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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • Secondly, do you realize that a battleship will be able to move 75 spaces in one turn?
    uhhh...i think you misread something techwins

    Battleship 25.20.4 16[6]2 200|1

    25 attack
    20 defense
    4 move (4x3=12 with the all terrain as roads)
    16 bombard strength
    6 rate of fire
    2 range
    200 shield cost
    1 transport ability (cruise missle only)

    Either way, though, the war galley should be 0.0.1 30 (sink in sea, sink in ocean, count all terrain as road). This will stop the war galley from making an attack (if winning) and then being able to still move.
    hmmm i'm not sure if i follow you about the stats, i completely understand what you are saying about using all terrain as roads and i think it's a good idea, but what about attack and defense for the war galley? or was that a typo?

    also i think that we don't need two naval transports in the ancient age

    and about making ocean tiles cost 2 movement spaces (or 3), i have been thinking about this in depth already and i haven't decided

    stops early ocean expansion
    doesn't effect units with ATR (all terrain as roads)

    forces all later naval units to have ATR
    all naval units will then have movement in multiples of 3

    what do you think? at first i was leaning towards multiple movement oceans (and possibly seas) but right now i'm just neutral about it

    Barbarians should have a little bit weaker of units, IMO. Here a few possible combos: war charriot/swordsmen - horsement/swordsmen - horsemen/immortals -
    mounted warrior/immortals
    hmmm i think conscript swordsmen/knights work well since the player can control the level of barbarian activity, if each age had it's own barbarians then i would make ancient barbarians weaker, but since they can't it's a trade off so that barbarians don't get too weak too quickly although they are really strong when you have them on raging till about gunpowder

    Lockstep, I think that idea for resources is a good one
    so do i

    i didn't get any private messages about the prebeta offer, but it's still on the table for anyone who wants it, but since there is no immeadiate demand for it i'm going to go watch training day (it arrived from amazon today) i saw it in the theater and it's great, so check it out if you get the chance

    but i'll check here in the morning for prebeta requests and i'll continue to polish the readme and beta8, i still gotta tackle the text files, and i'm waiting on the modded units_32.pcx file


    • uhhh...i think you misread something techwins

      hmmm i'm not sure if i follow you about the stats, i completely understand what you are saying about using all terrain as roads and i think it's a good idea, but what about attack and defense for the war galley? or was that a typo?
      yeah not including the a/d was kind of like my previous mistake... again

      what do you think? at first i was leaning towards multiple movement oceans (and possibly seas) but right now i'm just neutral about it
      Yeah, I think you should go ahead and do it. I think the pros will outweigh the cons, IMO. Plus who knows, if balanced properly there may not be any cons. But anything that can eleviate some of the early AI expansion I am all for.

      hmmm i think conscript swordsmen/knights work well
      sigh...i can see it now...there goes another one of my beloved units to the hated barbarians.

      didn't get any private messages about the prebeta offer
      i would have but i doubt i will even have any time to try out the new version even when it first comes out (i.e. for the next 72 hours i will primarily be at school, work, or be sleeping, in which case the latter will be the least while the middle only shortly follows the former )

      Btw, maybe I'll check out that movie sometime.
      However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


      • Originally posted by korn469
        i didn't get any private messages about the prebeta offer, but it's still on the table for anyone who wants it
        I won't have enough time in the next days to test it. However, I'll take a look at the polished readme later today.

        And now, back to real life - that is, a statuory holiday and fair weather.
        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


        • Okay, a quick question about the blitz mod. It seems a lot more balanced than the regular game, so I thought I'd give it a try yesterday. Everything seems to be working fine, but I noticed that the AI players build cities very slowly. By the time AD rolled around, I had about 20 or so cities, while most of the computer players had 3-4. I know curbing the AI's expansion rate is necassary to make the game more enjoyable, but isn't that a little much? I was wondering how this was slowed down so much, so I could possibly change it to make things a little more balanced. Needless to say, when you have 5 times the number of cities as another empire, it makes things pretty easy. Other than that, everything seems great. That and snoopy's terrain have made Civ 3 much more enjoyable to look at and play, but I was hoping to address this problem. Anyone know anything?


          • trip

            what level are you playing on? that will make a huge difference if it is cheiftan then it will take like either take 2 or 3 times as much good and minerals to grow and expand

            if it is diety then you have encountered a bug

            btw on diety it should take 1/2 of the player's food to grow and the AI also starts out with either 2 or 3 settlers total in beta7.5 so if they only have 3 or 4 cities come AD then something is wrong, horribly wrong

            anyways i should be getting the art this weekend and i will release the Blitz Mod then


            • *Laughs* I was only playing on Regent, I must admit. It seems to be the most balanced in the regular game without cheating too much. How do you suggest I play the mod? It looks excellent, and I'm anxious to play on it some more. If the computer cheats like it does on diety in the regular game, I would sooner want to make them expand more rapidly, since the less I can make it cheat the better.


              • hmmmm, send me a save game that is strange, they should keep up with you, but i'm not sure, though if you are looking for a challenge try diety/raging


                • How should I send it to you? I tried uploading it to a couple of my websites so I could post a link to it, but it won't go for some reason.

                  Currently I have 11 cities (if I've counted correctly), and all the AI civs have 3 or maybe 4 in some cases. I haven't tried very hard in settling my continent after I realized the AI doesn't really try to either. Makes things more fair in a way, but give the player the edge due to the fact if you did expand like there's no tomorrow, you're have a decisive edge if you want to start a war in the Middle Ages.


                  • just zip it and save it as an attachment on here


                    • Ahhh, that's a feature I haven't seen on other forums. Sorry.
                      Attached Files


                      • if there is a reason, most likely it is barbarian activity bringing out the palace defense bug

                        while there is usally one civ that does rather poorly because it stops expanding for whatever reason, i have yet to see a game where all of the civs do that


                        • Originally posted by korn469
                          if there is a reason, most likely it is barbarian activity bringing out the palace defense bug

                          while there is usally one civ that does rather poorly because it stops expanding for whatever reason, i have yet to see a game where all of the civs do that
                          Call me stupid, but, what is the palace defense bug? I mainly stick to discussion and file threads, and don't worry so much about the bugs (since there's too many to count, IMO). And is there any way to counteract this? The game will get kind of lame pretty quick if there's no way to make the AI more competitive.


                          • *Smacks his forehead*
                            Well, it seems that installing the 1.21f patch reset all of my settings (without notifying me), and reset the difficulty to Chieftan. Beautiful. I suspect that's what the problem was, but I'll verify that as soon as I test it out (How in the world can someone play on such an easy difficulty?!?).


                            • Call me stupid, but, what is the palace defense bug?
                              Hey stupid, this is a bug with the Blitz mod (well sort of), and Korn best be taken it out of beta8 so don't worry too much about it. Once Korn releases the new version you won't have to worry anymore. Or if you aren't patient you can just go into the editor yourself and take away the flag of giving the palace a defense should be in the Improvements tab IIRC.

                              Also, have you tested out the modern govs because it seems to me that Communism is a very powerful goverment now? While there is a tile penalty and no trade bonus, the amount of free units and free improvements you will receive seems to put this gov over the top. The key to this gov is to build a lot of well developed cities that use the max amount of free units and nothing more. If this is done correctly you will not have any expenses and have a ton of good things happening for you at the same time. I don't know if this neccasarily bad or good?
                              However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                              • Originally posted by TechWins
                                Hey stupid, this is a bug with the Blitz mod (well sort of), and Korn best be taken it out of beta8 so don't worry too much about it. Once Korn releases the new version you won't have to worry anymore. Or if you aren't patient you can just go into the editor yourself and take away the flag of giving the palace a defense should be in the Improvements tab IIRC.
                                I think I'll do that now then. Another thing I found that might be a problem depending on how you look at it, is how the Panzer unit upgrades to a regular Tank instead of Modern Armor. Was that the intent? If so then I disagree so that will be my little tweak. So far everything else has been peachy-keen, and this mod along with Snoopy's new graphics have made Civ III spiffy.

                                Also, have you tested out the modern govs because it seems to me that Communism is a very powerful goverment now? While there is a tile penalty and no trade bonus, the amount of free units and free improvements you will receive seems to put this gov over the top. The key to this gov is to build a lot of well developed cities that use the max amount of free units and nothing more. If this is done correctly you will not have any expenses and have a ton of good things happening for you at the same time. I don't know if this neccasarily bad or good?
                                I haven't yet gotten to the Modern Age with this mod yet, due to the fact that I was stupid/not paying attention and saw that things were on Chieftan difficulty level. They shouldn't even call it a "difficulty level", more of a... "Winning an OCC is easier than the regular game on Regent" kind of thing. I'll let you know what I think later on though in a few days once I get there. My new game I got placed in a very nice little valley with resources, good terrain, etc., and surrounded by 2 huge mountain chains, so it effectively isolates the area from the AI until I'm able to settle the whole thing (thanks to the addition that settlers are wheeled units and can't move through mountains. ).

