naming them and by doing so, we will erase from the history books all record of these Japanese, Roman, and American civilizations.

                    /me , Citizen of the Apolyton Imperium

                    Edit: Perhaps Kahun as well?
                    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                    • #25
                      Erm, aren't Demos immune to Diplomat actions, and thus we can't steal it?

                      And yes we DO want Demo, as it leads us to Conscription, and the best value defenders of the late game. Mayhaps is time we got together a posse to induct another American city into the Imperium...

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #26
                        Democracies are immune to bribery. All other dip/spy actions are available.
                        Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                        RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                        • #27
                          We are not btw so we have patroll our borders for American dips.

