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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)

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  • Well, had a brief but heated discussion with Miriam. She doesn't seem to like me much - could be she holds a grudge over my wiping out her units at War Outpost!
    Took out 2 Believer Probe Teams @ Morgan Processing, and I lost 2 Needlejets attacking various Believer units.
    Also, for this campaign, the GEF is going to launch itself out of "People's Base" and take the high road to Miriam's lair!

    Turn to Spasm


    • I know you won't like it, but I suggest the use of nuclear weaponry on Miriam... let's face it... she deserves it ;-)

      I can have 2-3 nukes on her core bases in 4-5 turns.


      • Okay, let's get her.
        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


        • Morgan Processing may fall: I took out 2 Believer Probe teams with my jet, and I'm blocking the river valley the Believers are using to sneak up on the base. On the other side of my fighter there are 2 assault infantry and another probe team. If my needlejet is taken out by Believer fighters, then that will open the way up for the Believer advance on the city, possibly mind controlling it. FYI. I also knocked out that Elite Believer infantry outside of Peoples Base.

          My vote is: Nuke the b*tch!


          • I have miss-calculated. It will take me 9-10 turns to produce the devices, and another 1-2 to get them into place. (Those bases just outside het territory, on the islands, do come in handy).

            She has a bunch of stuff (some 8-4-1s) comng up to the ex Spartan land. My troops just fell into an ambush.


            • turn to darsnan
              Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


              • New game - Teddy Bears' Picnic has started - see:

                (Well, you wanted a surprise .........)



                • from Teddy Bears' Picnic:
                  Zakharov has the Hunter=Seeker Algorithm
                  Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                  • Originally posted by Googlie
                    New game - Teddy Bears' Picnic has started - see:

                    (Well, you wanted a surprise .........)

                    Should be interesting! However, I shudder to think how my kids will react when they ask me what I'm playing, and I say "Teddy Bears Picnic"!

                    Back to PHNC: took out 2 more Believer infantry south of "People's Base". The GEF will wait at the bunker in that position until it is determined at what level Miriam is to be dealt with, and proceed accordingly. We also note the Believer advance into Morganite territory. Because of this, the GEF Air Units working in this sector have moved their landing base further west, to ensure not being captured/ destroyed on the ground. We will continue to harass the Believer advance into Morganite territory.

                    Turn to the one possessing the uranium!


                    • Alert! Alert! Alert! Alert!

                      Miriam is building nukes. At least one, in 20 turns, but she may hurry others. I suggest we all switch our production to SAM Aircraft / Attack Aicraft / Defenders / Nukes and stop building offensive stuff, since all of her bases will be sleeping with the fishes.

                      I also gave you 1-2 techs each, so we can be done with her quicky. If you accept, I espect simillar freebies back from you too.


                      • Miriam is going to nuke us! Thanks SPasmofiT.

                        turn to darsnan
                        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                        • turn to Spasm.

                          Well, Miriam's got a LOT of targets to choose from. I'm sure she'll look for something close to home to targer first!


                          • Those nukes are coming in slowly.
                            The problem is that a 13-1-24 bomber can barely destroy a 2-<4>-1 infantry. I tought I could win this with air power alone. It seem I have to go back and buid some old fashioned rovers and stuff.

                            The good news is that Choppers and Hovertanks are coming, right?


                            • Originally posted by SPasmofiT
                              The good news is that Choppers and Hovertanks are coming, right?
                              We're working on that. I think.
                              Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                              • Originally posted by SPasmofiT

                                The good news is that Choppers and Hovertanks are coming, right?
                                well, actually, no. I don't seem to have those techs yet. I checked my workshop, and the chassis are not there. Can you send me the techs next turn?
                                Otherwise, I continue to kill Believer Infantry south of People's Base. I can do this all day, however advancing would probably be a problem.

                                Turn to the tech alden one.

