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How important is your Apolyton identity to you?

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  • #16
    I don’t particularly care if anyone responds to my posts (people rarely do), it’s still a nice place to hang around, but for the most part it is a one-sided supplier of information – a free strategy guide if you will – and I read far more than I post. It is only once in awhile that I wander from the game specific areas to somewhere like here.

    As far as my Apolyton and real identity, this would be the very narrow one dimensional game-specific aspect of it, but not too far from the real deal.
    "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


    • #17
      I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life

      Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?
      Of course. What would be the point of posting otherwise if nobody paid any attention. All it would be doing is taking up valuable space. Not necessarily for my own ego but just to uphold the principle of posting something.

      If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?
      Naturally, it would affect you as a poster and the way you approach things on Apolyton, but to be honest, anyone who believes that what somebody you have never seen or heard writes about you should affect your real-life personality needs to wake up and realise that there is more to life than what somebody has said about you in the form of data in the guise of people, virtually all of which you will never meet.

      II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

      Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
      I want to be respected by people, yes. I view my Apolyton alias as a portal to what my beliefs and views are. If people disagree with this, big whoop. All I request is that people respect these.

      Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?
      I care not a jot if my name is flashed in size 72 on the main page or whether I am a mere footnote in the history books. So long as I have done something for the community, whether it be participating in discussions, or bringing things to the attention of people, then I have achieved my goal to do something. And I believe everyone who regularly posts, regardless of their actions on the forums has achieved such a goal.
      III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself

      Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight...
      I believe the nature of the forums disallows myself to display all of my personal attributes. For instance, I am very shy around people and what I say, but on Apolyton it's more a case of "These people will never meet me in real life so it doesn't matter what I say". Going back to Q2, I believe my handle is a portal to my beliefs and views. Only my... how to explain it... things I would actually say if I was speaking to a blank piece of paper would I say on Apolyton.

      In conclusion, my Apolyton alias is a second place to my real-life attributes, but it's fun to talk to people on the internet because when there are 1000 active people there's always going to be at least one person who will respect your personality. And that's what keeps me coming back.


      • #18
        I'm curious about several aspects of being a member of an Internet community, especially Apolyton (of
        I am curious as to why you should be curious.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • #19
          I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life

          Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?

          If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?

          Somewhat yes. The whole point of the experience is to actually discuss things with other people, not to shoot my ideas off into the void.

          II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

          Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?

          Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?

          Yes, the first, yes, yes

          III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself
          Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight...

          It reflects who I really am. I'm REALLY bad at acting like something I'm not.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Hercules

            I am curious as to why you should be curious.
            A little bit paranoid Hercules?
            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


            • #21
              I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life

              Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?
              Not important, but I try to make quality posts and it just so happens that they attract attention.

              If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life?
              No. Never feel neglected.

              For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care?
              I expect people to attack my posts in the OT, simply because they are so different from what they are used to. I'm much more surprised to hear when people say they appreciate my posts.

              Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?
              Yes, I'd be lying if I said otherwise

              II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

              Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
              Yep, reputation does matter because I feel that I am not just responsible to myself but to others.

              Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?
              A very real purpose. On Topic, it's a hobby, I liked civ and stayed for the demogames. Off Topic, I try to be a good Christian, and to encourage those who are Christian, and to hopefully open up a few other people's hearts.

              III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself

              Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life?
              No. I like these forums because it gives me an opportunity to be as I ought to be. Hopefully, some of this 'roleplaying' spills over to the rest of my life.
              Scouse Git (2) La Fayette Adam Smith Solomwi and Loinburger will not be forgotten.
              "Remember the night we broke the windows in this old house? This is what I wished for..."


              • #22
                I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life

                Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?

                If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?
                Sometimes I feel ignored when nobody replies to whatever I say.
                If I´m attacked, it doesn´t affect me much, I just ignore them.

                II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

                Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?

                Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?
                Yes, of course I want to be respected, just like anyone else, I think. Purpose? No idea, I just like this place.

                III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself

                Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight...
                I´m a different person here sometimes, IRL I´m a bit shy and sometimes I get very depressed, something that rarely reflects here, Apolyton is like an alternate place where I can read what other posters have to say and have fun regardless of what´s happening IRL.

                By the way, suerte en tu curso de español
                Puedo preguntar por qué estás aprendiendo español?
                The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Unspeakable Horror By the way, suerte en tu curso de español
                  Puedo preguntar por qué estás aprendiendo español?
                  Por que quieres saber?

                  Credo que el quiere aprenderlo.

                  Sorry, no spanish punctuation...
                  I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                  I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Hercules
                    I am curious as to why you should be curious.
                    I'm sure it's nothing.
                    I'm consitently stupid- Japher
                    I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Theben

                      Por que quieres saber?

                      Credo que el quiere aprenderlo.

                      Sorry, no spanish punctuation...
                      No reason, just curious
                      The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

                      Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


                      • #26
                        Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?

                        I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life
                        Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?

                        It's nice to be noted, but I won't lose my appetite if my thread gets zero replies.

                        If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?

                        If I'm attacked by a fellow poster, or if someone feels that I've insulted or hurted him/her in here, it makes me a bit sad IRL. Because that is not my intention. I sometimes may get carried away when discussing about hot topics, but I tend to be able to restrain myself.

                        II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

                        Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?
                        Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?

                        I'm not here to cause disease and dismemberment

                        III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself

                        Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight...

                        I don't understand the question? In real life? I am aaglo, and aaglo is me.
                        I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Theben
                          Gatekeeper, didn't you used to be CYBERAmazon?
                          Yep. I had and still have a fascination with legends and mythology, and the Amazon Nation figures prominently into that, hence I chose the handle to reflect it. I later came to the conclusion that "gatekeeper," which is a title given to folks involved in journalism, fit me better overall and switched to that with Ming's assistance.

                          "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

                          "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


                          • #28
                            I. Your Apolyton alter ego and your real life

                            Is it important to you to be noticed at the forums? That someone replies to your posts, read your threads? In short, to be "somebody"?

                            Yes, more so now than when I first started here. In fact I really wasn't noticed until I was here a couple of years. It was years before anyone even mentioned my screen name when discussing something.

                            If you feel neglected at Apolyton, does this influence your real life? For example, if you feel attacked by another poster, does this make you sad in real life or you don't care? Similarly, if you feel that someone (who you've never met!) likes you, does it make you feel good IRL?

                            I've only been attacked maybe once or twice. And yes it did anger me. Not sure why. But I tend to anger easily.

                            II. Apolyton for Apolyton's sake

                            Is your Apolyton alias something you treasure? Do you want to be respected by other Apolytoners or are you just out to wreak havoc in the fora?

                            respect would be nice, but I rarely get any respect in life- so I'm used to it

                            Do your posts reflect a desire to be liked or do you want to drive people nuts? In short, do you have a purpose with your Apolyton identity, are you creating a "brand name"?

                            my identity is essentually myself. Sometimes I do bad things for attention though - like trolling. I try not to troll though. Doesn't always work.

                            III. Your Apolyton identity and yourself

                            Does it reflect who you really are or are you just living out dark sides of your personality that you'd never show in real life? For example, extremely timid and nice boy named Sean uses MalevolantLight to get those scary EyesofNight...

                            It is essentually myself except for the occasional troll.


                            • #29
                              Well, I may be a sad git, but for me 'poly is one of the most important things in my life. I really miss it if I can't post for a few days. I don't have an alter-ego, well maybe in real-life I pretend to be someone that doesn't frequent forums

                              If somone doesn't reply to my posts I feel neglected and ignored, but I'm used to that.

                              Go 'poly

                              1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                              That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                              Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                              Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                              • #30
                                Re: How important is your Apolyton identity to you?

                                1. It's nice to have your posts and threads be spurs to debate or discussion. For me this is mostly the case.

                                As for attacks, I am usually glad as they are a sign that the poster cannot win the debate with me so needs to resort to a baser response.

                                2. Most people would like others to enjoy their posts I think. I certainly do.

                                3. 'Poly me is me.

