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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)

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  • spasm, I accept your trade. The east most base has been abandoned for you to take. I have also changed my picture so as not to creep you out anymore.

    turn to darsnan
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


    • Originally posted by wgabrie
      I have also changed my picture so as not to creep you out anymore.
      Well now as a Gaian I am insulted by your choice of avatars! A money grubbing, ecology wrecking capitalist! Boooo!!!

      Turn to Spasm


      • The text of my last messgae to morgan:

        I have decided to completly remove the PK from the face of the planet. I decided to declare war on you (morgan) and you (PKs) to avenge the instigation of Zak against and because I wanted to! ;-)

        They don't call me a distator for nothing! It seems we have a world-war on our hands, gentlemen!


        • I thought you might pull something like this Spasm, so I prepared a little surprise for you a few bases down. Back to Miriam I go, You can consider me a thorn in your side for the rest of the game, and I think you will find I am a tough nut to crack afterall.
          Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


          • The Gaians support our Pact Brother Chairman Spasmofit in this conflict. Ever since planetfall the Peace Keepers have held a beligerant attitude towards the Gaian way of life: indeed, Commissioner Black Sunrise never changed his rhetoric towards the Gaians, right up until the day he died of his wounds suffered from the mindworm attacks on U.N. Headquarters. His succesor, although not as openly beligerant with the Gaians, has pacted with our ideological opposite, CEO wgabrie. Thus we, the Gaian High Council, feel justified in declaring vendetta on the Peace Keepers!

            Turn to Spasm


            • WOW! I know I shouldn't have, but I have never waged a war againt another human before! (we always transcended

              The gaians want in on the action too... cool with me!


              • Everyone except the wgabrie team and the Gaians voted nay to repealing the U.N. Charter. I wonder why?

                No, Darsnan I haven't forgoten about you. In fact I've been paving a road towards your territory this whole time.
                Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                • Originally posted by wgabrie

                  No, Darsnan I haven't forgoten about you. In fact I've been paving a road towards your territory this whole time.
                  thanx for the intelligence info, wgabrie2! Where the mighty Spartans failed to breach our cities walls, you expect to succeed?

                  Turn to Spasm


                  • TURN!

                    This turn was a good one. 2 enemy troops were distroyed but now it's the turn of the PKs to strike.


                    • We have just called up the councel to vote out Spasm. Not even the combined votes of the mighty Hive and Gaians can stop this.

                      turn to darsnan
                      Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                      • PK's, come out and plaaayy
                        PK's, come out and plaaaayy
                        PK's, come out and plaaayyy

                        Turn to Spasm


                        • TURN!
                          We are proud to announce the capture of [a_PK_base_whose_name_I_cannot_remember]. Some sacrifices were necessary, but overall, this is a success.

                          Also, a valiant probe destroyed managed to slip past Morgan defenses and retrieve their world map. Noone is out of reach for the GREAT Chairman of the Hive!

                          Last edited by SPasmofiT; February 17, 2002, 19:13.


                          • Originally posted by Darsnan
                            PK's, come out and plaaayy
                            PK's, come out and plaaaayy
                            PK's, come out and plaaayyy
                            You asked for it! Try our Mind Worms out for size.

                            In other news I have begun to re-gain the trust of the A.I. for voting Spasm out of office. Sister Miriam was the first to approch us for peace.

                            You're not out of the woods yet Spasm. We have some fight in us yet thanks to a sacrifical unit.
                            Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                            • Originally posted by wgabrie

                              You asked for it! Try our Mind Worms out for size.
                              mmmmm!!!!! Yummy! Send some more!
                              And one of your mindworms for one of my scouts - I'll take that trade anyday!

                              Turn to Spasm


                              • Stop arguing like children. This is fun!

