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MAP: Improved Huge Map of Earth

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  • I updated on 3.9 for that matter, though the latest changes of NZsubheat haven't gone into the map though, since I updated it before he updated his without taking my changes into account.

    overall I think that the terrain geography have been worked out more like civ 2 old map in the 4.6 map. I will notice several errors I found with the 3.9 map:

    Gobi Desert TOO large, no way it could cover whole central asia!

    Mountains in central china???

    Desert in Babylon? and the rivers near there?

    Thailand Malaysia redone to more fit civ 2 old map. Before Singapore was connected to one of those islands and out of place

    Too many mountains in Europe, you don't have Central Europe covered with mountains...

    Mountains near Kenya and no plains?

    pine wood in England.

    non-pinewood in Sweden?

    forest in Helsinki area near Finland?

    Jungle covering whole of Indochina (Indochina don't have THAT much jungle).

    Mountains and hills covering most of Pakistan

    All these "errors" have been corrected for more "realistic" choices.


    • What is your problem dude? We're just trying to make a cool world map, don't make a big deal outta small mistakes. I didn't neglect your 'improvements', on page four of the forum you posted NO FILES before any of the 3 versions of my alterations.

      I'm happy to add on your improvements however and will do so when i get to my computer. Till then, keep a cool head dreifels and take life easy.


      • Actually correcting my last post. I confused you (warlon) with dreifels. Sorry

        But yeah, I just missed your post by pure mistake. Sorry dude and remember to keep calm



        • Originally posted by subheat
          Actually correcting my last post. I confused you (warlon) with dreifels. Sorry

          But yeah, I just missed your post by pure mistake. Sorry dude and remember to keep calm


          oh okay np
          sorry if I was a bit rash X)


          • A few thoughts on the map --

            First, for anyone who doesn't know this, flood plains (Desert w/river) produce more food than any other square!! So for Babylon and Egypt, don't change the start locations to have Grasslands instead of Desert. The combo of desert and flood plain makes for really fast growing cities.

            Second, Having just finished a game on as low a level as warlord there are way to many resources on the map, both luxury and otherwise. This leads to hoarding and little exchanging between the AI civs. Their should be about one or two resources total on the map per civ. SO for a huge map, roughly 16 or 32 of each resource, depending on its strategic value. Also, for goodness sakes give america a horse so that the Iroquois special unit isn't a waste.

            Third, please don't change the suez canal or panama canal to be open sea - this screws with the AI's city building, activly cutting off South America and Isolating Africa. Also, the Panama canal and Suez areas can be crossed if a city is placed there, effectively creating a chokepoint. Same with the bosporus.

            Lastly, China for anyone who knows is extremely hilly in its western and northern parts so flattening out china I think is a bad idea.


            • Originally posted by Kaptnwakky
              A few thoughts on the map --

              First, for anyone who doesn't know this, flood plains (Desert w/river) produce more food than any other square!! So for Babylon and Egypt, don't change the start locations to have Grasslands instead of Desert. The combo of desert and flood plain makes for really fast growing cities.

              Second, Having just finished a game on as low a level as warlord there are way to many resources on the map, both luxury and otherwise. This leads to hoarding and little exchanging between the AI civs. Their should be about one or two resources total on the map per civ. SO for a huge map, roughly 16 or 32 of each resource, depending on its strategic value. Also, for goodness sakes give america a horse so that the Iroquois special unit isn't a waste.

              Third, please don't change the suez canal or panama canal to be open sea - this screws with the AI's city building, activly cutting off South America and Isolating Africa. Also, the Panama canal and Suez areas can be crossed if a city is placed there, effectively creating a chokepoint. Same with the bosporus.

              Lastly, China for anyone who knows is extremely hilly in its western and northern parts so flattening out china I think is a bad idea.

              hm I would presume that Babylon was supposed to be grassland... but Egypt might be floodplains`if it does give more than grassland in food production.

              Aye I myself thought that there were too many resources. But hopefully that will be changed soon

              You can still pass from Arabia to Africa and from Northen America to Southern with ground troops. Point is that there is also a passageway for ships now.

              GO G=Grassland
              OG O=Ocean

              That is the general picture of both channels.

              Yes northwestern China is hilly, but central china isn't THAT hilly as it was before. If it was like that... how could they breadfeed 1.3 billion people nearly by themselves?


              • Great map. All of you put in a lot of work on it. I am encountering a problem with the file, however. Version 4.6 is corrupt (or the file at the end of the link I clicked was at any rate) and therefor unplayable. Version 4.5 had a problem with the tech tree. Wan't able to select techs on the science advisor screen. I tried my other scenarios and did not have a problem. Anyone else noticed this? I'm going to try downloading versions 3.x and see if they work out better.

                Any idea why this might be happening? Is it just me? Shame as the map looks great.


                • Great map. All of you put in a lot of work on it. I am encountering a problem with the file, however. Version 4.6 is corrupt (or the file at the end of the link I clicked was, at any rate) and therefore unplayable. Version 4.5 had a problem with the tech tree. Wan't able to select techs on the science advisor screen. I tried my other scenarios and did not have a problem. Anyone else noticed this? I'm going to try downloading versions 3.x and see if they work out better.

                  Any idea why this might be happening? Is it just me? Shame as the map looks great.


                  • Whoa, what a mess

                    warlon, sorry, but I just didnt like your version of satya's map, so I didnt update from it. I may have thought about some of your changes and included some in my update, but they were minor. If you want to continue your work, I would sugest you change the file name to something like: satya's alternate world map v?.? There may be others who dont share my opinion

                    I updated from subheat's 3.9 (after he readded the changes to NZ). Problem with this map is it doesnt have nicbeam's update to Africa, so I tried doing it myself, not an exact replica but i think its ok.

                    Besides Africa, I think I havent made much geographical changes, readded the atlantic islands, added hills and some mountains in NE Asia, removed just a few in central China (it is hilly there warlon). You can now cross the sea between Italy and Sicily.
                    The Atlantic Ocean is too small, oh well... no way to fix that without remaking it all in a bigger map I guess

                    Changed resources a bit. The Orient (China/Japan/India/few other spots) now have all the Spices and Silks, but you wont find much Coal outside Europe (W Russia included), N America and Australia, if any. Other resources have been changed a bit. Saltpeper is all over now, as was sugested.
                    We should make a couple of new luxury resources with this map, only luxury in Europe is Wine in France, Greece and Portugal.
                    The copper idea is cool. When Firaxis releases the new editor, im going to start work on a mod using this map.

                    How's this?

                    Oh, Satya should also change the text to include the names of the other people who have been working on this

                    File in another post below.
                    Last edited by Alexandre Madeira; November 22, 2001, 15:38.
                    Alexandre Madeira
                    I create worlds. :)


                    • A note to those who are new to this thread:

                      I dont know why warlon jumped from 3.9 to 4.5/6.

                      I havent updated from warlon's map cause I didnt liked his changes, so, unless someone has a problem with my latest update, 4.0 should be considered the latest version to satya's map as im writing this.
                      I'll also mention that warlon's map has some big differences, so you may also want to download his latest version and choose the one you like best.

                      If anyone wants to do further updates, please mention what version you're updating from, 3.9, 4.0 or worlon's 4.6?
                      Alexandre Madeira
                      I create worlds. :)


                      • Originally posted by Alexandre Madeira
                        A note to those who are new to this thread:

                        I dont know why warlon jumped from 3.9 to 4.5/6.

                        I havent updated from warlon's map cause I didnt liked his changes, so, unless someone has a problem with my latest update, 4.0 should be considered the latest version to satya's map as im writing this.
                        I'll also mention that warlon's map has some big differences, so you may also want to download his latest version and choose the one you like best.

                        If anyone wants to do further updates, please mention what version you're updating from, 3.9, 4.0 or worlon's 4.6?

                        I think there is still some realistic issues with your latest addition to the map Alexandre. Four major issues springs in mind:

                        Gobi Desert still covering half of China and other Central Asian countries.

                        Central Europe dominated by mountains, while in Northwestern Europe, Holland Belgium is swamped with forests and half of France covered with hills and forests. Former Yugoslavia was not a mountain country. If anything there should be forests there.

                        Africa with Etopia covered in desert and South Africa with too few mountains while Zulu start in South Africa and historically Zimbabwe near hills instead of jungle and plains.

                        Overall too much clustering of terrain in far east Asia, with little diversity in northen eastern Asia only with terrain types hills and forests.

                        then comes some minor stuff as Chinese starting near Shanghai. No whales near Japan. London not having access to ocean, Germans starting near Hamburg.

                        I will release a 4.7 soon with changes to London start positioning and adding more hills to northwestern China.


                        • Didn't see a preview yet... so here we go

                          180x180 map
                          Attached Files


                          • Ok, how's this?

                            Also added a river or 2 near the Greek and Persian starting location, so they can irrigate.

                            Fixed English and Chinese starting locations. I think

                            Update to 4.0 below
                            removed here with 110 downloads.
                            Last edited by Alexandre Madeira; November 25, 2001, 12:47.
                            Alexandre Madeira
                            I create worlds. :)


                            • Now for the new map v4.8

                              I have looked at 4.0 and tried to combine those two maps.

                              Added more mountains in Europe

                              Added more hills in Central Asia

                              Remade Suez and Panama into land since I realized that the:


                              sketch didn't work out.

                              Taken the New Zealand that was in 4.0 and added it into 4.8 removing one uranium though and adding one "calves" (New Zealand sheep )

                              Added desert in Kazakstahn (I believe that is the name) and added a tid bit more desert in "Gobi" letting it nearly reach the Himalayas.

                              Redone Greenland so there is only 4-5 grassland up there now.

                              Redone the Alsace, Lorraine and Luxemborg area to have more forests.

                              Having the pyrenaeen back.

                              Made every tundra forest, pinewood.

                              Added rivers in Indonesia.

                              Added more a tid bit jungle in Central Africa.

                              I hope that most people will now be satified with this redoing of the map. I have taken in the most realistic from 4.0 and 4.6 and redoing it.

                              Also in the map creation process I have tried to balance out the civ starting locations, though I feel that the chinese, english, americans and japanese all have a bit of a starting edge. But I think that will balance out as the game progresses as the chinese will have hard time to get oil and so will japan and England.
                              Last edited by warlon; December 13, 2001, 19:03.


                              • I probably won't be doing any more future updates, but here are 2 suggestions.

                                There seems to be 2 types of satya's world map now & it might be best if both types started their own thread rather than fight over the "satya's world map" name, especially since people are using different versions to update now.

                                I viewed both v4.0 & v4.8...

                                My only suggestion to future updates would be for game balance. The map should be made more for a balanced game then geographical accuracy - otherwise the Roman Empire (currently surrounded by other civs & with very little land) will have no hope of success in 'satya's world'. And on the game balance note I think there are FAR too many strategic resources (even when I posted my update I felt there were a little many resources). After game balance should be which geographic areas produce the most of that resource. A typical random huge map has about 22 irons... I think there about 40 on these.

                                Nevertheless, good work. Take care.

