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Covert Operations - General (2101 - 2124)

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  • #91
    But there is

    It's called Sparta


    • #92
      The fact that the Hive has applied physics is doubly bad for us because if the other human factions suspect that we are going to invade them, they can all just contact Yang and buy off applied physics from him. Then, since they all have info networks, they could immediately switch research to NLmath and have impact weapons within 5-10 years.
      Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


      • #93
        But if they don't have Applied Physics, they have no way of knowing that Yang has (unless they met a 1-2-1 scout, which I doubt (almost certainly if they met anyone it was a Hive 1-1-1 or else they popped the commlink)

        (But, of course, the Angels might already have him infiltrated!!)

        None of the others have flex, so they don't have a gunfoil - the best they'd have is a slow 2 mp Transport. Gaians can't have an IoD yet, 'cos they can't capture one until they get a gunfoil

        (We only know Yang has AP 'cos our foil peeked into the base while it was alongside and saw the garrsion exercising there)


        • #94
          2101: simultaneous founding of 2 bases (so population is 2)
          This is probably obvious to you Googlie, but does this not mean that they started on a river tile? Which implies that they did have a bundle of energy in the beginning. Just stating the obvious here.

          2116: pop grows to 4, so we assume a 3rd base founded (closelu spaced as per the first 2)
          Same here, there ought to be a lot of rivers in Rozeland. You can't move a pod out and colonise the square right next to the base.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • #95
            That's exactly what we are surmising (either they started on a river tile, or popped a pod with their starting scout - or probe team - that created a river, then they moved their 2nd CP two tiles and founded on its 3rd mp)

            Same with base # 3 - same river, just moved the new CP in the opposite direction 2 tiles, then founded the base


            • #96
              topographical map of Chiron from a distance:
              Attached Files


              • #97
                Which leads me to wonder ......................

                Has Buster used the classic CMN set up that gives every human faction equal access to 2 AI factions and 2 other human factions, no matter which direction they go?

                See below (you have to imagine the scrolling map, and it's not quite to scale!!):
                Attached Files


                • #98
                  Here's a possibility. I could see this being the case, as it seems to benefit each faction:

                  Morganites are out of the way, tucked in a little corner, suitable for building.

                  Gaians are also somewhat tucked away.

                  Data Angels are out in the middle a little bit, which would give them many probing targets.

                  We are out in the middle a little bit, giving us some good targets to invade (although the one target we can't get to - Morgan - is the one that would have the greatest rewards, probably.)
                  Attached Files
                  Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                  • #99
                    Here are my estimations of how many tiles we would have to traverse by sea to invade each position:

                    NW (assumed Gaian) position: 20-25 tiles
                    Transport foil turns: 7-10, depending on amount of fungus
                    Cruiser Transport turns: 5-7, depending on amount of fungus
                    Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 3-5 turns, depending on amount of fungus
                    Elite Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 3-4 turns

                    Hive position: Approx. 15 tiles
                    Transport foil turns: 5-7, depending on where we want to invade, fungus, etc.
                    Cruiser Transport: 3-5 turns
                    Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 2-4
                    Elite Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 2-3

                    SW (assumed Morganite) position: 30-40 tiles
                    Transport foil: 10-17
                    Cruiser Transport: 6-10
                    Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 5-8
                    Elite Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 4-7

                    South (assumed Data Angels position: 30-40 tiles
                    Same as Morgan

                    SE (assumed Peacekeeper) position: 20-30 tiles
                    Transport foil: 7-13 turns
                    Cruiser Transport: 4-7 turns
                    Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 3-5 turns
                    Elite Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 3-4 turns

                    NE (assumed University) position: 15-20 tiles
                    Transport foil: 5-8 turns
                    Cruiser Transport: 3-5 turns
                    Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 3-4 turns
                    Elite Cruiser Transport w/MCC: 2-3 turns

                    Note: If we build a coastal base on the southern part of our continet later on, the distance to the Hive, Peacekeepers, Data Angels, and Morganites would be reduced quite a bit.
                    Attached Files
                    Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                    • Hmm - I'm not sure

                      If I were setting it up I'd put distance between Morgan and Gaians, expecting roleplay conflict between those competing ideologies. Who better than the Hive to separate them

                      I'd likewise separate Sparta and the PK's (generally considered to be, respectively, the strongest and the weakest military factions

                      Then it's more a case of giving the Angels decent probe access to the PKs and the Uni, while buffering them somewhat from Sparta.

                      So i think this might be the set-up I'd use (all good speculative fun - the final picture will prolly look nothing like either of us imagine!!)
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Googlie; August 4, 2004, 01:18.


                      • Whatever the set-up, it clearly demonstrates that we need a coastal base on our eastern seaboard to get a gunfoil or foil probe up and running east

                        Invincible will be able to follow the Hive eastern coastling south and we'll see soon enough whether Angels or Gaians (or whomsoever) is there south of the Hive


                        • Oooh, I sure like your estimation a lot! Morganites and University on either side, what more could one ask for? I wonder though, wouldn't the creators put the University and Peacekeepers together, as the Peacekeepers are submissive to Uni?

                          Edit: Actually, I'm pretty sure that the human factions are at the four corners of Yang. Didn't one of the CMN's say something to the effect of, "Yang will be the first one everyone meets."?

                          Yeah, who knows what it's really like. This is just blind speculation, for the most part.
                          Last edited by Zeiter; August 4, 2004, 01:32.
                          Civ IV is digital crack. If you are a college student in the middle of the semester, don't touch it with a 10-foot pole. I'm serious.


                          • LOL - but speculation is fun

                            And the more I look at how I'd have set it up, and then if we shift the focus of my above suggestion to the Angels - giving the "probe faction" access to nearly everyone, it'd look like this (see map below):

                            Angels in the center

                            Morgan with a natural ally (Uni) and a couple of threats (Hive and Sparta)

                            Sparta with a threat (Hive ) and a couple of targets (Morgan and Uni) and possible allies in Gaians and Angels

                            Gaians with potential allies (PK's and Angels) and a couple of threats (Hive and Sparta), but removed from Morgan by the buffer Hive

                            And by slaving Zak/Lal he's created a counter bloc to the Hive (they don't need to be physically close - in fact, it's more effective if they are separated)

                            So it'd look like this, if Ahgels-centric:
                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by Googlie
                              Scenario 4:

                              Morgan is our early target, before they get too strong. Utilize potential allies (such as Yang, or the other 2 human factions) as necessary, then discard when done
                              I favor this one. I think we should buy the comlink to the Angels off Yang, and try to ally with the them against the Morgans. The Angels will be happy we aren't attacking them (we could even threaten them) and should be happy that we help them punch Morgan around a bit.

                              It is perhaps not likely that they will assist us by sending troops, but they might share some tech with us, and maybe even help defend our interests with their probes? Also, they could know where the Morgans actually are ...

                              Anyway, we should do a Poll about this methinks ...


                              • an alliance with the angels would be very favourable. we have the brawn, and they can steal the brains.

                                We already know we can't outbuild the other factions. There is no way to do it. Conquering in the near future is not likely from what we now know. We could start building transports and troops now I suppose. If we are going to do that, then now is the time. We won't know our target- we'd be sailing blindly towards our destination. Risky venture.

                                Allying with someone who could provide us with research to get our military up to date would be most useful. In return we would provide them with a military defense (either by gifting or actually stationing our troops in their territory). I like this scenario because it gives us time.

                                If we don't do something, we will fall behind. That's my opinion.

