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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • From the Spartan-Gaian Embassy...

    Date Posted: 08/10/2004 11:37 AM

    - Embargo on third party onward trading: - Onward trading (to any third party, human or AI) is prohibited by both Sparta and Gaia...

    Personally; I might be considered shrewd when negotiating, but I always hold my word, even if it means I screw myself (At least I learn for the next time...).
    This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


    • (As an aside, I tried calling Yang - to get the Angels' commlink - he won't talk.

      So I've put the 25 ec's on the table for the Gaians, still "negotiating" (they never did confirm that 25 ec's was the price) and let's see if next turn the Angels call us first, before we pay up)


      • We can also use the "desiring vendetta" clause to our own advantage by a twist, claim that we were seriously planning it against them at the time or something similar.

        I really have to keep a better eye on stuff like that in the future. And add similar stuff our own proposals. I am shamed.
        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


        • You guys were posting while I was typing a reply for Googlie's post stating that 'the turn was on pause'.

          I don't believe that Illuminatus said that (Googlie's next post) too give themselves a loophole clause to break the agreement. Then again, I may not see things the same way as the rest of you do...
          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


          • KK:

            But that was what we tried to insert into the deal after it was tentatively agreed.

            That will apply to all future trades

            But for this one (Gene Splicing and Mobility for Ind Auto and Ind Base), the Gaians negotiated us down to a 5 year embargo, with the weasel words that I quoted from Illuminatus above. They superceded our language, did they not?

            As the "Morgan camp champion in the Junta", I'm inclined to go ahead and trade with the PK's, and live with any negative condsequences that may arise (after all, there's no-one else that Lal can trade it to - except Zak - as everyone else already has it)


            • Do it. We will keep it secret to the best of our abilities. If it's discovered and someone manages to actually prove it, we will deny it, and we'll spin the situation to the best of our abilities. This, of course, will require that the Junta and the Spartans keep silent about it.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • Well, then why did Kassiopeia say in his before last post; "The embargo was on both human and AI players. For 5 turns after the exchange.'?

                He should know what he negotiated. (or maybe I'm having a bad with comprehending the english language today?)

                (Note: I would have quoted it directly, but don't want to take the chance of flipping back the page and losing this post.)

                Edit: Make that the before, before last post. I see that he's posted while I was typing (lol).
                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                • Of course, we could always come clean with them:

                  "Our turnplayer currently has the turn open and has made contact with another of the AI factions (not The Hive)

                  They have requested a trade of Ethical Calculus in exchange for Industrial Automation, and in recognition of your ownership rights to the Ind Auto tech for five years, we are wondering if you would be willing to waive that restriction in exchange for which concession we will send you Ethical Calculus as soon as we get it.

                  However, Ethical Calculus will remain our intellectual property (as regards onward trading by you to 3rd parties), and such trades will be embargoed for five years as per the techtrading terms of our Treaty

                  Time is of the essence as Googlie is currently holding the turn open on his PC, so we would request a reply ASAP

                  If they don't already have ethcalc, they'll jump at that opportunity

                  Plus, it will go a long way to "cementing" our Sparta-Gaian relations


                  • The Junta has agreed to lower the restriction period from 20 to 5 years. The restriction will cover gifting units with properties gained by the traded techs (such as special abilities, chassis, armour, weapons, etc.) to a faction without the technology, and the technologies themselves.
                    "A faction". That should include all of them, AI or human. We could argue that the common procedure is for this to cover human factions only if we need to squirm. But I'm confident that it will be impossible to prove that we traded the PK's IndAuto against this agreement.

                    And in our infamous edit:

                    Embargo on third party onward trading: - Onward trading (to any third party, human or AI) is prohibited
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • I really, really don't think it's necessary to tell them anything about it. We can trade EthCalc to them for something to cement our relations if we want to.
                      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                      • 'Course if we do execute the Lal trade, do we then call up Zak and maybe get yet another tech from him in exchange for Ind Auto?


                        • The giveaway, of course, would be if the PK's and the Uni both then changed SE choices to WEALTH the same turn that we got Ind Auto from the Gaians


                          • *groan*


                            I'm afraid you guys ain't gonna like my answer.

                            Oups! My Mother is calling me. I have to go. I'm afraid I can't be involved in this decision at the moment.

                            Be back later...
                            This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                            • It'd be a giveaway, but the Gaians wouldn't have a surefire way to know that it was us. We could claim they probed it off of us, for instance. Or that either one of them discovered the tech by themselves and traded it to each other?
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • Well, they are the master/submissive team, so if one got it the other wouldn't be far behind

                                I still the "coming clean" concept, though. It'll give us valuable info as to whether the Gaians already might have EthCalc (although they are not running DEM, so I doubt it)

