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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • Originally posted by Alexandre Madeira
    Looks good.
    Satya, I think you removed the canaries, they were just one island, the other one is Madeira (Yea, im named after an island, lol, not really, madeira = wood)
    Really? I always thought Brazil meant wood, or is that a specific kind of wood?



    • I still believe there should be some coal on SA, also, if you want to include some luxuries there, there are some famous Argentine wines on the area of Mendoza...

      also, there are important oil and natural gas deposits both in the area of the Andes (argentine side) to the South of Buenos Aires, and in the southern tip of Continental South America. (one or two tiles north.)
      Indifference is Bliss


      • Originally posted by Dreifels
        the goodies effect all as the AI at once trades a tech that one civ gets to the other.

        I tested it by deleting *all* goodies and got a real surprise: All AI factions were well balanced until around 1800, they made no war before. Then 2 of 16 (the French and the Japanese) all other AI took as target to attack, and that the AI continued until 1965. In that time the AI stopped the wars as all AI civs had similar expanding and level, no significant difference.
        Meanwhile the game was getting unplayable, as there still were 16 factions and all had so much cities and units, that one turn need around 10 - 20 minutes waiting for next moves (depending if there some diplomatics happened between that Ai factions)
        (Pentium III 800 MHz)

        In any case, if you like to play with a historical setting, you have to watch:
        - Americans as race didn't exist
        - Germans, Fance + Russia didn't exist as race (the only the Romans and Greek had been at that time in West Europe. In so far the Civ2 races had been better) Anyway, at last you then you can play with max 13 races only. 2 on American continent, 2 in West Europe, 2 on African continent (Egypt + Zulu), 2 in MiddleEast (Babylon + Persia), China, India, Japan.

        The horses then are restricted to Egypt, Babylon, Persian, China. All other didn't have horses at that early time. Means, these 4 must have so much then, that they can trade with horses.

        England a disadvantage has in any case: Lot of wonders give an advantage "for all cities on the same continent", but in fact it's valid for the same land, there isn't set a continent border in civ3, and where is water there ends a continent for the AI. So a wonder for England gives only advantage on the English iland.

        If you like that a real trade happens between the factions, then you must set the recources so, that only 2 or 3 factions own one kind and miss some other. Trade only happens, if a faction has surplus of a resource and needs an other. No trade happens if a faction has it only 1*. I.e.: a faction having 1 iron never will trade iron.

        Would you see USA out as a civillization??? There is NOway to recreate history with this civillization version, nor any of the previous. All we can do is to set some realistic parameters (herein the map).

        Are you playing on chieftain setting or what??? No war b4 1800? Goodie huts are neccesary and they randomize the game so that no game is totally the same. The two randomizing factors that are in the game is the human player and the goody huts. Else the civillizations would be practically at same strength level each game.

        As for your other comments, I feel they are malplaced and out of understanding of the map. Trade is happening quite often and neccesary for ALL civillizations unless you are playing on chieftain level where you would then have all resources for yourself.


        • Originally posted by HsFB
          I still believe there should be some coal on SA, also, if you want to include some luxuries there, there are some famous Argentine wines on the area of Mendoza...

          also, there are important oil and natural gas deposits both in the area of the Andes (argentine side) to the South of Buenos Aires, and in the southern tip of Continental South America. (one or two tiles north.)

          I believe there is wine in Argentina. I am sorry that it didnt state so on the previous post I posted. There is also one oil I think, but for coal I dont think that SA should have more than they have now... since alot of big coal producing countries are glipping their coal, for example China. China is the worlds largest or second largest producer of coal in my records.... and it have 1 coal in Northen China....


          • Why not cast the resource discussions in terms of what the goal of the map is.
            Is the map supposed to be "accurate", "playable", or a mix?

            If you, the map maker, want accurate, I recommend you look at the USDOE for petroleum and coal.

            I also recommend:

            for uranium production figures (I haven't run across any estimates of recoverable reserves.)

            BTW: Not everyone likes goodie huts. I fully despise them.
            Of course they randomize things, but I hate the thought of creating technology out of thin air. Yes, a lack of huts usually leads to a predictable outcomes for a given region - call it geographical determinism.
            Over the hills and far away,
            Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
            King George commands and we obey,
            Over the hills and far away.


            • I believe we have set this map on realism mostly and then in special cases (for example with Japan) have given them some resources that they do not neccesarily have abuduant amounts of. Bear in mind that the different resources are also a representative for various other same class resources, fx aluminium also representing bauxite.


              • I have read almost whole thread. Took awhile, but this world map is so interesting. Good job so far.

                IMHO there shouldn't be any horses or in america. There are only three civs so they already have big advantage. They can colonize the whole america and they will have much more land than anyone else. If they can have knights and musketeers, europeans have no chance against them. After the industrialization america could be world power again, if they survive so long.

                England. They dont have much land, so they should have many resources. Especially I liked their coal and iron deposits, because they have a chance to build iron works.

                Perhaps every strategic and luxury resource should be found only from 2-4 places. If everyone has everything, it really isn't fun anymore.

                BTW. there should be _very_ much fish on the west coast of Chile.


                • Originally posted by Fromage
                  BTW. there should be _very_ much fish on the west coast of Chile.
                  Yes, he's right. along the coast in the northern (dry) region and then more away from it as it goes south.

                  There should be a relative amount of fish in the SW atlantic also, which has lots of fish due to the not-so-deep water.
                  Indifference is Bliss


                  • Originally posted by satyajedi

                    Really? I always thought Brazil meant wood, or is that a specific kind of wood?

                    Actually, I dont know what Brazil means
                    Alexandre Madeira
                    I create worlds. :)


                    • or I dont remember

                      Anyway, im starting work on my own Mod, "stealing" ideas from other mods, and adding my own

                      I'll post some info as I work in another thread.
                      You're all welcome to post sugestions.
                      Alexandre Madeira
                      I create worlds. :)


                      • btw can you update your first post Satya with the latest version of the map (6.25)? It would really help out for newcomers to the threat (I believe the version on the start of the threat is 6.0?). Some quite noteworthy stuff was changed from 6.0 to 6.25 I believe....

                        For that matter can we all start removing the outdated maps on this thread?
                        Last edited by warlon; December 11, 2001, 15:39.


                        • Ok, I played a little with 6.21... Played as the persians (no iron!) and as the Romans. For the Romans I think hte iron is ok, I guess the AI deserves to be punished if he doesn't get it

                          For Persia, either make it closer or anyone who plays as them should run straight for asia minor to get some

                          So far so good... Techs seem to be going a little more slowly, with a middle ages by 270BC (game as persians). In my game as the Romans (where I just conquered France, Austria and Spain), I think it'll take a little more time to get to those...

                          ah, if only the Romans were more aggressive as AI, I think it would balance things just a litlte more who knows

                          Good job so far though!


                          • Had to try a bit longer session of 6.25 and it is fun. I started in the France (Egyptians) and played with emperor level.

                            Starting location was really good starting location. 3000
                            BC I had colonized whole France, but there was still some free space in Spain. Romans tried to walk through my borders and colonize the Spain. When I told em to go away they declared war. In next 10 turns Romans made many military alliances and soon it was France alone vs. Rome, Germany, Greek, England, Russia and Japan

                            War chariots were great. Costs only 20 shields so I was able to get reinforcements easily. Heavy losses and 3000 years of war, when finally I conquered the whole Italy and we made peace. BTW. I got _six_ leaders with those elite was chariots

                            Some things I noticed:
                            - England isn't isolated. I contacted them in 3600 BC. Is english chanel supposed to be so narrow? Later my cultural influence spread to England and I was ably to build a
                            city in there.

                            - America isn't isolated. I got communications in 3000 BC. I think Japan contacted them first.

                            - Japans attacked France 500 BC. A strange lonely ship transported two warriors to Normandy. That trip propably took 2000 years

                            - Barbarian island. Sicily was full of barbarians. No-one dared to colonize it before 300AD. Then there were over 20 barbarians. I was lucky that I found enough space to
                            land my troops.

                            Balance is pretty good. Everyone seems to have some kind of chance to survive.


                            • Madeira/satya:

                              AFAIK, Brazil comes from a tree which is called Pau-Brasil in portugese, and which is very common in (incredibly) Brazil.
                              Indifference is Bliss


                              • Aye Sicilly is developing into a mafia colony .

                                I think the barbarian huts are cool in representing smaller civillizations, that your empire gradually conquer through force or span of culture (when you build a city in close proximity to a barabarian hut it will just dissapear).

