Eh, so should we sell them EthCalc or not? I have not gotten a clear picture of what we think about this. Should we try to rip some credits off of them?
Krysia: Hmm, that is an interesting idea... I would have someone like Snoddasmannen PM it, but with perhaps with a slightly hostile tone. And sign it Major Snoddasmannen or the like - maybe even go as far as to add "Ambassador to the Morganites". Perhaps try to portray shift in the Junta power balance or the like. (Just for RP purposes)
Krysia: Hmm, that is an interesting idea... I would have someone like Snoddasmannen PM it, but with perhaps with a slightly hostile tone. And sign it Major Snoddasmannen or the like - maybe even go as far as to add "Ambassador to the Morganites". Perhaps try to portray shift in the Junta power balance or the like. (Just for RP purposes)