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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)

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  • Much argument in the Morgan/PeaceKeeper unity council chamber. What is situation? Report. A young officer timidly hand over a touchpad displaying the yearly reports. So, says Morgan, it seems that the Gaians are becoming worried over our secretive millitairy alliance with the Hive. Excellent! While the Gaians fret over the true nature of our relations with the Hive, they will most likely second guess themselves tripping their own efforts and goals.

    You know, says one of the informants from the peackeeper team. The other faction leaders are becoming suspisios over their troubles with the University, and are begining to wonder about us being involved somehow. Well, says Morgan, we were in a Pact with the University shortly before the millitairy alliance, but no offical communication with that faction has taken place since, but...

    [ Public access suspended from this point, no offical records were kept ]

    Turn to darsnan
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


    • Originally posted by SPasmofiT
      Zak is going down. The fact that he refuses to talk to me even if I kicked his ass in several turns makes me suspect some foreign involvment.
      Just what do you mean by "foreign involvement"?

      Turn to Spasm


      • TURN!

        By that I mean that I've seen this behavious before (total refuse of contact) and it's the case when someone else pais the AI to attack me.

        There are 2 human players besides me. One of them did it! There. Happy?


        • Don't look at me, I know nothing.

          turn to darsnan
          Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


          • who would benefit most from instability in the Hive/Uni/PK/ Gaian sphere? Maybe somebody safe and secure in the southern hemisphere?

            turn to Spasm


            • Enought of this. You are wasting my time. The demise of the University is at hand...

              Anyway, both of you should consider me as "seething" . One more mistake, and I'm going into vendetta mode. Got it?

              Now... let me enjoy the spoils of war! Bring in the slaves!


              • um, okay...

                turn to darsnan
                Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                • The Gaian nation, unless provoked, is a peace loving society. We feel that whoever is behind these clandestine activities will unltimately pay the price: ye reap what you sow.

                  Turn to Spasm


                  • On to other matters! The Spartans have stood up to the Morgans long enough. I am taking this heavily armed menice down. I have begun the invasion taking 1 base this turn, and I hope to take a second base next turn before I run into interferance from the Spartan millitary.

                    I found out that the AI is in a Pact block so they are very dangerus, and the Spartans are getting very close to Planet Busters.

                    turn to darsnan
                    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                    • Originally posted by wgabrie
                      The Spartans have stood up to the Morgans long enough. I am taking this heavily armed menice down. I have begun the invasion taking 1 base this turn, and I hope to take a second base next turn before I run into interferance from the Spartan millitary.
                      This is actually good news for the Gaians, as it should take some of the impetus from the Spartan offensive that is currently under way against the Gaians. However, our economists have informed us that, because of these conflicts, the stock prices for Morgan Body Bags, and Morgan Pharmaceuticals, have gone through the roof! It is felt that these "conflicts" were manufactured in order to benefit the majority stock holders of these two companies, namely CEO wgabrie and Commissioner wgabrie2!

                      Turn to Spasm


                      • spasm e-mailed me this:
                        Why have we not been consulted on this assault?
                        Your increased militarism is alarming. You are disturbing the balance of power, and frankly, this was not the time.
                        I had some military in the area, so I decided to take care of the Spartans in a surprise assault. You are free to assist in the take over if you want, but I am hopelessly behind so I must take over a third faction to further my own aims.

                        I have a superior army and the will to fight, I will go forth now.

                        turn to darsnan
                        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                        • the Gaian's are becoming very alarmed at the militaristic tendancies of a majority of the factions now on Planet. We have sought to keep a balance of peace on Planet. However, now, as we sort through the dead and dying Spartan assault force which we have just repelled, we wonder: must the Gaians cultivate within themselves this same ability, in order simply to survive? The Spartans and University will not talk to us, the Morganites now have instigated a war in the south, and The Hive now goes over to the offensive. Where, the Gaians wonder, are the Peace Keepers, and what are they doing about all of this!?!

                          Turn to Spasm

                          Out of Character: great game, guys! I'm really looking forward to how all of this turns out!



                          • And what may I ask are Gaian Mindworms doing in Peace Keeping territory? I must warn you that I have completed a (5-1t-1) unit to deal with this if neccisary.

                            turn to darsnan
                            Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                            • daddy, would you like some sossage?
                              daddy, would you like some sossage?


                              • To All,
                                the follwing announcement was recorded earlier, but is now being posted at Apolyton for the record:
                                "The Gaian people are a peace-loving society, and we have continuelly strived to maintain our neutrality in all of the conflicts that have been breaking out on Planet. Also, we have always been a friend to all factions in need: when the Morganites found themselves being pressured by both the Spartans and the Believers, the Gaians shared our most top secret military technologies with the Morganites in order to assist the Morganites in their time of need. We also gifted this same military technology to the forlorn Peace Keepers, asking only for their map in exchange, as at the time the Spartans were forming up to attack the remnants of the Peace Keeper forces.
                                Now it is The Hive and Chairman Spasmofit that we have come to the aid of. When we tried to intervene on the behalf of Chairman Spasmofit with Provost Zhakarov, we were told by Zhakarov that he was fullfilling a contract of vendetta against The Hive. At that time, we declared vendetta against the University, and have started moving a small support force towards Hive territory. Unfortunately this force was intercepted and is currently being pursued by superior Spartan forces deep into Peace Keeper territory. For our valiant effort to support the Hive (even though it is no longer needed, as Zhakarov's enclave has been elimnated), the Hive has extended the offer of a Pact. We would again like to stress the point that the Gaian people are a peace loving society, and have strictly adhered to a path of neutrality in all of the conflicts on Planet to date. However, with the almost complete complicity of the Peace Keeper's motives being directed by CEO wgabrie, as well as the current state of vendetta existing between the Spartan Federation and the Gaians, we feel that it is in the best interests of the Gaian people to Pact with The Hive. From now on, a friend of Chariman Spasmofit's is a friend of Lord Darsnan's, and an enemy of Chairman Spasmofit's will have to answer to the military element of the Gaian High Command.
                                End of transmission.

                                Sorry about the reload: game locked up again.

                                Turn 2160 to Spasm.

