Turn received from Black Sunrise @ 7:49am est, turn forwarded to Spasm @ 8:14am est.
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Planetfall: Humanity's New Challenge (turn reporting thread)
An injured mindworm had been stalking Last Rose of Summer for several Standard Turns. But, because of its injured state, the animal was only a shadow of its former self, and the locals took to calling it "Old Gimpy", shooing the animal away whenever it got too close to the city. Finally, with the mindworm starving to death because it couldn't capture food anymore, it charged the settlement. Our defensive force waited until the animal was well within range, then flamed it down, ending its agony.
In other news, the Gaian High Council is proud to announce that the computer has upgraded our military capability from "Feeble" to "Wanting"! Alright!!!! So who wants a piece of the Big Green Machine, huh!?!
Originally posted by wgabrie
Don't start boasting yet, or you might end up like Black Sunrise.
Heah Googlie,
read your post, too. We've got a good, and very vocal, group of players on this Planet you created. I can't speak for the others, but I'll do my best to keep you coming back for more: what I'm doing is building the storyline of Darsnan, who will rise from scout status to, well, you'll have to wait and see!
After re-reading the original thread, I see what you mean: hopefully Planet can discern the difference between pridefull boasting and self ridicule: I am now nervously looking over my shoulder as I type this in case the mindworms decide to attack tonight, and JUST WHO IS GOING TO ROCK ME TO SLEEP TONIGHT, WITH THE KNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE JUST IMPARTED ON ME!?!
Before I forget about it again, why Turn sent to Spasm @ 8:00pm est.
I am going now to make some fungal coffee, in order to stay awake until the first of the binary stars arises tomorrow.....
Not much to report: breed, breed, breed, expand, expand, expand, still wonder who it was on my border that "Old Gimpy" took care of for me: we tried dissecting the remains, but the scout team had flamed the beast too well for there to be much salvagable other than a few energy credits.
Turn sent to Spasm.
A scout patrol has made first contact with the units of Sister Miriam. Psych chaplain Miriam who has survived planetfall seems to have grown rather hostile since we last saw her on the Unity. We were able to forge a friendship with the price of Industrial Economics, but friendships based on material things don't last very long. I have ordered my people to use extreme caution when dealing with her and I hope the other faction leaders will do the same.
Guess what? I am sandwiched between the Spartans and Believers!I hope they don't go on the offensive early.
Don't rule me out when I'm losing. Save your celebration until after I'm gone.