Rome went down...but there are still Roman cities left(eg Ravenna
wich our SMC begged me to spaire even after they killed 2 of our units)
We have Bought Buffalo(only 292G) got a lot of gold from huts and 1 advanced tribe in the North american delta.
History 740AD-->
760AD: a rushbuild warrior takes out our crusader…and the SMC tells me to stand down
; American Elephant spoted next to Antium(when will it try to strike?) German elephant pops up next to Ore.50G from hut…use this gold to rush the barracks in Antium, Kill greek katapult next to Dominion(Dominion is a target the Greek are shooting at...this is the reason I’ll try to make it a real stronghold before following Cityplannersorders)
780AD: disorder in Dominion(the chariot outside) Build the city of Plenty(orders of the previous session)-->2pheasants,silk and wine and a 4square river. Diplomat makes embassy in Chicago:
Americans have 412G,are a republic, researching Democracy,no techs we don’t have,capital is Washington.,4 cities are building Leo’s. and they have 15 cities. They also are at peace with the Zulu and German.
Buffalo will revolt for 292G…Pop hut:50G we currently have 225G…I investigate the city…2units defending,no imp,…I might switch our Xin-orders to cash(we’re at a Xin turn) and buy the city)…
800AD: Discover Bombay(American city totally on the south of the map!!!)
820AD: created an International Incident by bribing Buffalo for 292G
our city now...I should prepare for counter attacks We Got Buffalo(16G,Size3,Phalanx+Archer)Start temple to get rid of unhappiness. Kill American Elephant near antium. Build Plague(orders of previous session)near Pestilence. Got Cease fire with Americans
840AD got peace with the Germans. Rome has 1 archer and 1 Legion + citywalls.50G from hut. Americans build Leo’s in Washington.
860AD 50G from hut
880AD Americans develop we want it???
Dominion has 2 Knights knocking at the door...slik...Archer and Chariot take them out
. Settler added to Majestica--> started Xinning. Exploring archer takes out Roman Warrior that killed his friend the Cruc. Got 50G from hut
900AD Zulu’s Build Great Wall in Zimbabwe. Discover Sanitation: new options are:{Democracy,Magnetism,Steam engine}I started democracy...reason: I intend to steal it from the Americans=> this would give us a second try in the tech advance tombola.. . maybe we have beter luck then…
[Rant intermezzo]
AAAAARRRRGGGG we don’t have Leo’s...damn damn damn
[/Rant intermezzo]
920AD Cease Fire with Romans...maybe I can get the wounded Archer home. We have over 2000.000 ppl. Got an advanced tribe Kahun on the Riverdelta North of the Americans
940AD Americans switch Govt(prob to Demo). Attacked the Romans
960AD Americans become more citybribing.
Kill an other Greek katapult at Dominion.
Attack on Rome: I check with Diplo: 1 legion and 1 archer. Cruc attacks--> kills legion, second Cruc gets killed but Archer is serevrly wounded. First knight takes out archer and takes city: Rome(59G Size3...lost city walls
Shade(screenshots will come soon)

We have Bought Buffalo(only 292G) got a lot of gold from huts and 1 advanced tribe in the North american delta.
History 740AD-->
760AD: a rushbuild warrior takes out our crusader…and the SMC tells me to stand down

780AD: disorder in Dominion(the chariot outside) Build the city of Plenty(orders of the previous session)-->2pheasants,silk and wine and a 4square river. Diplomat makes embassy in Chicago:
Americans have 412G,are a republic, researching Democracy,no techs we don’t have,capital is Washington.,4 cities are building Leo’s. and they have 15 cities. They also are at peace with the Zulu and German.
Buffalo will revolt for 292G…Pop hut:50G we currently have 225G…I investigate the city…2units defending,no imp,…I might switch our Xin-orders to cash(we’re at a Xin turn) and buy the city)…
800AD: Discover Bombay(American city totally on the south of the map!!!)
820AD: created an International Incident by bribing Buffalo for 292G

840AD got peace with the Germans. Rome has 1 archer and 1 Legion + citywalls.50G from hut. Americans build Leo’s in Washington.
860AD 50G from hut
880AD Americans develop we want it???
Dominion has 2 Knights knocking at the door...slik...Archer and Chariot take them out

900AD Zulu’s Build Great Wall in Zimbabwe. Discover Sanitation: new options are:{Democracy,Magnetism,Steam engine}I started democracy...reason: I intend to steal it from the Americans=> this would give us a second try in the tech advance tombola.. . maybe we have beter luck then…
[Rant intermezzo]
AAAAARRRRGGGG we don’t have Leo’s...damn damn damn
[/Rant intermezzo]
920AD Cease Fire with Romans...maybe I can get the wounded Archer home. We have over 2000.000 ppl. Got an advanced tribe Kahun on the Riverdelta North of the Americans
940AD Americans switch Govt(prob to Demo). Attacked the Romans
960AD Americans become more citybribing.

Kill an other Greek katapult at Dominion.

Attack on Rome: I check with Diplo: 1 legion and 1 archer. Cruc attacks--> kills legion, second Cruc gets killed but Archer is serevrly wounded. First knight takes out archer and takes city: Rome(59G Size3...lost city walls

Shade(screenshots will come soon)