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Turns of SMACDatAss

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  • 2205 to Mongoose
    This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


    • 2205 sent to DD.


      • Election of 2206

        Announcing the election of 2206! The candidates are DilithiumDad of the Peacekeepers and Sister Mongoose of the Believer's.

        If elected, I will immediately press for a Global Trade Pact to promote peaceful cooperation among nations. We will also be on the alert for acts of aggressions, which will be punished by all the free nations with trade sanctions or worse.
        Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


        • 2206 to university. DilithiumDad is winning because everone has voted for him

          I very happy that we won't get that brutal, funtamentalistic, fanatic, women/children killing beliver to our Governor


          • Are stealth elections now in vogue?



            • Furthermore, riddle me this, Batman!

              How is it that Hive's base screens show commerce income from a Spartan Pact, yet the Hive faction profile accessed through the commlink does not show the Pact?

              The only time I have seen this anamoly, that I recall, is when two players are pacted from the outset of a game, as in a team game...or when use of the commlinks is made prior to in-game contact.

              An explanation is due here. First for the pact, moreso for the contact, more again as to how DD had the Hive comm to call this stealth election.


              • That attitude goes a long way toward explaining why you are losing this election big time!!
                Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                • An election?

                  When did this happen?

                  To my knowledge, the caller of the election must post all vote totals for all players. And each subsequent player must post who they voted for.


                  • Election must be announced on thread, which it was. I voted for myself and Fromage stated both he and Claw voted for me (stated that I had all votes so far). University has not stated who they voted for.
                    Creator of the Ultimate Builder Map, based on the Huge Map of Planet, available at The Chironian Guild:


                    • True, but you must list the number of votes for each player, so everyone has a fair chance to decide before they play the turn.

                      I would also like to know how KK and Fromage could have a pact, but not have it listed in the commlink profiles.


                      • Hmm... I'll have to go back and verify this with an old file...

                        Who's Batman ?
                        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                        • Originally posted by Mongoose
                          Are stealth elections now in vogue?


                          Furthermore, riddle me this, Batman!

                          How is it that Hive's base screens show commerce income from a Spartan Pact, yet the Hive faction profile accessed through the commlink does not show the Pact?

                          The only time I have seen this anamoly, that I recall, is when two players are pacted from the outset of a game, as in a team game...or when use of the commlinks is made prior to in-game contact.

                          An explanation is due here. First for the pact, moreso for the contact, more again as to how DD had the Hive comm to call this stealth election.

                          I've gone back through my note's; and I can't find by what rules/parameters we are playing by exactly. As far as I know (if I recall correctly), claw919 is the "CMN" and he laid down the rule(s) in an e-mail, mailed to all the original players, back in April 2002.

                          So for 'stealth elections', I suppose that DD wasen't advised of the rules/parameters that we had to post the results, turn by turn, If indeed that is what we have to do.

                          I still don't know who 'Batman' is supposed to be.

                          In my screen of the Hive faction profile; it shows that we are pacted. For how long have you noticed this ? My oldest turn on record is 2202, I have checked them all.

                          As for the eplanation(s)... I don't see why I have to explain my reasons for pacting with the Hive anymore than I would expect you to explain your reasons for pacting with the Morganites or UoP. Especially in a public forum! C'mon Mongoose...
                          For the contact, the same would apply here also, no?
                          Since I'm at it, and I don't mean to speak for DilithiumDad, but how come he would also feel obliged to divulge this in a public forum, is also beyond my comprehension.

                          Or am I missing something and/or other information here...
                          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                          • I have the EG, and when I checked, it said you two had not made contact yet, i.e. when I checked both your profiles, it did not register that you two had a pact, yet you two were definitely getting energy from it.

                            So it's a question of who contacted who, and how? Not why.


                            • I don't give two shakes of a rat's ass for why, KK. The question is how. Neither you nor Hive have the EG. Unless you met in-game, you should not be able to form a pact. If you did meet in-game, the pact status should show on Hive's infiltrated faction profile. It does not.

                              That is the how I seek. No silly winking eye addresses this very key issue. If you have not met in-game, not only is the pact between Hive and Sparta illegal, the subsequent passage of the Hive commlink to DD is illegal and the election could not be legally called.

                              This from a letter I wrote to CDS after my 2201 turn, which was the first I noticed the situation:

                              This is decidedly odd. I can offer the Hive commlink to KK in the diplomacy box. My infiltration on Hive shows no status between Hive and Sparta. Yet, several of Hive's base screens show commerce income from a Spartan Pact. -snip-
                              I conclude that the Pact between Sparta and Hive was just signed and that the infiltration data doesn't get updated until the turn year rolls over.
                              No idea how I can still offer the commlink, though.


                              • Hokay... I'll go back and check.
                                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.

