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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • #16
    The problem with that is that then the ships can carry things like marines, paratroopers, and infantry. Probably not what you want.

    I don't believe there is any way for them to carry just cruise missles and not nukes, without making the missle tranport ships unable to carry nukes.
    i had already did like RTodd said and changed cruise missiles to both tac missiles and foot soildiers and then made battleships and aegis cruisers carry tac missiles and foot soldiers only while the nuclear sub doesn't have the foot soldier limiting factor

    i am going to test it right now


    • #17
      Very cool, korn.....certainly interested in how this turns out, esp. from an AI perspective.



      • #18

        well i have edited so that battleships, Aegis Cruisers, and Nuclear Subs can all carry Cruise Missiles, however only Nuclear Subs can carry tactical nukes, cool huh?

        I haven't seen how the AI handles cruise missiles in Aegis Cruisers yet because i just got that working a little while ago, however it can now use airpower with the best of them


        • #19
          "*Fighters stats now 5.4.2 6[1]6 with Blitz
          *Bomber stats now 0.3.2 10[4]8 with Blitz "

          Huh? What's blitz? Does your mod make intercept actually work??


          • #20
            markos i'm an idiot who deleted my file from my first thread so i am putting it here and linking to it from my first post


            blitz is the ability for units to attack more than once in a turn, so that means that air units can now attack multiple times

            sadly though there is a bug in the game and intercept won't work on any mod or the real game itself until the patch comes out
            Last edited by korn469; November 21, 2001, 19:03.


            • #21
              i was doing some more play testing when i noticed something very sucky

              apparently if a building has a bombard defense value built into it, then it disappears once the city hits size six...this looks like it is hard coded

              so there goes the 8 bombard defense from SAM missile batteries

              also i finally thought of a good egyptian name for the building the pyramids puts in every city on the continant and that is the Obelisk

              also on second thought i changed the value of the obelisk to +1 culture instead of +2 since it is probably a little over balanced right now


              • #22
                here are some upcoming changes to this mod...most likely i will probably update it in the next day or so

                Upcoming Ground Unit Changes
                *infantry movement increased to 2
                *marine movement increased to 2
                *tank movement increased to 3
                *panzer movement increased to 4
                *radar artillary movement increased to 3
                *mech infantry movement increased to 4
                *modern armor movement increased to 4

                Upcoming Army Changes
                *Army cost reduced from 400 to 150
                *Cities needed to support an army decreased from 4 to 3
                *Added Blitz ability to armies

                so is anyone playing this mod so far? what do u like about it? what do u hate? is there anything that I can do to make this mod better? all feedback is more than appreciated

                one other thing, i have a reason for all of the changes that i have made, so i include my developer thoughts along with the versions.txt? also in the next update i plan on including a readme.txt that will explain how to install this mod, and i will add in a backup of the original civ3mod.bic


                • #23
                  About the Cruise Missile:

                  You stated that can now load it onto your ships by classifying it as a 'foot soldier'. But can it fire from your ship, or do you need to place the missile on the ground before firing? If yes, then that will answer my next question, which is being able to fire at ships.

                  I still can't stand not being able to fire at ships!


                  • #24
                    WOW! I SANK A SHIP!

                    With a Cruise Missile!


                    as i suspected cruise missiles not being able to target ships is a bug, just hold down on the B ket and you can target ships, however in my play test game, i attacked a 1 hp barbarian galley with a cruise missile and it sank it which was very unexpected

                    i am going to check this again...what i think happened is where i set the cruise missile as a foot soldier so this gave it the ability to destroy ships, you might be able to allow bombers to destroy ground units like in the same fashion


                    After trying things i think the setting in my mod that allows a cruise missile to sink a ship is the tactical missile setting, but i'm not sure, because giving a stealth bomber that setting didn't sink the ship nor did it make the stealth bomber disappear after being used, so i'm not positive but i do know that with my current rules you can load cruise missiles into Aegis Cruisers and that Cruise Missiles can sink ships...that's all i am positive about though

                    note: i couldn't target the galley, but i did find an Aegis Cruiser and a transport that a single click of B could target, however in any case holding down on the B key allowed me to target the galley

                    one further thing, cruise missiles would only fire from a ship when they had the tactical missile flag
                    Last edited by korn469; November 20, 2001, 21:17.


                    • #25
                      is there any chance you could tac on a fascism gov in your mod, or do you know of some way I can use your mod (cuz its good) with wolfshane's gov mod. Currently it just overwrites your mod....


                      • #26

                        ask and you shall recieve!
                        i'll look at wolfshane's mod and add in fascism

                        right now what is holding me up is i am trying to add partisans and it is giving me major problems!


                        • #27
                          Building and Wonder Changes

                          *Manhatten Project is now a small wonder
                          Korn, if this feature doesn't work, then why are you advertising it?


                          • #28

                            if you look in the 1.01 version.txt

                            *Reset The Manhatten Project back to Great Wonder status, but left its updated stats unchanged

                            as soon as it is possible to change the manhatten project to small wonder status with either the editor or a hack i will, but for now i am keeping all of the changes in the version.txt


                            • #29
                              Great stuff korn, scarcity of better tools and hacks is understood


                              • #30
                                here's the new version
                                Last edited by korn469; November 27, 2001, 06:43.

