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Sparta-Gaian relations

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  • Hokie. Catchya tommaraw.
    This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


    • Well, personally, I'm content that you two decided to come (kinda) clean.

      We need to have our word as rock solid dependable. Even if we screw them over in other areas of the game, they have to trust us in negotiations, and depend on our honor.

      We are of the elite officer class, after all.
      This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


      • Well said, my friend

        (But would their denial of the opportunity be grounds for us to start plotting a vendetta?)


        • (no)
          This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


          • Moot point anyway, as we have their approval

            So we are now treatied with Lal, and have borrowed 89 ec's from him, and have Ethical Calculus.

            None of Morgan, Gaia, nor the Angels have Ethical Calculus

            Regardless of my prior comments re holding back the "accept" on the 25 ec's for the Anmgels' commlink, i have put the 25 and the 50 together and pre-accepted them for the Gaians.

            I don't think we can ask them to wait until 2144 for the proceeds from ind Auto, and I can't see a way to not pay upfront for the Angels commlink at the same time



            • Originally posted by Googlie

              (The beauty of it is ... we'll use Lal's money to pay the Gaians for the right to trade their Ind Auto tech to Lal in exchange for Ethical Calculus, which we'll then sell to Morgan for oodles of ec's (and if they thought Gene Splicing was expensive ...........) as well as to the Gaians and Angels, which means as well that the tech we first steal from Zak won't be Eth Calc but something else .........)

              G GLIE

              (We are the evilist faction
              Pure genious - pure evil!

              Let us rejoice in evil!



              • Good to know they accepted. Now it's time to start thinking who we'll sell EthCalc to and at what price. The Gaians ought to be most interested in it. I wonder what their reaction would be - the Spartans have access to Demo but they don't
                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                • They're already asking (see Gaian embassy). And they want to know who we're dealing with...
                  This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                  • Re their request to buy the Peacekeeper frequency, shall we honestly reply that we hope they understand we want to keep our advantage as in-between tech trader as long as possible, as reward for our early investment towards Doctrine: Flexibility?
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • I'd say yes (after some time it will become moot as everyone gets Flex and sends theit navies exploring - but it's only 25 ec's we are giving up anyway. No biggie


                      • Don't forget; if they're cahooting with the Angels, they'll also get their commlink.
                        This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                        • To clarify:

                          My "yes" was in response to Maniac's question.

                          I believe that we should not trade the commlinks of the AI for as long as possible.

                          Eventyally the human factions will be close to meeting both the Uni and the PK's when their navies get exploring (but by then, maybe, there'll ne no Zak or lal for them to meet (or they might be our slaves)


                          • Ah. Okay then...

                            This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.


                            • and as regards the Embassy query from Illuminatus - it looks like some sharp eyed Gaian spotted the deleted post (it was only up for a max of five minutes yesterday) when Kassi - in response to my "come clean" suggestion - said that we were getting offered Ethical Calc for Ind Auto

                              I'm comfortable telling them it was the PK's, and that we did acquire EthCalc, but we are reluctant to trade it as it is one of the essential building blocks in our executing our medium term strategy (going for the CDF, but we needn't tell them that)

                              And while we don't have Social Psych (that's prolly one that we'll filch from Zak next turn) we can perhaps offer them Secrets (which for them leads them to Green economics - a biggie) in lieu of paying them the 50 ec's

                              Junta thoughts?


                              • Who are we going to deal with in a semi - long term relationship?
                                If it is the Gaians, then I would propose that we let them know we would consider helping them out. If it is Morgan, then I wouldn't help the Gaians, too much at all. Everything we help Gaia with, we are also indirectly strengthening the Angels with their current relationship.

                                Tell the Gaians to breack pact with the Angels if they want serious partnership with the Junta.
                                This is what it means to be a Spartan. It's not the killing or the suffering that matters. It's the purity of focus, without fear of death or pain.

