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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)

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  • #61
    Turn to Black Sunrise.
    Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


    • #62
      Turn to Darsnan


      • #63
        Originally posted by wgabrie
        Guess what? I am sandwiched between the Spartans and Believers! I hope they don't go on the offensive early.
        MMMM!!! A Morgan Sandwich! I'll bet that its very RICH, made with lots of BREAD, and full of PORK! I'll bet both the Spartans and Believer's mouths are watering already.....

        Turn to Spasm.


        • #64
          Noooo... Don't say that.
          Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


          • #65
            Heah wgabrie,
            maybe if your nice to me, I'll give you something that'll give you the opportunity to bite back with against the Believers and Spartans, or at least maybe leave a bad taste in their mouths....

            Turn to Spasm


            • #66
              Originally posted by Darsnan
              Heah wgabrie,
              maybe if your nice to me, I'll give you something that'll give you the opportunity to bite back with against the Believers and Spartans, or at least maybe leave a bad taste in their mouths....
              Hmm... That would be nice. I'll think about it on my next turn.
              Last edited by wgabrie; January 18, 2002, 22:35.
              Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


              • #67
                Turn! I've accepted the Gaian's offer, and I hope they like the exchange.
                Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                • #68
                  Lady Deidre sat at her desk, looking at the responses the Gaians had gotten for their recent research breakthrough. She turned to her Political Officer, "Do you think it was the right choice to give this knowledge away so easily?"
                  "General Zhukov thought it most prudent from a tactical standpoint, and from my diplomatic perspective, well", Albright paused, letting a grin spread across her face, "lets just say it makes my job much easier...."

                  Turn to Spasm


                  • #69
                    Black Sunrise has repeatedly ignored my transmissions. If the situation doesn't improve, I will be forced to draw conclusions.


                    • #70
                      To All,
                      I have been in contact with Black Sunrise: he appologizes for the delays, but he has been working incessantly. He does hope to be pushing turns again real soon, and at the level that only he is capable of. FYI.



                      • #71
                        Our factories have begun construction of a small army to fend off any aggression on the part of the Believers.

                        Turn to Black Sunrise.
                        Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                        • #72
                          Concerning Black Sunrise: I E-Mailed him on Tuesday morning asking him to post to the "Black Sunrise" thread created by Northswordsman asking Black Sunrise to give an update as to when he thought he would be available again. So far I have heard nothing back. FYI.


                          • #73
                            Is anyone else still interested in continueing this game?


                            • #74
                              That depends if Black Sunrise will be back soon to continue playing. When I bought my new computer with extra big Hard drive I decided to fill it by storing the save files of every turn of every MP-game I'm in. We can continue playing anytime we want, even going back a few years.
                              Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.


                              • #75
                                Guys, it looks like the three games I was most involved in are over, replaced and replaced, so if you want to find a replacement, I can send you the password, a text file with the state of the union, and the next move (unopened). Or, I could just open the airlock doors.
                                Things here went pretty sour, and I don't want to talk about it.
                                Sorry for slowing you guys down, I don't mean to spoil the game.

