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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • #46
    Korn, is the Fascism gov included in your mod identical to Wolfschanzes, or did you tweak some settings to your personal satisfaction?

    Currently, Wolf has designed fascism to be an intermediate gov between democracy and communism, with communism being the 'ultimate' war goverment. Many modders created a fascism mod where fascism was the ultimate war government.

    Personally, I'm not certain which I prefer. But, if you could tell me which kind of fascism you've adopted, it may help me decide whether to use your mod as is, or to tweak fascism to something closer to what I want.

    Great work, by the way. Too bad you couldn't get Manhattan to work as a small wonder - maybe in a couple of months. Regarding unit stat changes - was this done to make later-age units more powerful offensively and defensively versus older units? If so, I concur. One of the programmers (Soren, I think) mentioned that unit stats were relatively close to one another to prevent a player with modern units from simply obliterating opponents, and while I understand his goal, I prefer realism (an ironclad would not sink a battleship) over fair play.

    Again, good job.


    • #47

      i created my own version of facsism for various reasons, one was i intend on keeping my download fairly small (less than 500kb) and wolf's was already 2.2 mb

      so without being able to download his version, and since he didn't have a good readme i just made my own, based mostly on nazi germany

      since this is the first attempt at modding governments i am sure that i will institute more changes along the way, but my goal is to give the people at least three (maybe more later) viable modern government choices

      so far i pumped up communism by giving them better spies, more unit support, and immunity to investigate city

      i pumped up both democracy and republic by giving them small unit support 0/1/2

      what i would really like to do is to give democracy the ability to support free workers to pump up their economy

      as for fascism in my mod, it has the trade bonus and the same corruption rate as democracy, however workers in democracy work faster

      i intentionally made fascism have forced labor instead of paid labor so the only thing they can do with their extra money is to use it for either research or espianage

      they have the same support rate as a monarchy

      however fascism has one major down side, and that is it can never assimilate and it has massive resistance as a fascist you will either have to raise cities you capture or garrison them to quell resistance

      i gave them a 4 military police rating, and i bumped communism up to 4 also, but what i would like to do (it's impossible right now) is to make each military unit under fascism to quell 2 pop and to have a limit of 3, while under communism each unit only quells one unit but have a limit of 8

      so fascism should be a good government in terms of research, but you have to use forced labor (and endure the unrest that comes with it to hurry) and while it is pretty good at fighting, communism may be better because of its higher support, and democracy would be better at economy...but facsism would be good, and if you don't mind either razing everything or deal with massive resistance then you should be fine

      what i would really like to be able to do is set government specific buildings...what i might be able to do is have temples, cathedrals etc, be in the same class as kgb/gestapo buildings so they would replace each other, but i haven't tried this out yet so i'm not sure who it will work

      also i made modern units more effective all around so that a modern military should have an easier time of overcoming an obsolete army, plus in my mod everthing upgrades, so there shouldn't be any warriors running out in 2010 anyways

      my next big project is adding in partisans, which will have the following stats

      2(8).2.2 range/rate of fire 1/1, with the hidden nationality flag, and treats all squares like roads, available with communism, they will cost 20 shields and 1 pop

      so how would you like fascism to work and what are your thoughts on it?
      Last edited by korn469; November 24, 2001, 15:49.


      • #48
        A change I made to your Mod were to have the Courthouse give off 2 culture. The reason for this is because in large part the Courthouse is fairly useless, so this will provide some importance to the Courthouse. Of course this is just a personal preference of mine, but also an idea for you.

        Another change I made was to Fascism; I changed the corruption level from minimal to nuisance. I think that Democracy should be the only gov. with a corruption level of minimal.

        I also took away the trade bonus tundra receieves when a road is built upon it. In all reality, how much is commerce going to increase when a road is built in tundra?

        A few suggestions (items I would like to have included) I have for you are as follows:

        1)Make the older boats more powerful, so they will actually be worth building. In fact adding another boat in between galley and caravel would be pretty nice, if you are willing to create new units, but if not then that's fine (if so contact Snoopy to help you out on the graphics part of it, I'm sure he'll do so). Most likely increasing the stats for the older boats will in turn force you to increase all of the other boats' stats, and this is fine by me.

        2)Tweak the tech tree a bit. Making Monarchy a prerequisite for Feudalism is a definite. Adding an elephant unit (again if you can/want to) for Polytheism, then in turn lower the stats for the Indian War Elephant and make the Indian War Elephant the upgraded UU to the Elephant.

        3)Use the changes I made to your mod.

        4)Continue to keep up the good work, because you have done a valiant job on this mod, Korn.
        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


        • #49

          well i had already been toying with the idea of giving the courthouse a +1 bonus to culture, but hey i will go with your suggestion and add +2

          also i intend to keep fascism's level of corruption the same, and then rebalance the game by differentation of the buildings democracy, fascism, and communism can build

          for example most likely in version 1.03 (certainly in version 1.04) i plan on making the following change to colosseums

          Democracy will replace the colosseums with the Movie Theater
          Fascism will replace the colosseum with Fascist Youth
          Communism will replace the colosseum with something, i know what it stats should be i'm just not sure about what to call it

          i also have a few wonders in mind for them

          as for tundra, should i take away the food bonus also? but taking away the trade bonus sounds good

          1)Make the older boats more powerful

          when you say make the older boats more powerful, which boats are you taking about exactly? and also which stats do you think needs improving? i have already made all of the boats besides the galley more powerful (all of them have at least better movement, and most have better attack/defense) could the same effect you desire be achieved by making them cheaper? i don't want modern naval units to lose to old naval units, but if you can point out what imbalances you see i will try my best to correct it

          2)Tweak the tech tree a bit. Making Monarchy a prerequisite for Feudalism is a definite.

          the only way to make monarchy a prereq for feudalism without changing the era's they come in is by making it a required tech, i'll see about that and the war elephants but i'm not sure when i'll put those in

          i'm glad you are enjoying this mod! has it crashed any on you tech wins?
          any other thoughts or suggestions?


          • #50

            it looks like it is freezing on me too when i use your settings, i'm not sure why though i will work on fixing it


            • #51

              could you reload my mod and see if this save game freezes on your computer, because it doesn't freeze on mine even thought it has the seetings that causes the freeze...i'm not sure what's wrong but i will keep playing this game to try and find out
              Attached Files


              • #52
                Originally posted by korn469
                as for fascism in my mod, it has the trade bonus and the same corruption rate as democracy, however workers in democracy work faster

                i intentionally made fascism have forced labor instead of paid labor so the only thing they can do with their extra money is to use it for either research or espianage

                they have the same support rate as a monarchy

                however fascism has one major down side, and that is it can never assimilate and it has massive resistance as a fascist you will either have to raise cities you capture or garrison them to quell resistance

                i gave them a 4 military police rating
                I suggest to change the corruption rate of Fascism from 'minimal' to 'nuisance' (same as Republic) like Wolfshanze did in his mod. Otherwise, I agree with your version of a Fascist Civ3 government, especially with the assimilation chance of 0%.
                "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                • #53
                  well since you and techwins both want it, ok in version 1.03 i will change it to nuisance

                  i am play testing right now and v1.03 will most likely be out tommorrow...i am really trying my best to fix the partisans


                  • #54
                    should we start a new game with 1.03 or can we just upload the update and continue a saved game?
                    Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                    GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"


                    • #55
                      i'm not sure yet OneFootInTheGrave

                      i am still trying to locate the cause of the lockup and i haven't got to add the partisan unit yet

                      though doing some testing, neither submarine nor stealth do anything for ground units


                      • #56

                        I really like your idea of having the coliseum turn into a different building when a different gov is intact, but I am curious on how you are going to be able to do that.

                        Concerning tundra, I had originally taken away the food bonus, but I realized that would leave tundra without any original terrain bonuses what so ever. Although, this would deter the AI from placing cities near tundra even more, so maybe it's not a bad idea after all. Then again it might cause large problems for unlucky Civs that are placed in large part around tundra for their starting position. What do you think? While talking about terrain, when a mountain is mined it should give three extra shields. Grassland should not give off a bonus when mined, and neither should plains. This just creates a horrific looking map and a plethora of micromanagement. To counteract the loss of shields available, just lower the shield cost of Ancient units/improvements/wonders.* In fact, certain Ancient wonders that usually aren't built often should have their shield cost lowered significantly, anyways.

                        The older boats I was referring to are galley, caravel, frigate, etc... It just seems to me that boats, especially the 'older' boats, are useless (same as Civ2). Maybe decreasing the shield cost would do the trick, as you suggested.

                        Yeah, that's too bad about not being able to make Monarchy a prereq for Feudalism. Maybe Monarchy should be a required tech to advance to the next level, because Feudalism shouldn't be able to be researched unless Monarchy is researched first. However, this might unbalance the tech tree a bit. I'm not really sure on this one. Well, I hope you eventually put those in the game, because an elephant unit is desperately needed, IMO. Music Theory and Printing Press should provide an improvement or wonder with them, because too many techs are 'useless' (only are links to other techs). An idea for the improvement for the Printing Press would be an improvement called "The Printing Press" that would either increase production or education. A Small Wonder idea for Music Theory would be called "The Study of Arts" that would give off 10 culture per turn or something to that effect. Also, lowering the cost for ancient techs might speed up the game a bit.

                        * - If the Printing Press improvement is added as a production increaser, then taking away mining bonuses for grasslands and plains and lowering the shield cost for Ancient units/improvements/wonders will be balanced. By the time the shield cost for items increases a production increaser will be available. If most of these ideas are taken into consideration, then they will be balanced, otherwise they may not be.

                        i'm glad you are enjoying this mod! has it crashed any on you tech wins? any other thoughts or suggestions?
                        No the mod hasn't crashed on me, YET. Well, that's about all of the suggestions I have for now.
                        However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by TechWins
                          Music Theory and Printing Press should provide an improvement or wonder with them, because too many techs are 'useless' (only are links to other techs). An idea for the improvement for the Printing Press would be an improvement called "The Printing Press" that would either increase production or education.
                          I was thinking along these lines, but I suggest city improvement called "Newspaper." The newspaper would provide 1 culture and a small research bonus (simulating the spread of diverse opinions and information in the paper.) Perhaps a small wonder, with slightly beefier settings, called 'National Newspaper?"


                          • #58
                            ok, downloaded the save file. Ill play it tonight and see what happens.


                            • #59
                              Had a few problems but here it is

                              When i was creating the zip file i erased my civilopedia.txt so i am including an old civilopedia, however the mod should work, please follow the install instruction included with the mod

                              hope you enjoy, please report any problems you have and feel free to make suggestions!
                              Last edited by korn469; November 27, 2001, 19:06.


                              • #60
                                I got the Please Wait... freeze.

                                I was playing 1.03 vesrion, new game on huge world, the English. It was only 1300 BC, a few tech researched, it happened when all my units were engaged and I gave the scout go to command (with mouse) and it froze.

                                no idea of the reason. I have win 2000, amd xp1333, 256 mb ram etc...

                                and I am using snoopys raised terrain.

                                here is the save turn before that one
                                Last edited by OneFootInTheGrave; November 27, 2001, 14:43.
                                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"

