Curiously, I don't even remember that; albeit it sounds like a possible and good solution - the other faction referred to in it is presumably the Angels?
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Sparta-Gaian relations
Last edited by Kassiopeia; October 23, 2004, 23:35.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Yes- the other faction would have been the Angels
LOL, I can't even find the thread now where I pulled that already-quoted stuff from (it sounds like Maniac talking) let alone find the original thread where it was posted.
(We just have too many threads covering too many topics in each, with lots of overlap. It needs Skanky to spend a couple of hours moving stuff into appropriate locations.
Or add me to the Sparta Mods - after all, I did it last game - and what else does a museum curator do anyway but dust and polish and move exhibits around)
Posted by Illuminatus in the Embassy
We would like to know what technologies are of interest to Spartans. In return, we can offer a same list of technologies of our interest to Spartan Federation.
Perhaps even full exchange of technology lists may occur soon after that.
What's the Junta's position on this?
I gave theto your suggestion (in the Morgan thread) of an Angels swap of Soc Psych for Gene Splicing (you prolly need to tell them that to us, although appearing imbalanced in their favour, it's a case of getting something now rather than nothing later)
With the Gaians, I'd be inclined to say that as we've found an alternate source for HEC, now we're only interested in Doc Loyalty and Int Int at the present time (they know that we are wanting the CDF, as we made their not building it a condition of getting Ethical Calculus - and we don't need to tell them that our 'source" is probing it from Lal)
As the Gaians currently have the turn, shouldn't Kassiopeia be more active in dialogue with them?
We believe (from your earlier offer to trade to us Social Psych and Doctrine Flexibility before decade's end - and your subsequent denial that you are researching Doc Flex) that you are currently researching Social Psych.
We have just obtained this tech and are wondering if you would be interested in a trade sequence that would significanly enhance the technological status of both our factions (we also have 2 of the 3 techs that Social Psych leads to - Secrets and Ethical Calculus - and if the Gaians are willing to engage in some "tech leapfrogging" we would be willing to package these for "yet-to-be-researched" techs and future considerations
I've been busy lately. I haven't checked the diplo forums per se, I've assumed (perhaps erroneously) that if there's a trade that needs my attention, someone'll mention it here.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Okay, I made a new thread with the proposal, but I tried to tie it in with our cold shoulder speech earlier to make it look more cohesive with our earlier stance.
In case you're wondering, I'm taking part in NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, which is why my presence here will be a tad more sporadic than before - fortunately I'm currently on schedule, having written 5600 words in three days.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Originally posted by Kassiopeia
I'm taking part in a National Novel Writing Month ....................... having written 5600 words in three days.
It's in Finnish, but I hope to be able to translate the best parts (the whole novel even) into English sooner or later. The copyright will be entirely mine, I only need to submit to the organisers for word count verification (the only goal is to get 50k words done in thirty days. You can cheat, but there's really no point in it.) Putting it in Stories/Fiction as I translate might be an interesting project.
I'm writing a scifi piece, it takes place in a world where a growth called Legion has destroyed human civilization on the western and southern hemispheres, leaving Europe and Asia to fend for themselves. After fending for themselves for 20 years, the scientists battling the scourge are starting to develop a countermeasure, but for that, they need people who have a very unique genetical mutation.
This is where the protagonist kicks in - a very, very ordinary guy with a very, very extraordinary dna. It's going to go on from there to be a treatise on human psychology, moral issues and the nature of human relationships, with enough suspense and romance thrown in to not bore the reader - I fear I'm trying to get too much done in it, but I have to try.
The main thing is that I'm actually writing this thing out, it's been sitting in my head for two years. The community is nice too, I've shacked up with some fellow Finns on IRC where we share ideas and feelings.
A few lines which I've had to translate for various reasons already:
Mikael was hit for the first time by a sporestorm on a warm November afternoon.
The operation was going perfectly, but Dr. Mallory had never learnt to like the smell of burning human flesh.Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Chaos Lemma:
Let it be known that despite our position on the free flow of information, if we willingly agree to some restriction on information flow, we will abide by it. Our position does not lead us to lie to our trade partners. The embargo with the Angels regarding Doc: Mobility is still in effect.
One note: we should maintain speedy negotiations since we will get Social Psych soon, so we expect details soon. We are willing to accept restrictions on free flow of informations if the price is acceptable.
The turnplaying process has started. Since we got no details from you, I am afraid you will have to preaccept Social Psych in your turn in whatever agreement we may achieve, since I doubt we can achieve agreement within next several hours.
I'm not so involved in diplomacy, so I'm not sure the Junta would agree with the exact proposals I make here, but since you asked for a speedy reply, I'll give you some overview of - as far as I know - the lines we were thinking along:
Unless you have besides Biogenetics other techs we don't possess, there is unfortunately no way for us to engage in a straight tech-for-tech trade. This leaves as far as I can tell two options open for us to trade:
a) We give you SocPsych. You give us a sum of credits in return.
b) We give you SocPsych. As a consequence you'll be able to switch research to something else. You then change to researching a tech we do not have yet and which we agree upon to switch to, and then you give it to us after researching. Leapfrogging in other words. An example of a tech we would be interested in would be Doctrine: Loyalty.
I'm not aware what's the Junta's position on trading embargo's or possible SP-restriction clausules for this particular trade.
Btw, Chaos Lemma reminded me: the Gaians can soon sell DocMob to the Angels! What should we do? Sell it ourselves to the Angels at a bargain price, or make the Gaians a proposal to sell the tech together to the Angels for a sum of credits, and split the profit in two, so as to prevent us competing against each other until we hardly get any profit out of selling the tech? Extra advantage would of course be that it would weaken the link between the Angels and Gaians.