The ammount of Spartan and Believer armous deployed is unbelievable! I'm getting attacked even at home. This is unacceptable. I'm going to reorganize my forces.
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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)
Originally posted by wgabrie
Well it looks like I sent the turn off to arborman.
Sparta was emptied of defenders, however all was given in the assault. We will have to wait until the next Standard Turn to claim this prize! Meanwhile, in our southern offensive, we have met stiff Spartan resistance. We will wait until our Assault Infantry are in place before proceeding.
Turn to Spasm
Sparta Command has fallen! However, not without significant losses: gone are the days of advances of 3 tiles every Standard Turn, as was experienced after the fall of War Outpost. Now, it is savage fighting, house to house, in the city sprawl of Sparta which has just fallen, as well as now the outer suburbs of Defiance Freehold. Advances are now measured in how the war of attrition fares: we are bringing up our siege machines to tip the scales of this new war in our favor.
Turn to Spasm
I have another proposal! Let's ignore the transcend victory path!
I've been involved with 3-4 other PBEM games, and all of them got stuck in a senseless race for transcend. 4 players, armed with 20 nukes each, and as many orbital pods, race dor transcend for 2 months ;-(
This game is the best evenr, because we really get some action and everything.
Another proposal: Let's get a 4'th player and start a new game in parallel with this one. We seem to be turning really fast some times (4 turns /day). This time wgabrie can play the believers ;-)
Looking forward to hearing from you! ;-)
Originally posted by SPasmofiT
I have another proposal! Let's ignore the transcend victory path!
Another proposal: Let's get a 4'th player and start a new game in parallel with this one. We seem to be turning really fast some times (4 turns /day). This time wgabrie can play the believers ;-)
turn to darsnanDon't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.
Originally posted by SPasmofiT
Another proposal: Let's get a 4'th player and start a new game in parallel with this one. We seem to be turning really fast some times (4 turns /day). This time wgabrie can play the believers ;-)).
The Spartans have, er, had an air force: I just knocked out a Spartan needlejet. FYI.
So as to know which avenue to assault/ defend against, where are you guys concentrating your forces against the Spartans? I am now experiencing heavy casualties thanx to a spirited counterattack by the Spartans, and I have limited support for my forces!
Turn to Spasm
The Morgans are in a life or death strugle just trying to hold our one base from the jets and probe teams, so no advancement on that front anytime soon. The Peacekeepers are going to help the Hive in their offence, but we won't take any Spartan bases until the Hive gets a good foot-hold into the jungles. That is *if* we make it that far.
turn to darsnanDon't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.