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The Department of Public Relations & Propaganda

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  • #31
    I personally am not sure about Morgasmic...


    • #32
      *bump* after copying over lots of threads from our off-site forum


      • #33
        I dont want to officialy NAME our faction the "Morgasmic Faction". I would prefer keeping the original name or using something a bit less ummmm provacative,

        M ulti-layerd
        O perational
        R esorces for
        G lobal
        A utomation
        N etworking

        Morgasimic sounds like it should be the Morgan version of Viagra (a product of Impaler Pharmacuticals)
        Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche


        • #34
          ... together with the derivate MorNerveGasmic, right?

          Perhaps that is something we should poll?


          • #35
            We don't want to overdo the Morgasm thing. Better to use it sparingly, for special occassions requiring extra humor.
            "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's? Pay no attention to Caesar. He doesn't have a clue what's really going on." -Cat's Cradle


            • #36
              Good work guys!

              Morgasmic seems good to me
              I like the story!



              • #37
                Here is something. It might make for an 'evasdropped statement'. Feel free to modify it.

                CEO Morgan.

                My investment in the UN Unity project was in fact a corporate expansion. Few people on board know that. Upon arrival, a colony would be set up, and a government along the lines of the UN charter would be instated. I am not fond of governments. They are needed to give people the freedom to generate wealth. That is what I like about the UN government. They can be shown how to give people the freedom they need to and it is critical for me to show the UN government how to give people that freedom they need cost effectively. This specialization is good. The UN would run the government, and I would run companies. I would provide some cost cutting guidance to the UN government as a good citizen should.

                In my early days in my career, I saw governments do many projects over budget, and pass expensive legislation with little benefit. On a few ocassions, I saw that many government officials were not the brightest, and would get swayed by others less bright and with some guidance. The UN needs more guidance like few other organizations do. It cries out for the wise CEOs and statesmen to give it that guidance.

                I read how President Saddam Hussein provided valuable guidance to the UN to get his nation's oil flowing again. I read how Bill Gates provided guidance to get the WIPO, UNAIDS and malarial programs up to shape. I saw how Craig Ventner, with the help of President Hillary Clinton, got approval of patented synthetic fossil fuel cyanobacteria in the deep ocean. I saw how Iran gave guidance to the IAEA for lifting damaging restrictions for its pursuit of breeder reactors & reprocessing for its viable, long term energy policy. Lets not forget the guidance to the UN to threaten the Christian States of America to accept manufacture of embroyonic stem cells necesary for life extension. (sister Miram gets mad every time she hears this.)

                I am trying to show Lal, but his interest seems limited to when he visits the luxury corporate colony pod. The UN back on earth was much more receptive to my guidance. Some of my employees are restless and say to stop 'wasting' guidance on one as idealistic as Lal, and start a government of our own. VP Chanuk has been especially vocal on the issue. I must admit, we don't know how to run a government, or even do city planning. We'd only be able to get 4 into a normal base, whereas the peacekeepers know how to get in 9. I am afraid some of them will set up their own faction. Don't get me started on military support, as good corporations are fiscally conservative.
                Last edited by arginine; July 7, 2004, 16:09.


                • #38
                  She cheats her lover of his due
                  but still contrives to keep him tied
                  by first deciding to refuse
                  and then refusing to decide


                  • #39
                    Friggin' CEO Aaron.
                    Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                    Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                    *****Citizen of the Hive****
                    "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                    • #40
                      Make no mistake, the government on planet will be dominated by people originally from the UN back on earth. It is likely that they will operate just like back on earth. I say that is great. Do not worry. The UN's idealism promotes a sense of pride and purpose for its citizens.

                      And, just like the UN back on earth, the UN can be bought and sold. The UN has always been this way. Its human rights commission members share many ideals with Yang. The Universal Declaration of Rights were not implemented by any whom signed it. The support of the UN for removal of sanctions on Iraq was bought for one billion. Many times, UN aid has ended up in the pockets of dictators of Africa (some of whom I dealt with personally). In Somalia, Eretrea, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and in my dear Namibia the UN officials OPERATE many of the crime rings. In many cases, nations sent convicts on peacekeeping missions.

                      Most whom know this side of the UN are disgusted. I am pleased with its true nature, since it reveals the UN as a real organization open to the realites of human behavior and finance. With the proper investments, the high density, well enducated and enthusiastic populace will be made available to us. With those skilled employees and large markets, record profits can be ours!

                      CEO Nwabudike Morgan: Pre-landing strategy session


                      • #41
                        This piece can be used if we want to tie these articles in with the scandal...

                        Chaunk: It's a shame you won't be staying in prison longer.

                        Morgan: You are still mad because I stayed with the United Nations government (Peacekeepers) instead of forming a faction like most of the UNS Unity's leaders.

                        jtsisyoda: Just think of it, a faction by business and for business. There will be no government. No EPA to deal with, no welfare to take care of, no political parties, and most importantly: very low taxes! Our faction would be the most productive faction on planet!

                        Morgan: We don't know how to do city planning. We don't know how to run an army. We don't know how to run a government. Let's leave it to the Peacekeepers. We can use profits to make the peacekeepers business friendly, so we can benefit from our business skills, and the PKs governing skills, and inspiration to the masses.

                        CEO Aaron: Yes, your 'controlled' faction has you on trial for embezzelment. Yep, the peacekeepers are really under your control. If you really believe that, then you are out of touch with reality, and should not be Morgan Chiron anyways.

                        Morgan: This sham 'trial' has diverted many joules of generating capacity, valuable employees such as Snyder Rose and her elite group of hackers, and lots of bad corporate press, which will certainly hurt efforts to secure good trade treaties!

                        Chaunk: Underneith UNS Unity Mission Corporate Law, of which Morgan Chiron was incorporated under, Morgan Chiron officially begins operation, once the first Morgan Chiron meeting declares Morgan Chiron officially open for business. This meeting can take place after the UNS Unity Mission Senate officially anounces the establishment of the government. In this case, that would be the beginning of operations by the Peacekeepers' Senate. Since Morgan Chiron did not approve of using the 10 EC for construction of a luxury grotto, those funds were illegally taken, and thus embezzled.

                        Morgan: WHAT!!!! So, I'm being charged, because I conducted a business decision before a beuracrat told me I could?!?!

                        Chaunk: Technically. However, in a high profile case like this the records are being kept classified, and all that is being revealed, is that you are being charged with embezzelment of lots of energy from Morgan Chiron and spent it on a luxury grotto for yourself!

                        Morgan: That underground grotto was meant for Lal, his entourage, and as a vacation spot for well performing executives! Lal is harder to bribe than his earth counterparts. He got head daily before back on earth. Kofi only needed several million worth of convincing to defy the United States' invasion of Iraq! His successor, Nelson Mandella, only needed one hundred million to sabatoge U.S. efforts to invade North Korea! That grotto alone is worth 10 ECs and I will probably have to give some more to...

                        CEO Aaron: You mean you GAVE him the grotto?!?!

                        Morgan: No, no, no! Lal's deed to the grotto states "This deed may be revoked at any time by ScorpioCorp or it's parent companies." in fine print!

                        jtsisyoda: The day before you were caught the Peacekeeper Senate changed the sentance for embezzlement to the siezure of all the embezzler's assets. Since the trial started, the peacekeeper senate has returned it to its original sentance of a fine thrice the amount embezzled.

                        * Morgan's face turns to one of fury at the realization that the peacekeepers are indeed controling him instead of vice versa. *


                        Chaunk: We tried to warn you that those UN folks can't be trusted, and now it cost you your fortune. Oh well, your former employees now run your company. We will slowly move Morgan Chiron into the investor friendly Data Angels faction.

                        Morgan: Think again. The PKs screwed me, and they'll screw you out of your profits with their socialized industry, industrial espionage, cronyist rival industries with favored government contracts. I've seen it happen before, and it will happen to you. You won't be able to move, because there will be a laws against it soon. None of you have my experience in manipulating corrupt officials. I have have to defend myself against the Peackeeper Financial Court via commlink.

                        *Impailer and -SaFaN- walk in *

                        *method appears on a nearby holoprojector with a monocle on his left eye, lifts his right hand holding a small cup of xenotea to drink a little bit. *

                        method - You were perfectly right all along my chap. The Peacekeepers can be, and have been bought.

                        Chaunk - You won't have to defend yourself, because you need to recieve life enhancement therapy, and immediate cryosleep until the doctors say otherwise.

                        *Chaunk nods to -SaFaN-. -SaFaN- pushes some buttons. Morgan is terrified, and tries to resist as IVs are robotically injected into Morgan and begin inserting cryosleep agents. Morgan is forced into a lying down position. A mask is securly forced on Morgan's face and chilled flurocarbons pour from the mask, into his mouth, then too his lung to rapidly cool his body for cryosleep. Morgan passes out.*

                        Impailer: Some peacekeepers did come down in our colony pod, and will resist. The main garrison is still loyal to Morgan Chiron. They will support us, and most Morgan Chiron employees are not foolish enough to fall for Peacekeeper propoganda. We are ready, and expect only moderate casualties.

                        CEO Aaron: Our comm link frequencies have been changed. The few comm link devices with peacekeeper frequencies set in have been destroyed. They will not be able to find us for a LONG time.

                        Chaunk: Excelent, it is time Morgan Chiron to be spun off from the Peacekeepers, and we will IPO shortly afterwards.

                        method: I must say our plan is working quite splendidly.

                        * Everyone in the room looks at the Peacekeeper poster on the wall espouging a call to unite humanity under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how how the Peacekeepers best represent humanity *

                        CEO Aaron in his best Morgan voice: Human behavior is economic behavior. The needs and particulars may vary...

                        * Everyone laughs maniacally *
                        Last edited by arginine; July 9, 2004, 15:53.


                        • #42

                          But who is Chanuk? Did you mean Chaunk or is it a NPC?
                          Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                          Let me eat your yummy brain!
                          "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                          • #43
                            The names can be changed around if desired. Since Chanuk is our current CEO, I have him as the leader of this takeover.


                            • #44
                              You got me wrong here

                              I meant there is no "Chanuk", the man you´re speaking of is spelled "Chaunk", you see?

                              Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
                              Let me eat your yummy brain!
                              "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


                              • #45
                                Method is Currently Stranded on the Moon so he shoud make his apearance in the story by some kind of coded transmishion.

                                Also I would like to be in the story, it was my idea after all Even some minor part would be enough

                                Lastly I know realy know if I like the Peace Keeper stuff, we havent made contact with them (their likly on another continent after all) and the back story makes it quite clear that each Pod is independently governed and landed. I would prefer our story to be purely internal at this point so as not to waste the thrill of contact which will come later.
                                Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche

