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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • Sound like great suggestions.

    One concern I'm having:
    We could try to figure out together what the current situation is, why they have a problem with us
    What will we do when they start complaining again about us being "uncooperative"?

    Btw, Googlie, would you be present in a parallel channel only available to Spartans? There we could perhaps talk to each other without the Gaians knowing what we're saying and planning.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • Great idea - we could meet in the Federation chat room - it's pretty stable (after you get in - I need to disable my firewall to enter, then reactivate once I'm in)

      The Command Center


      • Rats - we've lost the Gaian Embassy

        (Aimoo has a traffic requirement for their free boards - I was posting a ^ bump every so often to keep it active, but I guess I lost track of when I last posted. This also happened to my CMN Forums board - which is why I was intent on keeping the Gaians one active)

        And when Aimoo closes it, it's gone forever (as Mod, I was warned when setting it up, but there's no warning of imminent closure)

        Ah well, no-one was putting anything there anyways.

        I guess I can do a short piece in our internal history threads about some dissidents blowing it up, maybe!


        • Oops, you should notify our green-tinted friends as soon as you can. At least this time it wasn't on purpose, though they might think it's a declaration of war again ...

          But yes, it makes a good story


          • Originally posted by Snoddasmannen
            Oops, you should notify our green-tinted friends as soon as you can. At least this time it wasn't on purpose, though they might think it's a declaration of war again ...
            Good point................. done (PM to Chaos Theory)

            I've suggested that they ask Drogue to set another up - Illuminatus mentioned that after the taking it offline incident


            • Had an exchange of PM's with Chaos Theory re the loss of the Embassy.

              They're not pissed at us, just haven't seen the need to post anything there as "so much was dicussed during the chatroom meeting"


              They're happy for the time being to use PM's for contact, when anything needs discussing, so I suggested they go thru Kass


