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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • further problems

    I ran into a couple of additional issues today. (1) Twice I had war declared on me when I did not wish it to happen simply because I sent a colonist through neutral territory and each of them ran into an invisible partisan en route. Surely this is not intended. Normally there would be a warning that further movement will mean war. It is a pain having to reload to avoid this situation in a time-consuming late game. (2) My carrier will not allow my jet fighters to relocate on the carrier. This seems to be a bug.
    Generally speaking, I think the added units and options and additional strength and movement of warships makes for a much better late game.


    • another hiccup

      In the current version, the paratroop drop and its move to another airbase requires an Airforce Installation rather than an Airport, as stated in the Civilopedia.

      By the way, my carrier won't receive my stealth bombers either.


      • what happened to this mod? are you guys waiting for PTW. Korn doesn't seem to show up anmore

        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


        • what happened to this mod? are you guys waiting for PTW. Korn doesn't seem to show up anmore
          sorry about my lack of progress and devotion to this my...i just haven't had any free time

          not only haven't i played any computer or console games in the past month because of lack of time, i haven't even watched any tv either

          though once i get some free time i will get this mod back on track but i have no idea when that will be


          • beware of those invis. partisans. if you drag a unit across the map it can start a war without warning. i told mike at firaxis about it and he said hed pass it on to soren. i love the idea but had to change it for now untill they fix the bug. they fixed it for subs but not land units. ive also found that fasism was causing all the civs to rush/draft themselves down to size 3 or 4 cities and soon couldnt keep up. in my games all the civs were going fasist as soon as they got nationalism so i tweaked it abit and now find all the goverments being used by the ai.
            if you want to use your carriers you need to de-flag the foot-soldier effect added to air units and change the carrier to carry air units only. still no way to get more than one type of unit on a carrier though


            • I had high hopes for this mod, but I find the number of bugs and play balance issues makes it boring to play.

              First there is the carrier issue. No air units can land on it.

              Then there are the invisible partisans. With fast moves for everybody and no combat animations you won´t even notice that enemy partisans are wreaking havoc inside your empire. Not to mention the forced war if you bump into them.

              The 3-pop wheeled settlers is an enourmous advantage for the human. The AI doesn´t understand to crank out a few warriors or scouts while waiting for the city to grow before starting on the settler, and it doesn´t understand to build roads through jungles and mountains in preparation for the settler.

              Bombers are now too powerful with their 2 moves, which means they can bomb 2 times or relocate and then bomb during the same turn. On the other hand, helicopters are now useful since they can drop several units during the same turn. Artillery in general is much stronger than under the normal rules, and 10 artilleries will reduce almost any stack to only 1 hp units.

              While all this might be good in principle and perhaps logical, it makes the human overly superior over the AI with its limited intelligence.

              So Korn, stay low, focus on your more important issues, and only modify the mod for MP use after PTW has been published. No need to tweak it for use in SP, since I think Firaxis original version really is the best when it comes down to balance between the AI and the human. I still haven´t seen one mod which would give the AI a play advantage over the human (not counting masochist AI bonuses on deity level).


              • korn469, I noticed a very long list of instructions for the mod's installation.

                I could make you a proffessional install program.

                It can be all a single compressed EXE file, or just a SETUP.EXE file in the ZIP together with the rest of the files.

                Contact me by mail if want that.


                • Siro

                  that would be great! this week is a holiday week in the US (although i still have to work) so i will not get anything done this week, however things are finally starting to slow down slighty at work, so i might have some free time soon, once i do i will send you a pm about your generous offer

                  thanks in advance



                  • I guess it's a little late to close and move this thread out now but better late then never...

                    The continued thread is here
                    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

