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PBEM anyone?

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  • #16
    OK, total noob question, but what is a CM?

    And how will I be contacted (my e-mail and other contact info are up to date, of course)


    • #17
      CM is the guy who makes the map, checks its not unbalanced, moved starting locations if it is, KEEPS EVERYONE'S PASSWORDS when the enivtable person drops out.


      • #18
        Ah cool. Then for my next newbie question, how do we trade techs, make treaties, etc, if we're never playing at the same time?


        • #19
          You play yopur turn, contact the other player, type an offer and offer to negotiate.

          The other player when he gts his turn looks at the offer, if he accepts it your next yurn you get it. If he changed the offfer your next turn you can choose to accept or not or change it again.


          • #20
            Hi everybody,

            Can I join to game. I prefer to play University or Spartans. I insist on playing with direct research but we can also play with blin research if yuo want.



            • #21
              The one reason I dislike directed research is it makes builder basically the only viable route to play. Most people are builders, so it prolly doesn't bother them much, but I like things to stay interesting. In general I tend to play "standard" rules because I think of it as playing "regulation style", and deviating from that would be like using a football in baseball, etc....

              But like I said, I'm amenable to whatever, I just get the feeling the rules are going to be "builder's heaven".


              • #22
                If you guys are still looking for a CMN, I can do that for you if you want.

                You'all will need to settle on the rules and who is going to select the factions (There seemed to be some conflict between USC's statement that the CMN assign the factions and a couple of players exprssing faction preferences). As to the Directed/NonDirected research thing, if you wanted a compromise, I could give everyone Centauri Ecology in an nondirected research game in addition to whatever tech(s) they would normally have (and give the Gaians something extra); IMO, that would address the most serious problem you mentioned. There is still a moderate amount of control of the research if one actively works the tech category preferences you can still specify. You might also want to reaffirm that it is SMAX if that is the case, in the event that some of you might have missed it in USC's initial post.

                For my part, I can set up reasonably equal starting positions and give the AI a few treaks to make it a little more interesting (unless you want me to make it a lot more interesting). If you want to try to optimize the turn order to take time zones and/or lifestyles into account, we could do that too.

                Unfortunately, I am going out of town from Saturday the 30th through the following Wed, the 3rd of Sept., during which period I would probably not be able to do any substantive work on creating the scenario setup, although I would likely be able to do some testing if things had gotten that far already, or engage in further discussions if things are still only at that level. Realistically speaking, the game would probably not get set up before I left (unless you all agree on the fine points in surprisingly short order) as I would like to have at least a couple of days to set it up, check it out for balance (and stupid mistakes), and make any adjustments that suggested themselves. If my schedule is problematic, and you find someone able to set you up quicker, feel free to go that way; I won't be offended.

                A good next step would be for someone to list out all the people they think are playing and for everyone to chime in on the faction selection and Directed/NonDirected research thing and whatever else they think needs clarification and to just to register their continued interest, contact information, etc. If you are looking for a standard ruleset, you could use These Poly Rules as the basic set and stipulate any alterations you might want.


                • #23
                  GMT+10 (Australia)
                  Directed/Non Diricted I dont care, but I agree having Centauri Ecology for everyone (and gians get something).


                  • #24
                    GMT +2, play time normally between 15.00 and 22.00 GMT.
                    University (preferably)
                    Directed research, definitely


                    • #25
                      GMT +2, one turn per day, University (preferably) Spartans (optionaly)
                      Directed or blind research, definitely smac. I dont have smax and I dont like it.



                      • #26
                        GMT -6
                        As a general rule, I prefer to play as close to the standard "regulation" rules as possble, i.e. all victories open, blind research, no spoils of war, random events enabled, etc.
                        If we ultimately choose directed research, then I would like at least for the map size to be set to standard, as otherwise it would be a round of 'who is the best builder'.

                        As for start locations, I prefer these remain fairly random, even if two factions are closer than others, what have you. If possible, beefing up the terrain surrounding a start location, rather than moving it, since greater distance from a faction is only an advantage if you're a builder.

                        As far my factions of choice, I'm cool with just about any of them. I don't really like the Progenitors, the pirates, or the Cult, but just about anything else is cool with me, including all the SMAC factions.

                        Also, count this as a vote for making the AI "a lot interesting".

                        Sorry if that sounds long and demanding. Really I ask for a lot but I'm a good compromiser


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by TheRedmenace

                          As for start locations, I prefer these remain fairly random, even if two factions are closer than others, what have you. If possible, beefing up the terrain surrounding a start location, rather than moving it, since greater distance from a faction is only an advantage if you're a builder.
                          I just feel that luck would play too big a role if two factions start right next to each other. If one faction gets a battle ogre and a unity rover from a pod, he might be able to conquer the other faction very quickly.

                          The same goes to some extent for non-directed research. Choosing which techs to research is a vital strategical decision and I don't want it to happen randomly. Getting Centauri Empathy instead of Doctrine: Air Power in a crucial moment is not what I'm looking for.

                          Originally posted by TheRedmenace
                          The one reason I dislike directed research is it makes builder basically the only viable route to play.
                          Could you elaborate on this a little? Wouldn't momentum players suffer from a "wrong" tech at least as much as the builders, if not more because their research rate is likely to be lower than the builder's?


                          • #28
                            I'm GMT -7. Willing to play any faction SMAC or SMAX, blind research would be more challenging plus a more interesting AI would be fun.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Minute Mirage
                              Could you elaborate on this a little? Wouldn't momentum players suffer from a "wrong" tech at least as much as the builders, if not more because their research rate is likely to be lower than the builder's?
                              The reason directed research is more beneficial to the builder should be obvious: as his infrastructure grows, his research is going to be climbing high quite quickly, where a momentum player is going to be getting the bulk of his research through probe teams and as tribute.

                              Directed research also pretty much negates the need to trade tech, as you know exactly what you're going to get, when you're going to get it.

                              As I said, build fests seem kind of boring to me...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TheRedmenace

                                The reason directed research is more beneficial to the builder should be obvious: as his infrastructure grows, his research is going to be climbing high quite quickly, where a momentum player is going to be getting the bulk of his research through probe teams and as tribute.
                                A momentum player still needs to research the right techs to be able to conquer someone or even probe someone. You're pretty bad off if you're on your own on an island without Doctrine:Flexibility. With directed research, you can beeline to ships and probes, or impact rovers or whatever.

                                Directed research also pretty much negates the need to trade tech, as you know exactly what you're going to get, when you're going to get it.
                                Even though you can decide which techs to research, it doesn't mean there aren't any other techs you want. If I have beelined for restriction lifting, I would be quite willing to trade for combat techs, especially if I'm threatened.

                                As I said, build fests seem kind of boring to me...
                                I don't think it's a question of favouring one play style over another, but of giving everyone the opportunity to pursue their strategy by allowing them to choose their tech beelines, while minimizing the effect of luck.

