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MOD: korn's Blitz Mod

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  • As this thread is over 500 posts I suggest that you, at your next update, post a new thead, and clean this up from old attachments, and then PM me and I'll do the moving and closing.

    I don't want to rush you, this thread will stay open until you are ready to start a new one.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • ok gramphos no problem


      • Some suggestions:

        Rename "Theater" to Playhouse, to mirror what it was called a the time. (Colluseum is called so but the modern equivalent (sports ground, boxing ring) is named differently. Make a museum wonder called "National museum"(small Wonder), "L'Ouvre", "World Museum of Science"(Big Wonders) or something like that. (Purely cultural and smiley faces bonuses) available at the same time as Museum (wherever you decide to put it at). (Museology, Archaelogy, Nationalism?)

        Don't have a cow man!


        • ok a quick update

          i haven't heard from the sprint job, but i have put in lots of applications and i heard back from walmart, i go in for my third and final interview monday (it's only about half the pay of sprint but it will free my schedule up ALOT), but i have put in my notice at my current job and have asked them to schedule me for less hours, and so i will resume work on the blitz mod but first i am going to try one unmodded game just for test purposes

          anyways, all of the changes we've discussed will be in along with legions being normal swordsmen with +3 hitpoints instead of increased movement...basically a normal legion counts as a vet swordsman etc

          the other big change i mentioned a while ago is that palaces will give +1 happiness and happiness levels will go down by 1 on all difficult levels above regent (i still haven't decided on regent yet)

          so outside of the capital on emperor and diety ALL citizens will start out as unhappy

          any comments?

          i will start a new thread when i post beta8

          sorry about the hiatus


          • missiles...

            hi korn and everybody,

            -the two kinds of cruise missiles (asm+ssm) i suggested before will probably be unnecessary given that we'll have fighters,jetfighters and f15-s able to sink ships

            though it could be better to change the missile to air unit now if that'd be possible to set naval ships to "transports only airunits" with "transports only tactical missiles" and this'd mean that we could load air-missiles onto cruisers and subs while they couldn't base aircraft.
            this has to be tested.

            it could be immobile+rebase+load and should have range of at least 6 (maybe the max 8) to be effectively usable in land campaigns.

            -battleships should be able to carry some missiles i think


            • kettyo

              i'll see if i can get air cruise missiles to work (what i mean by work is get them to load onto the appropriate ships in the right way, if i do get that to work then they will have stealth and precision strike, leathal sea, but i think i'll drop leathal land)
              btw i had battleships carry cruise missiles before but since as a naval power unit the AI couldn't handle it i dropped it, so i will bring this feature back, except it will carry less cruise missiles than either the Aegis Cruiser or the nuclear sub


              • Originally posted by korn469
                they will have stealth and precision strike, leathal sea, but i think i'll drop leathal land
                -why stealth?
                it's good to be able to shoot them down isn't it?
                and for such strikes you'll need some air superiority (won't easily smash a carrier with a stored pack of missiles)

                -lethal land is really necessary
                the main purpose of this unit (for me) would be to DESTROY enemy units inside cities which otherways is almost impossible even now (city bombing bug still present)
                also the main reason for increased range


                • i also suggest making parisan unit NOT load onto ships and NOT airlift for obvious reasons...


                  • Status update, korn? When will beta8 be finished?
                    "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                    • possibly tonight
                      it depends on how late i stay up and how late my girlfriend stays over...i'm haven't finished playing out my test game but i have what i needed from it

                      hehe so if i asked for a vote i bet i'd get something like stay up till it's finished...though i won't have the art ready for it

                      one question

                      should i keep the grenadier? now that i can give the rifleman multiple AI's the grenadier loses alot of its value imo


                      • Regarding the grenadier, do whatever keeps the AI's from using partisans as their main offensive units in the early industrial age (it was annoying like hell for me). If offensive riflemen do the trick, then drop grenadiers.

                        Off-topic: If you'd ask me for a vote, I'd say don't spend any time on Civ3 when your girlfriend is present.
                        "As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW


                        • well she had to go home a few minutes ago, so after a little bit of arguing in the civ3 general thread, i'm off to make the .bic from a fresh civ3 install


                          • ok who gave the blitz mod a vote of one?

                            please list why you think it sucks so bad so i can fix these things, if you don't give me feedback i can never improve what you think is wrong with it


                            • Korn, what did you mean by 'graphics'? Did you mean to provide links to graphics for some of the new units or did you mean to actually include the graphics with the units in the download? Possibly even both?

                              My suggestion to you, Korn, is for you to get it right before you release it, and if that means not releasing it than so be it.

                              I guess this means it's going to be time to start playing Civ3 this a good thing or a bad thing?
                              However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                              • Korn, what did you mean by 'graphics'? Did you mean to provide links to graphics for some of the new units or did you mean to actually include the graphics with the units in the download? Possibly even both?
                                i was referring to all of the little art files to make the buildings and units show up correctly for now for the bare bones download

                                though i have been looking over the unit graphics here and on civ fanatics and have found some i think that will work for an art heavy download

