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PBEM anyone?

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  • #61
    Natalinasmpf, Regular SMAC PBEM games are frequently started in this forum, but this particular thread is for a SMAX (Crossfire) game. However, I see that there seems to be a new regular SMAC game starting up here, if you are interested. In any case, just keep checking out Poly's AC-Multiplying forum for new game threads (or posting a thread of your own solliciting interest in a new game). Games are also available at CGN SMAC/X Multiplaying and no doubt at other sites. Welcome aboard and have fun.

    Re this game:, I must apologize for missing my self imposed deadline (various conflicts with other games and RL), but I will be getting the game out shortly (before the end of the week, I hope). By way of a teaser, I checked out the time zone stuff and came up with a tentative turn order:
      Player         PlayTime   Location
    - ComStr         0400 GMT Australia
    - Blut0          0500 GMT USA
    - FonnParr       1200-1350 GMT Europe
    - MinuteMirage   1500-2100 GMT Europe
    - USC            N/A Europe
    - TheRedMenace   1800 GMT USA
    Check it out and see if there are any errors or things to add/change; it seemed a little odd that Comstr would fall between Bluto0 and TheRedMenace, but that's the way it worked out; also, I just popped USC in there arbitrarily as I didn't see any preference in there.
    Last edited by johndmuller; September 11, 2003, 16:59.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Blut0
      1500 GMT for me.
      Originally posted by johndmuller
      - Blut0 0500 GMT USA
      this might be the cause of the discrepancy


      • #63
        With these rules, I'm going to have to get lucky and land a hybrid or builder faction, or land real close to one

        Well, all's good. Good luck everyone.


        • #64
          When you guys finally discover each other could you post pics of the maps? The one showing the colored location of everyone?

          Also, use lots of tectonic missiles and planet busters because the pollution will be catastrophic. If you can, keep us informed of your conquests.



          • #65
            Plan: use PBs
            Planned result: massive increase in water levels, drown j00r foez. Rawk.


            • #66
              Sorry for the continued delays; i'm almost ready now though, so long as the hurricane doesn't cut the power I'll be OK.

              Here is the slate of players, their factions and the turn order.

              - FonnParr - Spartans
              - Minute Mirage - University
              - The Chairman, as himself
              - The Red Menace - Drones
              - ComStr - Peacekeepers
              - Blut0 - Cult
              - Unity Scout Chopper - Believers

              The last mention of the title, it was "Blind Leaders", since we ended up not using Blind Research, it seems kinda inappropriate, (unless you want to go back to Blind Research). How about some suggestions for another name (otherwise I'll leave it as Blind Leaders).

              Here is a little teaser on the storyline.

              "What did you say to Yang, USC, that set him off like that?", asked Comstr slyly, "You know he's been pretty hair-triggered ever since the Cap'n assigned Dierdre to do the survey landing. Yang and Dierdre . . . who would have believed that back on earth? What do you think was in that capsule she sent up to him in the recon rocket?"


              • #67
                Game Started

                Well it is finally starting. I sent off the first turn to FonnParr and the passwords to everyone.

                The turn thread is here.


                • #68
                  i wanna play, real bad
                  Agent Subversion out


                  • #69
                    I wanna play
                    any game, any version
                    right now if i can
                    email me if you wanna play
                    i don't care about the details
                    Agent Subversion out

