Originally posted by mart7x5
- The formers near Timberland were going to start a borehole. Why farm on arid tile? wouldn't forest be better?
- The formers near EM can go to make new mine as Geo suggests. It may be though next turn, since they complete the mine there this turn.
- I think maybe moving fungy to 25,65 instead 23,65 might be better. I would gladly see the echelon mirror on 25,65. Around that tile we might have farms with solar collectors. We should get quite good energy from this area, ridge and mostly above 1000 meters elevation, so around 4 energy/square.
- Geo, 14,49 and 26,84 are on sea. 26,69 should do solar, as you proposed.
- The former from 18,50 might help the one on 19,49 doing road and I thought a sensor too (maybe). And here important question. Do we plan any new base SW and North from Hercules station? Possible Spartan attack might be launched from there. However, the 15,57 would be at Seraph's wing bay coast, still more protected. And North, 19,47 would get that sea mineral. Any thoughts? These 2 formers might quickly do the stuff, e.g. to 19,47 (sensor there too, and colony pod might be made in KC
- Mart, keep in mind that if you move crawler on 26.68 to 27.69 for nut crawling and put the Snowflake Haven worker from 25.67 to 26.68 the base will have 1 less mineral/turn. So full rush (108 ec's will be needed).
- Seems like we've missed the trick on upgrade production for free (regarding the new deep radar seaformer). When I tried that in the base turn, the game asked me to upgrade seaformers already under production for free, but this hasn't happened here.
- The Crawler plans sounds good to me. Later on the crawler on 21.57 can move to 23.59 to give HS even more nuts if needed and that gives HS more nuts as well for the forest tile will be free.
- How about constructing a crawler first in KP which can aid the construction of an Energy Bank thereafter?
Also, since in a few turns we're gonna spent lots of crawlers, I propose to let KC produce them as well after the colony pod. - Googlieplex doesn't need any sort of garrison until it gets close to size 6, so why not instead moving the Snake to Fungal Heights for roaming the fungus every turn? We might pop something... I agree on the low odds for attacking the Fungal Tower this turn.
- Timberland grows very slow. Perhaps a rec tanks first instead of a rec commons? Or would that make the base grow too fast then in time to construct a rec commons?
- Good one on the foil aircover
, and I sure agree on patrolling 2 or so aircraft towards the spartan side of the sea. Even if we only patrol our part of it would be a start.
- How about renaming the seatile at 7.67 or 7.69? Hackers' Strait has a ring doesn't it?
At least make a placeholder there so the Spartans don't take all names up.
- Yeah, let the plasma defender patrol 26.52 and let it thereafter attempt to enter tile 26.50.
If it works, fat luck but I don't think Yang will go to war over it and as worst simply demands us to retreat the unit.
- And move the northern foil roughly parallel with the Gaian coast towards the Hive. It might get there in time to do probe actions when we and the Gaians start stirring things up.
- And lastly, why not changing the faction leader to Sinder Mart?
Of course the Gaians know as well as us (but shouldn't be aware that we know that) that the Morgans will have MindMachine in 5 turns.