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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

    Hey people !

    The miller's cylindrical projection of the earth is now finally on Apolyton !
    It's on since about a month but Marla is stupid and Marla could not sign in this &@*µM% !!! apolyton forum.
    Anyway, everything is over and my map is FINALLY HERE.

    Latest version: 1.18 (Great thanx to Vonotar)

    Now as a self extractor !!
    It can't be easier to play with correct starting locations !! Just a click on the start menu and it's done !!!! Really Great !
    Read how to do so on the readme !!

    NOTE: The self extractor will automatically put each files on their correct folders, so don't panic... it will also clear older version of the map. Everything has been made so that you don't get anymore a messy civ3 folder.

    Version 1.13 removed after 2293 downloads
    Version 1.17b removed after 1883 downloads
    => It works now with 1.17f version of Civ3

    BEWARE ! It's possible you have to rename the file as ".zip" to be able to open it after the download. That doesn't come from us but from apolyton. If it still doesn't work, go there to download it. (It works, I'm sure about it)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Marla; February 19, 2002, 10:18.

  • #2
    Mini Map of my map

    Here's the snapshot of the map
    Attached Files


    • #3

      yes it is a pain in the neck to register here, never used to be like that..

      is that map large, standard, or ?
      be free


      • #4
        oh thanks for putting NZ in there btw

        I hope you put gold and coal resources on there though?

        pity there's no sheep resource
        be free


        • #5
          I think it is extra huge. (Moded size?)
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • #6
            Yeah, the map is really big: (204x256)
            BUT ! Ocean/Land ratio IS respected, which means, that there's around 2 third of water on that map, so, it's actually not that big.
            For example, we can expect great battles for Europe (especially that this land is really attractive).
            About NZ, well, looking to the stats I have, main ressources in New Zealand are Aluminium (258 000 t) and Steel (608 000 t)... so I've put Aluminium and Iron on it. And yeah, it's so sad that we can't talk about your 57 million sheeps.


            • #7
              Sorry to disturb you guys, I just wanted to notice that I would be pleased to hear potential critics (or praise , but critics would help more) so that I can improve the map even more.
              For now, I just think of adding other names for cities cause it's really boring to see one hundred cities called "new thing" (what after ? new new thing?)
              About ressources, I've tested the game already and for now (350 AD) it looks to work well. I will keep 3 wine ressources in France because I'm french and I can't accept a map without at least Bordeaux, Bourgogne and Côte du Rhône wines presented.


              • #8
                aiyah, I tried out the map, I played as the Babylonians, started where rome is, had the iroquoi right above me, persians right below me and zulu's in egyptian land. within a matter of minutes I was completely sandwhiched by the iroquoi and persians, forcing me to ooze out cities from the right side into useless Afghanistan, so me, with like 7 cities, and the iroquoi with about 20 (fairly big ones), they got sick of me, thought of me as a waste of space and attacked. that was hard.. real hard..
                after a long hard war, I was left with 3 cities being too hard for even 10 mounted warriors to take them, so I figured its a dead game and stopped

                but, with all those resources and the way the terrain is layed out, really makes the game so very interesting, so good work

                I think Civ3 is better with loads of resources around rather than tiny amounts scattered everywhere.

                about NZ, well when I saw how many aluminium resources you put there, I was surprised! I didn't even know NZ had aluminium!!!! I thought we just had sheep, coal, gold and drunk ppl

                does it say how much gold NZ has on your stats?
                its all along the west coast of the south island, there were gold rushes there in the 1800's, chinese, americans, aussies and kiwis all trying to get at it
                now the govt is ripping up small towns to get at billions and billions of dollars worth deep under the ground

                sorri for the lack of grammer, haven't slept in a while now.. and can't be bothered to even care, lol

                great map
                be free


                • #9
                  Thanx Snoop for your post.
                  I unfortunately agree. Rome is the worst place to start because you're in a small peninsula and greeks, germans and french avoid your develloppement by surrounding you.
                  This is certainly the main issue of the map. If we start in Europe, we must fight to create cities as fast as we can, it's a kinda "city rush". I guess Europe is too small to handle with 6 civilizations.
                  Oh! I've forgotten, it's hard also to born in Britain or in Japan, cause we're stick in islands.
                  But it's also interesting, cause generally, there's huge wars in Europe and in the 6 firsts, only 2 survive. And the survivors are generally great world leading civilizations. Of course, it's better to be in the survivors than in the losers... sorry about it.

                  About aluminium in NZ, well to be totally honnest, I've focused on the aluminium production because I liked the idea that asian civilizations had to move to OZ/NZ to find aluminium. About coal, actually I didn't know cause it's today a minor ressource.
                  Now, about Gold, Well, I knew they were a gold rush in Alaska rockies, in Australian Alps, and in South Africa. But I didn't know it existed also in NZ !! I'll add a couple of gold in NZ then.
                  Thanx again, bye


                  • #10
                    Great Map

                    Thanks Marla!

                    So far, this is the only world map with the correct placement of the Yellow River and the right geographical features of China.

                    However, can you put the starting location near to the Yellow River next time (the correct coordinates should be 202, 70), because the Chinese civilization should start near there (This is why China is called one of the four river valley culture).

                    In addition, Beijing is a more modern capital of China. Cheung An and Loyang are the most ancient capital cities in Chinese history, both have been capitals more than 1500 years.

                    And about the Great Leaders, I don't know why Firaxis put Genghis and Kublai in the list, because they are Mongolians. So, if you want to change the leaders of China, here is a short list

                    Warring States Period
                    - Li Mu
                    - Wang Jien
                    - Bai Shi
                    - Sun Tzu
                    - Mon Tien

                    Han Dynasty
                    - Wei Qing
                    - Li Guang
                    - Han Wu Di

                    Three Kingdoms Period
                    - Cao Cao
                    - Zhugui Lian
                    - Guan Yu
                    - Zheung Fei
                    - Zhao Yuen

                    Tang Dynasty
                    - Li Shih Min
                    - Li Jing

                    Song Dynasty
                    - Han Si Zhong
                    - Yue Fei

                    I know it is not much help regarding your map, but it is already a great one anyway.
                    May the Civ be with You, Always!


                    • #11
                      That is the best map I have ever seen for Civ 3.


                      • #12
                        This is THE map, and it is also the reason for the birth of my CIV3BREED starting location utility. Now also Gramphos C3CT utility supplies starting locations for this map as default. And that could only mean one thing; that it is a First class map.


                        • #13
                          About rome, why do you think they went berzerk and conquered all the civs nearby early one? Yeah, it sucks being stuck on a peninsula, even more than an island, because a least, you are isolated and 'safe' then, hehe. I think each starting location needs a different strategy.

                          One last thing... the starting location of Aztecs(which is mexico on your map, should be more to the southeast). How the hell did Mexico City grow that much in there? Plains and mountains, hehe. I would maybe add another wheat resource because I had difficulty growing above 8 size, while all my other cities where happily 12, hehe.

                          The rest is very good. I was playing another earth map, and liked it alot, but when I saw yours, I thought it sucked because it was so different, but the more I play it, the better it is =) Much more realistic.


                          • #14
                            As I think most people want to play with civilizations in their correct locations, I've added a copy tool tutorial that explain how to use quickly this tool to make it so.
                            I wanted to add the copy tool (from Gramphos) to the zipfile of the map, but this program is updated often, so I liked better to put a link in the tutorial to show where to download it.

                            I've also make lil changes like people told me to. I've improved the terrain of the birthplace of the Aztecs and the Zulus. I've added Gold in NZ, and I made some other small changes I don't remember (and not very interesting I guess).


                            • #15
                              About China,

                              Sorry chinese guy I haven't answered you. Well, Even if i guess it's more accurate to put the founding capital city instead of the modern capital, I'm not for changing chinese location.
                              People are used to have Beijing as the capital city of China and that's why I'm too weak to change their feelings. Anyway, you can do the change on your own if you want.

                              About chinese great leaders, can you summarize it to just 4 or 5 names cause we would never see such a big number of army in the game anyway.
                              You can also give me a list of chinese cities to improve the initial list so that there's less New Shanghai and stuff...
                              I totally agree about Genghis Kahn. It's like to put Attila as a great leader of Rome.

                              Another thing, does anyone know what we need to do to go to the civ3-files forum instead of the civ3-creation forum?

