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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • Eh, so should we sell them EthCalc or not? I have not gotten a clear picture of what we think about this. Should we try to rip some credits off of them?

    Krysia: Hmm, that is an interesting idea... I would have someone like Snoddasmannen PM it, but with perhaps with a slightly hostile tone. And sign it Major Snoddasmannen or the like - maybe even go as far as to add "Ambassador to the Morganites". Perhaps try to portray shift in the Junta power balance or the like. (Just for RP purposes)
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • Oh darn...

      Somebody posted after all (laugh!).

      I was editing while you were doing so.
      This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


      • Kassiopeia:

        I think it would diminish the intended effect if it were PM'd, instead of e-mailed. We want to really find out (and quickly) if the Gaians are stalling, or whatever.

        And, Snoddasmannen, is surely regarded as perhaps, a loose artillery piece in our camp, by the Gaians (No offense intended Snoddasmannen ). I think it would be better if somebody with more authority would do so. It would also demonstrate a more genuine attempt of us trying to get something going, from their perspective.

        I also (now) feel that demonstrating rifts within the Junta is not a good idea. Showing that we act together; quickly, efficiently, and decisively will command much respect from the other factions. hence, we shoot straight (<- which is right in with role playing, by the way).

        Any ways. Just a thought that occured to me after reading his post, that would surely shake something (or anything) from them (him). then we would be in better position on which way to head concerning an alliance with another faction.
        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


        • Thing is, Illuminatus can not be emailed through Apolyton. He's disabled that function. I'm just thinking, if he keeps his cool like any sane person would, he'd spoonfeed us as much false information as possible. Just asking for things, no, I don't think it's *that* effective... and I doubt they're so desperate after EthCalc that they'd just surrender intel to us just because.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • Hmm, I think this situation requires a soft approach, and not us trying to increase the severity of the dispute. May I suggest I post the following reply? Illuminatus and I know each other from the previous ACDG, and I haven't participated in difficult negotiations between our factions yet, so who knows he'll have more goodwill towards me.

            Hi Lord Illuminatus!

            I have news from our Lords. You would probably find out that not all factions would trade Gene Splicing for IA, since Gene Splicing without IA is mostly unusable - we did you a favour by trading you IA - Angels would probably ask much more. Giving you IA should influence your growth greatly.
            Please let's agree to disagree. I cannot see what good this discussion could bring.

            Also, until we get some news from Sparta about possible trading of Ethical Calculus I have been informed not to negotiate about possible technology exchanges for the time being.
            We of the Junta have been discussing thoroughly the possibility of trading you Ethical Calculus, and a proposal from our side may follow soon. However the long time it's been taking us to reply is certainly not due to an unwillingness to trade with you. Rather it's because we do not know what you could possibly give us in return for our technology! While we've been offering a couple techs for sale - EthCalc, DocFlex, SotHB and perhaps a few others; I don't know, I'm not so involved in diplomacy - it is unclear to us what you can offer. That's why I'm glad you said this:

            However, we can easily offer you plenty of technologies now and in future should you decide to trade it.
            To make trade between us easier and to give us an idea what you can offer us, could you please shed some openness on the following issues?

            1) What are you currently researching? Would you be willing to coordinate our research so that you research techs we don't have yet, allowing us to trade techs you don't have to you? Including the possibility of leapfrogging?

            2) What techs do you have we don't have yet?

            3) Do you have sufficient credits? Would you be able to pay cash for techs?

            4) Since you're in vendetta with Yang anyway, would you be willing to consider stealing techs from him, and then trade them to us?

            This information should make it easier to promote trade between our factions.

            Lt-Colonel Pedro 'Maniac' Riveira
            Leader of the Pro-Gaian Wing
            Last edited by Maniac; October 19, 2004, 19:53.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • Originally posted by KrysiasKrusader
              We have contact with every faction that survived Planetfall. As well as the splinter groups from two of these (don't bother asking, I can't believe this myself). So unless your trying to add to the intrigue (gossip) network - it's for you time to come clean.
              I'd steer clear of this for the time being.

              They believe that we have not yet been in contact with morgan, so let's keep them in the dark as long as possible


              • Originally posted by Googlie

                I'd steer clear of this for the time being.

                They believe that we have not yet been in contact with morgan, so let's keep them in the dark as long as possible

                Yea. This is true.

                Any ways; don't look like it sparked much interest.
                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                • Maniac: Feel free to post it, you are the Lt Colonel. Anything you can say to help will be... helpful
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • Okay, posted.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • Originally posted by Maniac
                      Hmm, I think this situation requires a soft approach, ...
                      This was a good approach I reckon.

                      As for your approach KrysiasKrusader, it would sure have been very interesting, though I don't like the idea of jumping out of character in diplomatic contacts. I agree with the idea of showing rifts within the Junta, such as this:

                      Lt-Colonel Pedro 'Maniac' Riveira
                      Leader of the Pro-Gaian Wing
                      (emphasis added)

                      Poor Gaians ... They could see this as a very subtle implied threat that there indeed is an Anti-Gaian Wing, and that it is sufficiently large to warrant that line in your signature. If they fail to give us good answers to these questions, it will only serve to boost the numbers of that wing.


                      • Yup. Pro-Gaian implies the existence of anti-Gaian, should make them shake a little
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • Okay, getting stuff done:

                          I confirm everything Lt. Colonel Maniac has said or will say, considering he's one of the two leaders of the Spartan Federation. My very mandate of office comes directly from him.

                          Here are a few proposals for trades with Doc Flex and Eth Calc. Since we can't know what you'll want, you'll have to modify them if you don't find them agreeable. All of tech trades will by default entail a trade embargo covering third parties for a duration of 15 mission years.

                          1) We will give you Ethical Calculus. You will in turn give us 15 credits for 10 turns as a licensing fee for our information. Also, you must agree to refrain from building Citizen's Defence Force, since the discovery leading to that project, Intellectual Integrity, will be a direct result of our intellectual property.

                          2) We will give you Ethical Calculus. You must agree to not build CDF. You offer us a technology in turn.

                          3) We will give you Doctrine: Flexibility. In turn, you will give us Social Psych and 50 credits, in recognition that while D:F is a level two technology, Social Psych is a level one technology.

                          4) We will give you Doctrine: Flexibility. In turn, you will give us whatever you want to suggest.

                          All things considered, it's mostly open season, but agreeing to 1) and 3) will most likely get you the techs you are after.
                          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                          • Kassi:

                            Maniac suggested - and I strongly endorse it - that we go back to the bargaining table with the Gaians and tell them that we have delliberated further and are prepared to offer Doctrine Flexibility only on the condition that they change their current research from Doc Flex to HEC, and send us that in settlement the year they research it

                            (They'll prolly think that we have them infiltrated)

                            We may have to sweeten our terms for Ethical Calculus as a result of their complying - send it to them now, but perhaps the 15 ec's licence fee is complete the year after they do give us HEC (so maybe all we get is 90 ec's or 105 ec's). But the no CDF and 15 year trade embargo should still apply

                            Thoughts from the others?

                            (And maybe it's post the Flex for HEC post, with the addition "We might be willing, as a result, to negotiate a lower licence fee or a lesser term for your obtaining Ethical Calculus from us"


                            • Maniac suggested - and I strongly endorse it - that we go back to the bargaining table with the Gaians and tell them that we have delliberated further and are prepared to offer Doctrine Flexibility only on the condition that they change their current research from Doc Flex to HEC, and send us that in settlement the year they research it
                              I already suggested that. I didn't say it was the only thing we'll agree to, though.

                              I will give them as-subtle-a-hint-as-possible that proposal #5, the one Maniac came up with, is our most favoured one. I never guaranteed automatic Junta approval on any of the other four proposals, so basically it's the same thing, but without us doing the good old flipflop all over again. I'll throw in the EthCalc line to lure them in a bit, as well. (Again, they're just proposals, open for negotiation, modification, etc.)
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • Just saw your edited post and explanation of the edit in the Embassy. They have the turn, so maybe something will happen this turn after all!!

