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MAP: Marla's Earth Map - 204x256

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  • Another problem with Marla's Map is that there are no horses in America, but the Iroquese Unique Unit needs horses, so the Iroquese cannot build any Unique Units and therefore do not get the benefits of a Golden Age.

    But since Marla is against putting horses in Amerika, I suggest removing the requirement for horses from the Iroquese Unique Unit.



    • Horses

      Better still I added horses in America, in the western plains and in the Kentucky area.


      • This is the file
        Attached Files
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • Patch

          now that the patch1.21f is out I heard that you can NOT make any changes to marlas map if you install the patch and any changes that one has made to Marlas Map will be wiped out is this true?? I also heard that the starting positions on Marlas Map can not be used as they were written? So in other words patch 1.12f make the map and any changes worthless if the patch is used? is this correct?


          • The fix positions doesn't work anymore with the new patch... just figures.. I find time to play and boom... wonder if I can unpatch


            • patch

              I guess I will not install the patch I do not want to lose all the work I did on Marlas Map. Patch 1.16 is a good one. I may install Civ3 with 1.21f on my lap top but will have to use a small map because it is only 450Mzh 64 MB and would most likely be to slow on a large map.


              • Is there goind to be a 1.21f compatibility update? As of yet I haven't been able to play Marla's map. The one I got from wasn't compatible period, and now that I know there is a proper-placement program I don't want to play the map wothout it.
                I AM.CHRISTIAN


                • Yeah I was planning on playing today but with all the incompatability problems I had to put it off.

                  Darn those updates, but on the other hand, some good ones.

                  Did anyone notice that the editor has the funtion but said it was for "future" use?


                  • marlas map

                    I e-maild Marla yesterday but no answer yet. Sometimes she/he does not answer atall. perhaps some of you could e-mail her,if enough e-mails are sent she/he amy send in a notice to the forum? e-mail address:


                    • CPT has been updated
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • cpt

                        what is CPT??


                        • CPT is the tool used by this map to place the civs on their correct locations.
                          Last edited by Gramphos; April 21, 2002, 05:50.
                          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                          • I dunno, i think Martha's map is in need of updating...

                            thanks for the update on CPT tho Gramphos, works wonderfully...

                            but with the current Martha's settings, im still in a hyper-tech race i find... but its better in a way... im only hitting the Middle Ages by the time of Christ, and not by the time of 500 B.C. (EDIT: um, in this case im comparring Civ3 v 1.17f to 1.21f)

                            so... how does anyone else alter their Martha's? I rather not tinker with the tech rate or costs

                            or can we expect an update?
                            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                            • Martha's/Marals

                              Do you mean Marlas Map ? Who is Marthas??
                              I heard that Marals CPT was not working with 1.21 I e-mailed Marla but no answer. I do not want to use 1.21 if the starting positions are disabled.

