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Angels MY 2131-2140

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  • #91
    'kay, turn is ready to post thus.

    For answers: yes, I plan the next base on probe 111 current location, and yes, the rover is supposed to check for mindworms. I actually hope it will bounce back.

    As for the Kahlua cp, if next production of Verres' is made a scout, that rover is free in a while to escort it. Otherwise we could always sent the other rover back once the new base has it's own patrol.

    Next production Rec Tanks thus. I suppose KP has priority for rushing. Or do we construct RT's in one base at the time.
    He who knows others is wise.
    He who knows himself is enlightened.
    -- Lao Tsu

    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


    • #92
      And I would propose Mart as Sinder...
      I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

      Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


      • #93
        Perhaps Maki feels ready for another session?
        He who knows others is wise.
        He who knows himself is enlightened.
        -- Lao Tsu

        SMAC(X) Marsscenario


        • #94
          Originally posted by GeoModder
          Next production Rec Tanks thus. I suppose KP has priority for rushing. Or do we construct RT's in one base at the time.
          I would propose to start in all major bases RT as next building. We will rush them as energy comes. With 4 rows they will build pretty fast.
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #95
            Agree with mart.
            I'm not conceited, conceit is a fault and I have no faults...

            Civ and WoW are my crack... just one... more... turn...


            • #96
              2139 is in.
              There is still drone problem in Kahlua Probing after completion of cp. Solutions are:

              1. Make a doctor there:
              +0 nut
              +4 min
              soceng: 50/0/50
              17 science/year (12 years)
              +12 EC/year

              2. Change soceng
              +2 nut
              +6 min
              soceng: 30/30/40
              13 science/year (16 years)
              +9 EC/year
              Map creation contest
              WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


              • #97
                In KP we can also go 20/30/50

                This gives Doc Mob in 11 years but and 10 ecs?

                Note the Morgan's have started production of 3 SPs The WP. HGP and the ME

                Their likely strategy is HGP and PTS, which can be a fearsome combination ( if the While you wait game is any guide.

                We might want to think about cranking out those crawlers first or a mixture of crawlers and RTs

                Also quite a number of formers complete this turn ready for forestry and roads or whatever next turn.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • #98
                  I'm in.
                  He who knows others is wise.
                  He who knows himself is enlightened.
                  -- Lao Tsu

                  SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                  • #99
                    Partially played the turn. Only the former next KP and the KP cp must yet be moved. Made a mistake with probe 101, sent it straight west instead of NW, it bumped back from the fungus.

                    I prefer to go as fast as we can on research, and still stay a little bit behind on the Gaians, a matter of having Doc:Flex first, so 20/30/50 energy allocation sounds more interesting to me.
                    So far I started a rec tanks in KP, and a crawler in the other two bases which finished their production. Hurried the Verres' production with 2 energy, 16 left for (possible) hurrying elsewhere (like Enigma for instance, is finished in 2 turns as well).

                    As for the Morgans starting 3 SP's at the same time, they've done that before. I think they do so to gather some surplus minerals while a research with an interesting facility in it is completed and then switch to that facility (like rec tanks). They lose minerals of course when switching but the facility is finished then.

                    So, do we sent the cp north, far east or northwest through the fungus? And do we let the free former move to Kodycryptor for road construction to the north or is another task in someones mind?
                    He who knows others is wise.
                    He who knows himself is enlightened.
                    -- Lao Tsu

                    SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                    • Sending it north looked the best to me
                      On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                      • A road north will be needed for connecting bases there.

                        About Morganic tactics of accumulating minerals in SP for facilities - I would prefer to build crawlers instead than loose minerals this way. They may supply energy for hurrying those facilities and still return full minerals for some SP later. Is there any big advantage in what they do? Maybe security, cause mindworms can't get them like they can destroy crawlers.

                        About colony pod - very difficult decision. all directions have their disadvantages.

                        east - long trip there
                        north - hive synth problem
                        north east - fugus travel

                        I would risk north, but for that I would attempt later to build additional units in those bases for security - in case hive synth attacks and somehow wins. it is infantry after all.
                        More votes are needed
                        Map creation contest
                        WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


                        • I need to post the turn in 10 hours or so from now. If no more people post their opinion in that time, I sent the free former and the cp north, and hurry the production in a base if sufficient cash is available.
                          He who knows others is wise.
                          He who knows himself is enlightened.
                          -- Lao Tsu

                          SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                          • 2139 pressend

                            Sliders at 20/30/50, gives us 6 ec's/year and 12 year research time. I guess update on the diplomaty is necessary then.
                            Cp and former to the north, Kahlua Probing starts a Rec Tanks, the other bases crawlers. Hurried Kodycryptor crawler for 16 ec's, just what we had in the pocket.
                            Attached Files
                            He who knows others is wise.
                            He who knows himself is enlightened.
                            -- Lao Tsu

                            SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                            • 2140 propositions

                              I propose to try popping that pod south of Googlieplex IF no b-drones there with the founding of Heaven's Gate. Reason is that it can for 4 turns be left alone without a garrison. Objections?
                              Guess sending the rover near Heaven's Gate back south so the KP cp can pass.
                              Probe 101 I plan on sending west again by the river which runs to Verres' Loft.
                              Attached Files
                              He who knows others is wise.
                              He who knows himself is enlightened.
                              -- Lao Tsu

                              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


                              • Yes to these plans. I missed some turns, where's the Cp near Chokepoint going?
                                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

