Much argument in the Morgan/PeaceKeeper unity council chamber. What is situation? Report. A young officer timidly hand over a touchpad displaying the yearly reports. So, says Morgan, it seems that the Gaians are becoming worried over our secretive millitairy alliance with the Hive. Excellent! While the Gaians fret over the true nature of our relations with the Hive, they will most likely second guess themselves tripping their own efforts and goals.
You know, says one of the informants from the peackeeper team. The other faction leaders are becoming suspisios over their troubles with the University, and are begining to wonder about us being involved somehow. Well, says Morgan, we were in a Pact with the University shortly before the millitairy alliance, but no offical communication with that faction has taken place since, but...
[ Public access suspended from this point, no offical records were kept ]
Turn to darsnan
You know, says one of the informants from the peackeeper team. The other faction leaders are becoming suspisios over their troubles with the University, and are begining to wonder about us being involved somehow. Well, says Morgan, we were in a Pact with the University shortly before the millitairy alliance, but no offical communication with that faction has taken place since, but...

[ Public access suspended from this point, no offical records were kept ]

Turn to darsnan